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**Getting Started**

A guide to the various information resources available in the Lapp Learning Commons

University of Chicago

University of Chicago / Regenstein Library

As a special perk, CTS IDs provide you with the ability to access and borrow books from the Regenstein LibraryPlease go to the ID and Privileges Office located in the lobby of the Regenstein Library in order to activate your CTS ID card. Students will need to activate their CTS ID card once a semester, while CTS staff and faculty will need to activate their card once a year. Additional information from the Regenstein Library around borrowing privileges for CTS students is posted here.

Some campus libraries have additional policies regarding visitor access.

  • Visiting the Special Collections Research Center requires a pre-arranged appointment. No appointment is needed to visit the exhibition gallery.
  • The D’Angelo Law Library is restricted to current University of Chicago Law School students, faculty, and staff only. All other users may request access to the D'Angelo Law Library collection by pre-arranged appointment only.
  • Walk-in access to the Social Work Library is limited to Crown Family School students, faculty, and staff. All others should use the Ask a Librarian form to request access.

Accessing Electronic Resources

You can access electronic resources at the Regenstein Library if you’re using one of the patron computers. However, if you are using your own laptop, then you will need to connect wirelessly to their network. You can request (ie. password) from the ID & Privileges Office OR the Regenstein Circulation Desk to access the uchicago-library-guest wireless network. This network will allow you to access library electronic resources. The wireless network uchicago-guest provides you with internet access but no access to electronic resources. 

University of Chicago Library policies will apply to University of Chicago Library loans, including policies for handling overdue materials, fines, lost materials, claimed returned items, and recalls.

See COVID-19 Information for Visitors for more information.

Asking for Help at the Regenstein Library

Anne K. Knafl is the Bibliographer for Religion and Philosophy.  Her email is: and her office is on the 4th floor, room 462.  You can also ask questions at the Reference Desk, across from the entrance gate on the 1st floor.


ACTS Libraries

ACTS Library System

As a CTS student, you are also entitled to use the library resources at other ACTS schools. In order to use these resources, you will need an ACTS Library card. Take your CTS ID to the Learning Commons at CTS and the staff will present you with your ACTS card. These cards are valid for one year.

Here's a listing of Chicagoland seminaries that honor the ACTS Library card.

Atla Reciprocal Borrowing

ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program

CTS participates in the the ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program.  North American seminaries who participate in this program grant check-out privileges to each other’s patrons/students.  A patron/student walks into a participating seminary library, shows proof of current enrollment at another participating seminary, and checks out materials based on the library’s local lending policies.

Here’s the list of participating seminaries in the ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program.

Interlibrary Loan

If you need a book or article that is not available at the Lapp Learning Commons, you can place an Interlibrary Loan request for it in one of the following ways:

  1. If you're searching in One Search, fill-out the ILL Form.
  2. If you're searching in OCLC WorldCat, click on the button "Request item through Interlibrary Loan";
  3. Email with your request.

Please keep in mind that receiving materials through Interlibrary Loan can take up to four weeks. Patrons are responsible for keeping track of when their ILL materials are due.

In addition, interlibrary loans of physical books can only be offered at the CTS campus. Distance students are encouraged to place ILL requests through their local public library.