Master of Divinity: 1971-1977
Chicago Theological Seminary MDiv Theses
*Only between 1971-1977 was there an option to produce a thesis as part of the Master of Divinity program.
- Alexander, Jean Marie. The Women’s Liberation Movement: its implications for the church’s ministry of women and to women (1971)
- Bickel, Arthur O. Ministry to coronary patients (1971)
- Cook, James Randall. Social consciousness in the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana), 1960-1970(1971)
- Day, K. Wayne. Freud: contemporary interpretation and the decline of the super-ego (1971)
- Elliott, David D. The soul of man and the radical religious: St. Francis and the twentieth century(1971)
- Hagstrom, Alan J. Towards a dynamic Christian ministry in rural Vermont (1971)
- Ikenberry, Ann Hunter. Day Care: A ministry of the Church in a Changing Society (1971)
- Kaufman, Peter I. Commitment and crisis: notes on transalpine humanism in the sixteenth century(1971)
- Kitchen, William B. The techno-culture and drugs: is there a role for the church? (1971)
- Lowery, James R. Prophecy, priestcraft, or apocalypse?: the posture for Southern urban ministry(1971)
- Massoni, Gary. Perspectives on Operation Breadbasket (1971)
- Matthews, Leah. The unique role of the church in the agropolitan community (1971)
- McCall, John Brierly. Media in theology: phenomenological photography as a mode of communicating religious values (1971)
- Murphey, Joseph M. The meaning of the body in gestalt therapy (1971)
- Ogden, Glenn B. Being authentic in encounter and relation (1971)
- Russell, David R. The effectiveness of gestalt group therapy with adolescents (1971)
- Scheib, Sally Anne. Reinhold Niebuhr’s critique of social change and three novels of the Mexican Revolution (1971)
- Schifeling, Daniel J. American mythology: an analysis of sources and historical development(1971)
- Syster, John E. The junior high: changes in consciousness through the use of Super 8 film(1971)
- Wolfe, Charles A. Toward a theory of the non-speculative layman (1971)
- Bildner, William John. The American Social Gospel and the contemporary church (1972)
- Blossom, Thomas Ira. A pastoral response to individuals facing a rapidly changing society(1972)
- Brown, John Milton. The well-made thing: a metaphysic on theatre and theology (1972)
- Case, Harold Robert. Nazism: a study in modern idolatry (1972)
- Cook, Gary R. Speaking of God: religious language and religious experience in the church(1972)
- Culver, John Blaine. A workbook and study guide for the teaching ministry of the church, in a Peruvian setting (1972)
- Erickson, Richard R. Self-disclosure: a construct for developing church sex education programs with adolescents (1972)
- Halbe, Glen A. Education of Jesus (1972)
- Hallberg, Victor. John Brown, prophecy and radical witness (1972)
- Heath, William T. Auschwitz, a gauntlet thrown before the God of history (1972)
- Katt, Bruce Neal. The social-historical factors effecting ecuminism in the American Protestant churches (1972)
- Mellberg, Friedrich. Prayer and awareness of God (1972)
- Moore, Michael Allen. Minister-workers: Protestant worker-priests (1972)
- Murphy, Dwight W. Guilt: cause, nature, and resolution (1972)
- Rice, William B. An approach to a theology of culture: a study of the Batak encounter with Christianity (1972)
- Thompsett, Bruce A. Theoretical implications for clinet-selected groups: towards a model for group development with relation to educational goals (1972)
- Bartram, William R. Education of today’s youth and tomorrow’s world: an approach to enabling fully functioning existence through the learning process (1973)
- Bauman, Nicholas. Erik Erikson and Roberto Assagioli: towards a theory of the whole man(1973)
- Cramton, Harriet Haseltine. A small pilgrim’s progress: a study of the gradual development of religious consciousness in childhood. (1973)
- Daylong, William Blyth. Battered children in our midst: implications for the church and its ministry(1973)
- Demirkol, Bekir. The development of personality in Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (1973)
- Dirks, Christopher. The celestial origins and seasonal rhythms of the sacred festivals in the Judeo-Christian tradition (1973)
- Duck, Ruth Carolyn. Story: experience and theology (1973)
- Finn, Newton E. Teilhard, Kierkegaard, and a quandry (1973)
- Kehl, Timothy H. The Protestant church and the Labor movement, 1877-1920 (1973)
- Kelsey, Judith A. The emergence of a clergy woman (1973)
- Knight, Dennis R. Freedom: a liberationist perspective on the suburban church (1973)
- Lachance, Paul. The Franciscans, the hutterites, and taize: life together according to the gospel.(1973)
- Lacy, K. Eric. The implications of family intervention therapies for pastoral care (1973)
- McGaughey, Douglas R. Language and the new hermeneutic: a shift from Rudolf Bultmann perceived from the philosophy of Martin Heidegger (1973)
- Newcomer, David E. The effects of the Old Mennonite Great Awakening on the Old Mennonite Church (1973)
- Page, Nicholas A. Ecology and estrangement (1973)
- Riddoch, Richard K. The friends of a reflective biographer: explorations in theological autobiography(1973)
- Rimbey, Mary-Lynn. Self-integration: a reflection of Tillich’s doctrine of the spirit on some humanistic psychologists (1973)
- Schultz, Robert S. Mask, violence, presence: art as personalist communication (1973)
- Strait, Michael Jay. Concerning peace: an existential report (1973)
- VanderWyden, Peter William. What you always wanted to know about God, but were too bored to ask (1973)
- Watkins, Willie. The role of the Black Church in the struggle for liberation (1973)
- Wiggins, Bruce G. Religious development in Columbia, Maryland, 1964-67: an example of social planning in a new town (1973)
- Peterson, William Manfred. Life story and the aging years (1974)
- Skinner, Charles. Communes: a yardstick for examining Christian community (1974)
- Stewart-Wagoner, Henry Allen. Gould Farm: reflections on psychology, religion and therapeutic community (1974)
- West, Frederick S. Sacred space in Christian traditions: a comparison of three Chicago churches(1974)
- Wheeler, David Edward. Moving toward vitality in the institutional church: developing Christian individuals and groups (1974)
- Beattie, Joseph G. The meaning of the mystical experience (1975)
- Bell, Susan M. A study unit on the Eucharist (1975)
- Cost, Carol Jane. Road maps for three form critics’ historical Jesus research (1975)
- Davis, Donald R. Ministry and social concern: a project for helping evangelical students integrate the social implications of Christianity into their ministry of evangelism and teaching(1975)
- Mittlefehldt, William D. Learning through relationship (1975)
- Ruttan, Karl. The evolution of the kingship archetype in the Old Testament (1975)
- Skiba, Gregory S. Eschatology and faith: two views (1975)
- Jensen, James Phillip. Alfred North Whitehead and Nikolai Berdyaev: a dialogue concerning the nature of man and of God (1976)
- Pennell, George Michael. The cosmos stabled in Jesus Christ (1976)
- Spence, Roger Earl. Meditation, counseling and the theology of Thomas Merton (1976)
- Boggs, William Barry. Death and the end of death: a study in adult growth and differentiation(1977)