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Theses & Dissertations

Doctor of Philosophy: 1985-Current

Chicago Theological Seminary PhD Dissertations
  • Lee Sang Jik. A theory and praxis of religious symbolism in the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead (1985)
  • Oh Sung Choon. A critical understanding of the modern glossolalia phenomenon in the pastoral perspective (1985)
  • Ferguson, Paul. Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern parallels to the book of Jonah (1987)
  • Goh Yoshitaka. The philosophy of history in Bultmann and Whitehead (1989)
  • Lee Dal. The narrative asides in the book of Revelation (1990)
  • Leon, Benjamin Alexander. The history of Guyana between 1880-1980: a critical response from the perspective of the liberation theology of Latin America (a case method approach) (1990)
  • Smith, C. Michael. The active use of religious resources in psychotherapy (1990)
  • Belizario, Nelson A. Secular aristocracy and sacral equality: poverty, the church, and the underclass(1991)
  • Clendenen, Avis. Voices and visions for a new humanity: toward a revised Roman Catholic theology of person (1993)
  • Lim Young-Taek. A critical-cultural pedagogy for the community of faith: implications for Korean Christian education (1994)
  • Cann, David E. A legacy of worship: an ethnographic study of two African American United Methodist congregations (1995)
  • Halstead, Gary A. The self as a dynamic structure-in-process: a study of the self psychology of H. Kohut from a Whiteheadian perspective(1995)
  • Kim Phil-Jin. Envisioning a new human community of mutuality, cooperation, and justice from the Korean context (1995)
  • Ogundele, Folorunsho Cornelius. Historical and cultural origins of power in Nigerian politics: an interpretation of pre-colonial Nigerian northern Hausa-Fulani and southern Yoruba political leadership with contemporary implications (1995)
  • Schroeder, Randall Allen. The benefits of confession and forgiveness within pastoral marriage counseling (1995)
  • Scott, Donald D. The role of remembrance in the Psalms of Solomon (1995)
  • Song Soonyeol. The portraits of God-fearers in Acts of Apostles: its historical background and literary function (1995)
  • Thompson, George B. Beyond the crisis syndrome: congregational ethos, decline and renewal(1995)
  • Kim Eui Sig. A study of marital infidelity in the Korean Confucian family system (1996)
  • Hyun Kyung-Sik. The rhetoric of love ethics in the Johnannine farewell discourse (1997)
  • Isenberg, Molly Geller. Prayers of Jewish women: in their own words, in their own voices (1997)
  • Ramey, Martin Philip. The problem of the body: the conflict between soteriology and ethics in Paul(1997)
  • Sheppard, Phillis Isabella. Fleshing the theory: a critical analysis of select theories of the body in light of African American women’s experiences (1997)
  • Uhlein, Gariele. Toward a common aim: Alfred North Whitehead and Carl Gustav Jung considered in a trans-gender ecological species context (1997)
  • Dansokho, Samuel Vauvert. The Protestant Church of Senegal: history, memories and contexts(1998)
  • Kwon Myung-Soo. A comparative study of the experience of the numinous: Che-u Ch’oe, C.G. Jung, and Paul Tillich (1998)
  • Lee Jung-Kee. Faith and identity formation: a theological and a psychological perspective; toward a relevant model for identity formation of youth in South Korea today (1998)
  • McFarlane, Doreen Margaret. The persecution of the righteous in Matthew: intra-Jewish polemic or anti-Jewish rhetoric? (1998)
  • Rochelle, Jay Cooper. The ludic perspective: a theology of proclamation for a postmodern world(1998)
  • Whang, Henry Heon-Young. Guilt, shame and han: transforming religious and psychological understandings of sin and self-loss (1998)
  • Bro Benetz, Pamela. Transforming Eucharist: the perils, the process and the promise (1999)
  • Campanano, Juancho C. Invitation to the round table: a practical theology for community in the Philippine context (1999)
  • Lim, Kyungsoo. Male mid-life crisis: psychodynamic interpretations, theological issues, and pastoral interventions (1999)
  • Ellor, James W. Spiritual assessment of the elderly: an interdisciplinary approach (2000)
  • Oh Sung-Joo. Ritual communitas for transforming cultural prejudice from the ideological divisions in Korea (2000)
  • Pak Jung Su. Theological and psychological resources for conflicting women in Korean families(2000)
  • Seo Bo Myung. The question of the other: toward a liberative theological anthropology (2000)
  • Chong, Sunju Choi. From subordination to transformed relationality: pastoral care and counseling with Korean-American women (2001)
  • Goddard, Terrell Dale. The disruption of harmony in Dixie: politics, religion and the Little Rock school crisis (2001)
  • Kim Chang Joo. DeCoNSTRuCTioN? ReCoNSTRuCTioN?: radical changes in Isaiah 40-55 (2001)
  • Koh Young Soon. Broken bread: towards a pastoral theology of embodiment (2001)
  • Choi Hee An. Transforming han: Korean women’s self-concepts in relation to their attributes of God(2002)
  • Salmons, Eva L. Transformational spirituality: an integral approach to Christian living (2002)
  • Bouboutsis, Elias Kyprianos. Recovering the Romaic: an Orthodox iconography of cultural pluralism and integration (2003)
  • Jeep, Elizabeth McMahon. Images of childhood: a theological reflection (2003)
  • Lô Kong-hí. Cultic centralization in the Deuternomistic history: a strategy of dominance and resistance (2003)
  • Montgomery, Michael H. On Easter morning: a sociological and theological examination of liberal church renewal (2003)
  • Wingeier-Rayo, Philip Douglas. Where are the poor?: a comparison of the ecclesial base communities and Pentecostalism, a case study in Cuernavaca, Mexico (2003)
  • Phillips, Judith R. Damning praise: Zechariah and the poetics of dissent (2004)
  • Stout, Stewart, R. Seguir adelante: an ethographic pastoral reading of hope in Mexican migration narratives (2004)
  • Edwards, Laurence L. Resurrecting the Pharisees: ideology and identity between Christians and Jews (2005)
  • Kay, Peggy. Toward a psychological theory of spiritual transformation (2005)
  • Kilmer, Julie. Divine performatives: Judith Butler and questions of religious identity (2005)
  • Kim, Moon Hyun. Healing hurts: Johannine characterization in healing episodes (2005)
  • Larsen, Martha Klein. Voices from the margins: oral histories of clergy sexual misconduct in light of a Foucauldian analysis of power (2005)
  • Davis, Sharon Ellis. Hear our cries: breaking the gender entrapment of African American battered women (2006)
  • Lee Yongyeun. Korean Protestantism and Korean Culture: a sociological and historical studies(2006)
  • McCleneghan, Brett W. The Heretic’s imperative: sources and implications of Peter Berger’s transgressive and intergrative worldview (2006)
  • Wil, Brant. “Being Christian” and the Regulation of Sexual Desire (2006)
  • Dalrymple, David J. Restoring soul: the contributions of James Hillman’s archetypal psychology to the study of religion (2007)
  • Lyndes, Kathryn A. Redefining Heinz Kohut’s group self theory: pastoral care implications of analyzing race-gender oppression (2007)
  • Mukdani, Herry Merci. Ecclesial praxis in divers(al)ity: re(dis-)covering the de/colonial imaginary for Christianity in Indonesia (2007)
  • Williams, Ruth Teena. Betwixt and between: race, religion and the memoirs of a Creole proto-womanist (2007)
  • Yang Shun-Chung. Eschatology, ecology, economics: a Taiwanese perspective (2007)
  • So Kee Boem. Reading Meister Eckhart and Young Mo Yoo in dialogue with Jacques Derrida on rationality (2008)
  • Kotsko, Adam. Atonement and ontology (2009)
  • Frizzell, Matthew J. Liberation and economy: Marx, Dussel, and contemporary approaches to theology and economy (2010)
  • Kim Hyo Jun. Christian formation through ritual process in the Korean American church (2010)
  • Miller, Monica R. The ‘anti’ proper in the popular: redescribing the religious in hip hop culture (2010)
  • Trentaz, Cassandra J.E.H. Risk of a different kind: a reading of theological complicity and possibility in the age of global HIV & AIDS (2010)
  • Jacobsen, Kenneth Peter. Befriending reality with our senses and our stories: quakers and the ethics of storytelling (2011)
  • Joseph, Melemadathil Pothen. Nonviolence: a way of colonial resistance, a study on the Book of Daniel and Mahatma Gandhi (2011)
  • Pope, Jennifer E. Ambidentified with Christ: the contemporary significance of Jesus for inclusive congregational ministry (2011)
  • Akoto, Dorothy Bea. The Book of Proverbs and the African tree of life: grafting Biblical Proverbs on to Ghanian Eue Folk proberbs (2012)
  • de la Rosa, Cristian. Contextual relationship of power and agency: Our Lady of Gaudalupse as a Pueblo’s symbolic resource (2012)
  • Kornegay, E.L., Jr. Between Jimmy’s Blues and James’s Gospel: the promise and challenge of James Baldwin’s contribution to Black theology (2012)
  • Lovelace, Vanessa. Deborah and Huldah: symbolic border guards in the Deuteronomistic history (2012)
  • Na InSun. Transformative communal relationship in Trinitarian worship: a study of trinitarian communal relationships in Korean worship based on a comparison between the Social Trinity and the Trinitarian God in Yin-Yang symbolism (2012)
  • Lee, Minkyu. The breaking of bread and the identity of Matthean community: A study of the metaphor of bread in the Gospel of Matthew(2013)
  • Lewis, Marshall H. A logotherapy hermeneutic developed and applied to the book of Job (2013)
  • Yang, Sang Jin. Liberative educational philosophy for the Zainichi Korean Church (2013)
  • Lee, Sang Cheol. The turn to the other: a conversation with Levinasian Ethics and Minjung Theology (2014)
  • Roncolato, Carolyn. Accountable theology: an epistemological method for contextual feminist engagement (2014)
  • Hartung, Colleen D. Breaking and sharing: participant agency and the eucharistic liturgy at Holy Wisdom Monastery (2015)
  • Koehn, Dennis R. Psychology, theology, and ideology shape decisions on war and peace: a study of Billy Graham, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Vietnam War (2015)
  • Parker, Angela N. Bodies, violence, and emotions: a Womanist study of SOMA and PNOMA in the Gospel of Mark (2015)
  • Sudhakar, Solmon. The poluted God: a theology of the Unbecoming Messiah (2015)
  • Taylor, Penny L. She reached out in faith: a pastoral theology interpretation of anxiety (2015)
  • Han, Su Hyun. Jamesonian reading of Paul’s resurrection of the dead in 1 Corinthians 15 (2016)
  • Hosler, Joellen M. Worship as emancipatory praxis: transforming the dynamics of domination (2016)
  • Joo, Giseok. A theological and philosophical critique of nationalism and the nation state: Reading Barth and Derrida (2016)
  • Ju, Gwangwoo. Transcendence of God as proliferation (2016)
  • Villarmea, Karl James E. The political in the theological: an investigation of the concept of the political in contemporary political movements(2016)
  • Agee, Nathan Ryan. Through a glass darkly: re-membering the body of Christ from the outside(2017)
  • Brower, Virgil W. The savor of spirit (2017)
  • Grafius, Brandon R. Reading Phinehas, viewing slashers: Numbers 25 and horror theory (2017)
  • Smallwood, Teresa Louise. The leprosy effect: a queer womanist pastoral care model (2017)
  • Waseberg, Jonah. Feathering nakedness: healing the trauma of the disowned in psychoanalysis and ethics (2017)
  • Eulinberg, Jerrolyn Sue. A lynched Black Wall Street: a womanist perspective on terrorism, religion, and Black resilience of the 1921 Tulsa massacre (2018)
  • Jang, Suk Min. A study of the history and influence of Reinhold Niebuhr’s Theology in Korea Centered on Love, Justice, and Christian Realism(2018)
  • Stoltzfus, Regina Shands. The unexpected and complicated presence of African American women in Mennonite churches (2018)
  • Michel, David. Toward an ecclesiology of racial reconciliation: a Pentecostal perspective (2019)
  • Derricotte-Murphy, Jean. A view from the balcony: opera through womanist eyes (2020)
  • Han, Sang Hun. Liberation via Process: Toward a Korean Religious Liberation Theology (2020)
  • Biddy, Eric. Ecclesial Ethics: Baggy Ethics For A Messy Church (2021)
  • Higashi, Aaron. Reading the Rain: The Ethics of Everyday Resistance in Ezra 10 (2021)
  • Hyun, Seok Beom. Political mysticism and messianism: Thomas Muntzer and liberation theologies’ spirituality (2021)
  • Minor Johnson, Malene. African Americans and Candomblé: an Africana Religious Critique of U.S. Neoliberal Culture from 1970-2000 (2021)
  • Selby, Zachary. The historiographic herem: narrative production, class ideology, and the deuteronomistic history (2021)
  • Watts, Richard Shea. Where the spirit is: Pentecostal worship, affect, ritual, and liberative praxis (2021)
  • Han, Sang Hun. Liberation via Process: Toward a Korean Religious Liberation Theology (2022)
  • Muhammad, Eugene. Facing the Nation: A Theo-Philosophical Examination of Media and Academic Violence Towards the Nation of Islam and the (Un)veiling of the Nation’s Levinasian Face (2022)
  • Byon, HyongJu. The Welcoming of Trace(s): The Politics of the Messianic Doubling (2023)
  • Jones, Melanie. Up Against a Crooked Gospel: Black Women’s Bodies and the Politics of Redemption in Religion and Society  (2023)
  • Laughinghouse, Candace. Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free: Expanding Coalition Politics Through Anti-Speciest Ecowomanism (2023)

Doctor of Ministry in Preaching: 1996-Current

Chicago Theological Seminary DMin in Preaching Dissertations
  • Lewis, Lo. Preaching in interim ministry : journeying toward newness of life (1996)
  • Mollin, Leslie. Moving from intuition to intention : an expedition of discovery within the hermeneutic circle (1996)
  • Riddoch, Richard K. Preaching to our hearts’ meditations (1996)
  • Wolfe, Charles A. An experiment in lay-clergy worship planning : seeking depth in liturgy and sermon in service of the word (1996)
  • Atwood, Christopher. Preaching as incarnational evocation : experiential narrative as embodying witness to the active presence of the divine in human life (1997)
  • Ehrhardt, Randy R. The pulpit and the pews come together : transformative imagery and collaborative preaching at West Des Moines Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (1997)
  • Showalter, Douglas Keith. Forgiving others : preaching for the people of the First Congregational Church of Falmouth, Massachusetts of the United Church of Christ (1997)
  • Taylor, Nancy S. The work of the people : from silence to faithful proclamation (1997)
  • Duncan, Belva T. Bible study with survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence : transformed interpretive practice (1998)
  • Gibson, Robert Maxwell. The preacher as blues singer (1998)
  • Hood, Lottie Jones. A vision for you : rebuilding the wall, restoring the people, reclaiming the mission, exploring a preaching partnership for the renewal of an inner city church as a multi-cultural community of faith using the preaching event as the creating instrument (1998)
  • Lambertson, Katherine. From chrysalis to flight : communal and individual transformation through multigenerational preaching (1998)
  • Larsen, Jeffrey W. Sensory language in preaching : evoking God on Thursday (1998)
  • Rhodes, Janet. From stillness to speech : terrifying truths from incarnational interpretation and proclamation (1998)
  • Due, Martha S. Trust, inclusivity and rhetoric in the Northwest Ohio Association of the United Church of Christ (1999)
  • Gooch, Judith Anne. Preaching what we practice : a personal practice for spiritual formation in community (1999)
  • Newcomer, Duncan D. Words that burn : Jonathan Edwards, visual images and an object relations psychology for preaching (1999)
  • Pelc-Faszcza, Brenda M. In the beginning was the metaphor : preaching our way beyond Biblical literalism in mainline churches (1999)
  • Schaab, R. Michael. Inaugurating lay preaching in a Roman Catholic parish (1999)
  • Donaldson, Beth Allegra. Preaching as braiding strength into the rope of faith : celebrating and transcending cultural differences in the preaching ministry (2000)
  • Patterson, Kaleo. Reclaiming the Kanaka Maoli voice in preaching as social act and celebration(2000)
  • Schmidt, Marlayna. Just doing it : preaching social justice in a way that empowers the congregation to social action (2000)
  • Stewart, Marcian. Personal expressions of covenant as sacramental preaching (2000)
  • Wise, Margaret. Holy encounters : a chaplain’s journey in sacramental preaching in a long-term living facility (2000)
  • Fontaine, Christine Neiffer. From the well at Sychar : preacher formation from disability and marginality and the small church (2001)
  • Guess, J. Bennett. The words we hear : listening to sermons from a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered perspective (2001)
  • Hundley, Robert Spencer. Incorporating visual images within the homiletic context (2001)
  • Leite, Michael J. Preaching and pastoral care : preaching on difficult topics in sacred space (2001)
  • Prowse, Timothy A. The congregational plot : preaching, conflict and growth (2001)
  • Reid, James Scott. Preaching and change in a rural church (2001)
  • Ross, Patricia Sylvester. Lament to hope : exploring the impact of preaching lament on the life of a congregation (2001)
  • Wilson, Michael Ian. Open endings and new beginnings : the role of imagination in preaching at Charleswood United Church (2001)
  • Arnold, Derek A. From vision to reality to new life (2002)
  • Edwards, Emily M. E. Biblical storytelling as a faith resource to empower : shackle-free at last, breaking the bond of shame and low self-esteem (2002)
  • Spitters, Michael J. Can boomer-types preach effectively to millennials? (2002)
  • White, Howard Lee. The pathetic sermon : using pathos to connect across cultures in preaching(2002)
  • Zuch, Richard. The power and passion of prophetic preaching : a study on the importance of preaching God’s prophetic words of discernment for spriritual transformation of both preacher and listener (2002)
  • Brown, Norman Aaron. A church in service to the community : through preaching self-worth, self-esteem and self-identity (2003)
  • Livingston, Robert K. Confident preaching : the value of a mentoring relationship in a preacher’s development (2003)
  • Pentland, John. Speaking faith in public space (2003)
  • Rother, Sigrid. Preaching in the house church : as a way of entry for a pastor into a new parish(2003)
  • Eveland, Marcia C. Nice story, but will it preach? (2004)
  • J. Thomas Gough. Tell me a story: narrative preaching across cultural differences (2004)
  • Christine Joy Johnson. Borrowing from the actor’s toolbox: preaching preachers from performance(2004)
  • Jill A. Kirchner. Preaching original blessing in the homiletical world of original sin (2004)
  • Peter A. Lovett. Revitalizing the church through collaborative preaching (2004)
  • Ross, John Forest. The common denominator: the transcendent value of the well-told story in preaching to an electronic media saturated culture (2004)
  • Wigston, Leslie Samuel. The power of song: using a hymn in a sermon (2004)
  • Wunsch, Ronald William Espirit de corps: building Christian community in an Army Chapel through celebrative preaching on the Holy Spirit(2004)
  • Beckwith, Becky J. Preaching parables to provoke: learning and recollection initiated through parabolic preaching (2005)
  • Cox, Gary D. Relationship with God: wrestling surrender, congruence (2005)
  • Dorsey, Charles C. Preaching in concentric circles: a strategy for preaching multimedia (2005)
  • Higginbottom, Edwin J. Preaching: the naming and claiming of sacred spaces (2005)
  • Kohler, Deborah F. A new model for a new millennium: balancing the authority of the congregation with the authority of preacher (2005)
  • Gansch-Boythe, Daniel A. Preaching with story and image: helping idea-driven preachers connect with story-driven congregations (2005)
  • Forbes, Susana King. Preaching as listening to and with muffled voices (2005)
  • Brown, Ronald B. A breeze passing overhead: the experience with the preacher and the experience of the Gospel in the preaching of judicatory staff (2006)
  • Ford, Marie LaMarre. Gaining an authentic voice: to preach with celebration in mind and spirit(2006)
  • Zobeck, Bonita Joy. Silent no more: a journey of a women finding her voice in a patriarchal society(2006)
  • Campbell, Falicia Renee. How do the homeless read the scripture? How do you preach it? (2007)
  • Derry, Paul Peters. “May i have a word?”: preaching from points of new location (2007)
  • Dugan, Timothy P. The recovery of self-confidence in preaching and the recovery of the preacher(2007)
  • LaRochelle, Robert R. All are welcome: preaching and the development of church identity in a small town (2007)
  • LaVelli, Evelyn E. Everybody has a story: contemporary faith stories make a connection (2007)
  • Monroe-Mueller, Shawnthea. Making a way: the theory and practice of expressing Christian hospitality through preaching (2007)
  • Swann, Roy A. God is in the house: narrative preaching for enlivening worship in an African American traditional church (2007)
  • Tellström, Paul Gustaf. Preaching identity: who do we say we are? Helping a church to know who it is and hwy it exists in order to be the church God is calling it to be (2007)
  • Gieselman, Tamara K. …with comparison and gospel for all: toward a homiletical hermeneutic of inclusion (2008)
  • Gregory, Kevin Paul. Authentic preaching: the preacher’s discernment of God’s embodied word(2008)
  • Mueller, Fred D. “And I shall write my law on their hearts” : how to preach a sermon on a passage unknown to the congregation (2008)
  • Oliphant, Robert Barnett. Reframing art for preaching : art and scripture in homiletic conversation(2008)
  • Smith, Amos. Dynamic preaching 101 : anchored in celebration; improvising in the moment (2008)
  • Smith, James Phillip. Preaching forgiveness : the theory and practice of embodying and experiencing forgiveness and reconciliation to bring about transformation that leads to healing and wholeness (2008)
  • Brill, Kelly Boyte. Electric (Boulevard) preaching: practicing your faith on the street where you live (2009)
  • Dwyer, Kathryn N. “The largest table effect”: preaching to cultivate compassion, justice, and inclusion in the urban church (2009)
  • Esslinger, Denise M. Delivery makes a difference: the practice of preaching (2009)
  • Kooiman, Michael. Finding metaphor in context: exploring the generative capacity of metaphor for preaching (2009)
  • Lepard, James. Preaching with an emerging spirit (2009)
  • McKinney, Chantal B. Reclaiming the spirit: celebrate preaching for transformation in a traditional setting (2009)
  • Roof, Deborah E. Preaching witness vocabulary: teaching a language of faith (2009)
  • Savides, Stephen P. Preaching on the plain: the congregation as company (2009)
  • Snider, Phil. Preaching after God: a homiletic of deconstruction (2009)
  • Steeves, Nancy L. Setting a spacious table: preaching as reflection, a model for preaching an expansive theology (2009)
  • Copeland, Verlee A. Sunday gospel, Wednesday faith (2010)
  • Gross, Robert A., Jr. Claiming and incarnating hope: lessons from the African American preaching tradition for a white working class context (2010)
  • Hewitt, Kristopher S. Preaching the experience of hope: from lament to celebration (2010)
  • Hill, Gwendolyn K. Preaching the Aloha Spirit roundtable: a notion of cultural compatibility in homiletics (2010)
  • Illman-White, Meg. Reclaiming the heart of preaching in changing times (2010)
  • Long, Robin. To love and serve with all our hearts: preaching to empower a vision process grounded in gratitude (2010)
  • Palmer, David M. Transformative preaching: preaching with embedded ritualization (2010)
  • Tierney-Eliot, Adam. Inhabitation and invitation: an approach to preaching preparation for the liberal church (2010)


  • Fillier, Bobby K. iPreach: the art of preaching in a digital age (2011)
  • Halverson, Sarah Jeanne. “It’s not the toast”: preaching towards personal and corporate health in light of family systems theory (2011)
  • Hille, Gerhard. “Preaching on a detour”: heralding the gospel to people with dementia (2011)
  • Kaufman, Douglas Neal. Blood, water, bread & wine: preaching to transform definition of church family to include those not related through familial ties (2011)
  • Marquez-Sterling, Guillermo A. In the footsteps of giants: preaching justice to promote dialogue in a diverse community (2011)
  • Nelson, John A. Choosing the way: missional preaching (2011)
  • Swan, Timothy Scott. Adaptive preaching: transforming the preacher through the transition to preaching that transforms people (2011)
  • Waite, Phil. Preaching as a catalyst for testimony in a post-Mennonite context (2011)
  • Waters, M. Elizabeth. Transformation through preaching: four practices for revitalizing Christian identity (2011)
  • Broadbent, Benjamin. The flesh becomes Word: embodied preaching and congregational response (2012)
  • Florence, B. Janet. Empowering progressive Christians to speak: preaching to equip progressive Christians to speak out their faith beyond the church through private conversations and public witness (2012)
  • Long, Mark E. Closing the language gap: Church language for the postmodern age (2012)
  • Dejmek, Laura Rosemary., O.P. Lift ev’ry voice and preach: the grace and gift of women preachers in the Roman Catholic Church (2013)
  • Grant, Catriona Fraser. Deep roots, deep source, deep preaching (2013)
  • Mardis-Lecroy, Matthew J. The end of experience: toward a testimony ethic for preaching to religious liberals (2013)
  • Mays-Matthews, Precious J. Empowering African-American women through womanist preaching (2013)
  • Wooster, Matthew C. Preaching on controversy without divisiveness: preaching for affirmation of people who are gay and lesbian (2013)
  • Lewis, Adam K. Beyond the benediction: spiritual growth from the shortened, unresolved sermon (2014)
  • Lindsey, David Brandon. Joy comes in the morning: explorint a poetic homiletic (2014)
  • Myers, John T. Core preaching (2014)
  • Scott, Judith. Through the portal: ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ (2014)
  • Weaver, David Paul. Embracing seasons of spiritual transition (2014)
  • Weber, Christel Emma Anna. ‘Refugees rescue the soul of the church’: preaching that empowers a new ministry among refugees (2015)
  • Sykes, Michael G. Preaching and evangelism: reviving missional values to inspire church revitalization efforts (2015)


  • Riddick, Dwight. Preaching the grace of God as a means of inspiring life long community outreach(2016)
  • Wade, Aaron B. Preaching that empowers congregations to be catalyst of change in the community(2016)
  • Adams, Katherine. Finding our story in God’s story (2017)
  • Norman, Ronald K. Healthy preacher/ healthy preaching: towards a wholistic homiletic (2017)
  • Parker, Cindy. Spat from the fish’s mouth: a journey from reluctance to assurance (2017)
  • Riddick, Dwight Shawrod. Sound preaching for shaky bridges: preaching as catalyst to transform laity into leaders in the church, community, and marketplace (2017)
  • Armstead, Alvin Tyrone, Jr. Living beyond Sunday : preaching as a catalyst for discipleship (2018)
  • Oh, Chiyong. Prophetic preaching for social justice in the context of the young Korean generation (2021)
  • Carson, Patricia. "Women, go and preach!" : connecting women and the gospels to the identity formation of African American female preachers (2022)
  • Davis, Harvey L. Preaching Unity in a Conflicted Church (2022)
  • Knuepfer Jr., Robert C. Saving grace : preaching grace for the spiritual growth of a congregation (2021)
  • Lopez, Jeremy. Faithful Giving : Pastoral Preaching to Shape Christian Stewardship (2022)
  • Mathies Sr., Craig N. Preaching that focuses on evangelism (2022)
  • Oh, Chiyong. Prophetic Preaching for Social Justice in the Context of the Young Korean Generation (2022)
  • Thomas, Curtis Lamont. Invitational preaching : preaching that inspires spiritual growth in the rural congregation of Mount Calvary Baptist Church, Freeman VA. (2022)
  • Wallace, Sheila Renee. Millenial mothering : preaching through variegated theological lenses to engage African American millennial women in the gospel (2022)
  • Watson, Lewis Nathaniel. Preaching to Equip and Empower Young Adults Ages 18-35 to Become Future Leaders in the African American Church (2022)

Doctor of Ministry: 1973-Current

Chicago Theological Seminary DMin Professional Papers
  • Chapman, Gary L. Biblical pluralism in Bunkum. (1973)
  • Halsey, Marvin M. Doing prison release ministry with transactional analysis: a theological program study. (1973)
  • Moffat, Peter R. Premarital counseling as ministry. (1973)
  • Niles, Dean. Sensing the profane and risking the demons: ministry to the latent church. (1973)
  • Russell, David R. What’s going on in therapy? A correlation of psychology and theology. (1973)
  • Bettler, John F. The transmission of values in pastoral counseling. (1974)
  • Downs, Timothy. The church as an intermediate institution: CHOPP–a pretest and case study. (1974)
  • Huskey, Richard Edward. Social values in the local church. (1974)
  • Manseau, William J. The Chicago Generating Community proposal: an exercise of organization development ministry. (1974)
  • Marshall, Bruce. Values and sources of meaning among Unitarian Universalists. (1974)
  • McMullen, Walter B. Toward preparing a congregation for establishing alternative formsof congregational life. (1974)
  • Porter, Harold G. Doing and teaching process theology in the local church. (1974)
  • Porter, John E. Lay leadership and contemporary worship. (1974)
  • Reaves, Benjamin Franklin. A study of Black Seventh Day Adventist worship. (1974)
  • Sayers, Carl Russell. Toward a renewal of preaching in Episcopal congregations. (1974)
  • Van Niekerk, Rudolph. Ministry to the offender. (1974)
  • Wisdom, Charles Joseph. The House Church in the church house. (1974)
  • Ammons, Edsel Albert. Congregational linkage for missional ministry: examination of the endeavor of two urban churches to create a new form of faithful witness. (1975)
  • Blakely, Barbara. Power and powerlessness in pastoral care with the dying. (1975)
  • Dixon, Samuel W. How well do you know your church? Consciousness raising through the use of survey material in the local church. (1975)
  • Eack, Donald James. Caring and self-concept with the alcoholic. (1975)
  • Gast, Mary Sue. Women ministering. (1975)
  • Juhl, Karen E. Feminine and masculine images of self and God. (1975)
  • Kotze, Victor T. Human potential and pastoral counseling. (1975)
  • Lilienthal, Alfred J. Mutual ministry through the House Church. (1975)
  • Marchesin, Ivan. Environment and formation in the St. Francis Xavier Mission Society.(1975)
  • Moustakis, George. The religious beliefs and moral attitudes of St. Andrews GreekOrthodox Parish north of (a case study) (1975)
  • Niswander, Donald G. New wineskins for new wine. (1975)
  • Park, Chong Yeul & Lim, Taek Kwon. A survey of the Korean Christians in the Chicago area. (1975)
  • Rutland-Wallis, John. What is going on here or In search of the lost chord: pastoral perspective in pastoral psychotherapy. (1975)
  • Rutland-Wallis, Martha. Women becoming ministers: reflections upon an all-women’s clinical pastoral education group and the perspective these women bring to professional education for ministry. (1975)
  • Smith, Gregory D. Treasured vessels: a process view of the role of the religious professional serving religious institutions in the American context of voluntarism and pluralism. (1975)
  • Wintle, Thomas D. Christ and the apostolic successors of doubting Thomas: the place of the Judeo-Christian heritage tradition in modern Unitarian Universalism, a case study. (1975)
  • Arnold, James G. The relevance of ontological guilt for pastoral counseling: a brief psychoanalytic and existential view (1976)
  • Beirne, Paul. A model cross-cultural training program for seminary students: the self-learning design, identity-continuity structure. (1976)
  • Case, Ronna. When birth is also a funeral (1976)
  • Floyd, Anthony M. A people beoming: toward Communal-Celebrative style. (1976)
  • Gallagher, Sue L. The response of the suburban church to the women of divorce (1976)
  • Gibbons, Larry. Vicki: a case study in schizophrenia. (1976)
  • Golden, Renny. Educating for freedom. (1976)
  • Harley, Philip A. The Black Church and its challenge to ministry: perspectives from the past and future directions for ministry. (1976)
  • Hogan, Howard B. Tongues and the Baptism of Holy Spirit: their place in the Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God in the Americas (1976)
  • Ivy, Dorsie E. Celebration in meanings work: an exploration (1976)
  • Lee, Daniel Wonhee. A theological rethinking of the role of the Servant of God as a suggestive solution for conflicts of unstationed Korean ministers in America. (1976)
  • Lowery, Robert. A teaching project in the theology of personality and pastoral care for ministers of store-front churches. (1976)
  • Matthews, Alden E. Identity and Christian ministry in Japan. (1976)
  • Niswander, Bonnie. Rebuilding a congregation through the House Church. (1976)
  • Sugirtharaj, Felix Emmanuel.The liberation of Harijans in South Indian villages. (1976)
  • Weliczko, John. Understanding the symptoms and management of grief in marital dissolution: a psycho-social transition. (1976)
  • White, Warner. Wholistic prayer (1976)
  • Wick, Lawrence W. Reflections on acculturation of the Lutheran Church in America, three congregations of the Illinois Synod. (1976)
  • Zinn, J. Robert. Some Christian styles: awareness psychologies and personal devotional life. (1976)
  • Arksey, William David. Forms and transformations of power (1977)
  • Berry, Gessel. What are the ghosts? or are they really spirits?: a study of transitional United Methodist Churches in the Northern Illinois Conference. (1977)
  • Chen, Chung Chieh. Ministry and the church life in contemporary Taiwan (1977)
  • Katuramu, Anatosi. Polygamy and the church in Africa (1977)
  • Lake, Robert Michael. A model for the analysis and integration of ministerial role systems (1977)
  • Lam, George Chung Yan. The mission and ministry of the church among the Chinese community in Chicago (1977)
  • McGuire, Sidney Lawrence. The hospital chaplain as an agent of change (1977)
  • Mitrovich, Nicholas Steven. Ministerial self understanding in relation to the management of conflict within the parish: a method for ministerial self-assessment in relation to conflict (1977)
  • Odom, Frazier Norton. A pedagogical treatment of Luther’s explanation of the Apostles’ Creed based on the Black experience (1977)
  • Roos, C. Theodore. Engaging the problem of war in the institutional church: reflections and recommendations from the “Peace Priority” ministries of the United Church of Christ in Chicago, 1969-1976. (1977)
  • Rundle, William Allister. Towards a constructive approach to anxiety management (1977)
  • Smith, Harold Willard. On maintaining church investment in change (1977)
  • Sodoy, Calixto Castro. Pastoral ministry to the bereaved child (1977)
  • Truby, Thomas L. The reciprocal relationship of radical dependence and radical independence in reference to the notion of “manhood” (1977)
  • Ziegenhals, Walter E., Churches-in-transition: reflections on selected problems and approaches to churches and communities in racial transition based on the Chicago experience. (1977)
  • Aier, Wati. Contextualization: toward a meaningful and relevant ministry in context (1978)
  • Berk-Schaibly, Elinor. Gestaltibana as ministry and religious experience (1978)
  • Chapman, Philip. The use of dramatic resources in preaching (1978)
  • Grisham, John Wm. Who will be the next 100? (1978)
  • Henry, David B. “The Jesus Gang”: learnings from the encounter of a traditional Sunday School with the children of the city (1978)
  • Huffman, Ted E. A framework of interpretation for pastoral marital counseling (1978)
  • May, Roy H. Chicago, The Church and Latin American community development (1978)
  • Ness, Howard G. A method for marriage disillusionment (1978)
  • Palilu, Daud. Guiding principles, a model of the content, and a model of the teaching process for a new catechism (1978)
  • Sweet, Phillips. Toward a theory of the power of children’s stories (1978)
  • Wanless, Ronald A., An experiment in integrated Biblical study in Pauline decision making (1978)
  • Accardi, Rodger F. Spirituality seminar in a basic CPE program (1979)
  • Anguay, James. A charism workshop: a first step in awareness of common grace for religious orders of the Catholic Church (1979)
  • Chulak, Thomas. Identity formation in the local church (1979)
  • Cusick, Marilyn J. A ministry to single adults (1979)
  • Downey, Eddie L. “Brother George”: a case study of the influence of the Church of God teaching of holiness on one pastor (1979)
  • Harris, E. Lynn. Teaching an introductory course in Bible (New Testament)
  • toundergradutes in a public college or university (1979)
  • Henard, Henry James Religion and social progress: an exploratory study of an experiment in religion and social progress in a black church (1979)
  • Knudsen, Herbert L. Transference phenomena in the parish (1979)
  • Leslie, Reo N. The church as transforming community: the use of groups in the Pan-African Orthodox Christian church (1979)
  • Maslin, Simeon J. Apologia for a ritual guide for Reform Jews O’Connell, James C. A proposal for the use of gestalt approaches in spiritual direction (1979)
  • Schumm, Dale H. The Belmont model: an experiment in congregational renewal (1979)
  • Wilcox, William E. Videotape intervention in the pastoral care of the newly-institutionalized aged: a pilot project exploring the possibilities for a research design (1979)
  • Wilner, Robert. A pastor’s guideline for the referral of the aged, chronically ill and disabled to long-term health care facilities (1979)
  • Bartram, Ann. A response to pastor-client sexual relations (1980)
  • Datema, Ralph S. Who is frustrating the pastor?: a study of the borderline syndrome in relationship to pastoral care (1980)
  • Levy, Wendy A. Increasing political awareness among pastoral counselors: rationales successful in obtaining federal funding for health care clergy (1980)
  • Owens, C. David. Pointing to the moon: reflecting on the possibility of an authentic spirituality (1980)
  • Petrucelli, Linda Susan. Deschooling the church school: Bicentennial reflections and celebration (1980)
  • Vásquez, Victor M. Viviendo en una comunidad critiana = Living in a Christian community. Community Renewal Society, (1980)
  • Abiade, Zawdie K. Ministering to interracial marriages : one parish pastor’s (1991)
  • Butler, William J. Claiming the strengths of pastoral counseling and psychotherapy from an African-American perspective : doing ministry in a cross-cultural setting (1991)
  • Dobell, Helen R. Beyond words : therapy for the human spirit (1991)
  • Dunn, Markham E. Models of ministry with the homebound elderly : one congregation’s story (1991)
  • Johnson, Walter B. What shall I tell my children : a ministry for tutoring and mentoring Black boys (1991)
  • Kant, Joel. Reaching out to the urban poor in the city of Ahmedabad in India (1991)
  • Son, Samuel. A case study of dropout students in a Korean-American community (1991)
  • Stauffacher, Dan G. Release evil…embrace love : healing ritual and pastoral care in the context of multiple personality disorders (1991)
  • Tanaka, Fumihiro. A ministry with visually disabled persons in Japan (1991)
  • Thangaraj, Anthony. Cross-cultural ministry : a personal journey (1991)
  • Wong, Chin Chaai. Watching dog no more : the immigrant Taiwanese church responds to older Taiwanese adults in America (1991)
  • Ahne, Joseph Y. Bilingual preaching for identity and unity in the Korean-American church. (1992)
  • Alenyo, John Peter. Bridge building : the minister in a cross-cultural transition bonds with the indigenous people and their gifts. (1992)
  • Birrer, Robert V. The task of pastoral planning in the Roman Catholic church today : creating abundance in a time of scarcity (1992)
  • Cruz, Rogelio El. New church development through Bible study and prayer groups (BSPGs) (1992)
  • Devamani, Bachu S. Practice of mission at St. John’s Congregation of Kazipet in theChurch of South India (1992)
  • Dickerson, Evelyn J. Preaching, teaching, reaching : using narrative with the lectionary in preaching and worship with adults and children (1992)
  • Kim, Jea D. Recovering Korean identity through reading the Bible in Korean at Hanshin Church of Chicago (1992)
  • Kirchherr, Richard T. Effective preaching in an era of Biblical amnesia (1992)
  • Lesher, Robert R. Marriage, divorce, and sexuality : four years in the life of an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America pastor (1992)
  • Mehler, Bernd. Sanctuary or advocacy?–support group or political activism? : a struggle for focus in ministry at Lutherans Concerned Chicago (1992)
  • Molloy, Brigid. Death and rebirth : a journey of spiritual direction (1992)
  • Rathod, John B. Interfaith, crosscultural marriage ceremony–Christian, Hindu, Muslim : one pastor’s journey (1992)
  • Calhoun, Nancy E. Cursillo : from mountaintop to everyday, the success of the small group (1993)
  • Clemmer, Christopher Landon. The local church and an environmental issue : a case study of a failure in public ministry (1993)
  • Connor, Kathleen F. “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.” (Eccl. 4:9) : an intentional mentoring project for new pastors (1993)
  • Daye, Linwood T. An example of excellence : Rock Church, a bi-racial congregation (1993)
  • Gehling, Joann. “Do this in memory of me” : incorporating feminist insights into a day on the Eucharist (1993)
  • Harmon, Terry Mont. Spiritually guiding cocaine addicts : an evangelical application of the Serenity Bible (1993)
  • Hayes, Donna O’Connor. Beginning to weave the intricate web of relationships between minister and pastoral (1993)
  • Johns, Cathy S. Violence in the family : one pastor’s response (1993)
  • Lucinio, Jeanette M. RCIA ; two Roman Catholic parishes reflect on using the rite of Christian initiation with children and their families (1993)
  • Machukera, Chamwaita J. To encourage indigenization of worship (1993)
  • Maloney, Diane. In search of a blessing : the problem of ecclesiastical endorsement for Roman Catholic lay pastoral counselors seeking AAPC certification (1993)
  • Moon, Sung-Ja Lee. Dream-work in ministry : (in Korean Christian context) (1993)
  • Oh, Kyoo Hoon. Discipleship nurturing through small group Bible study in Korean immigrant church (1993)
  • Peterson-New, Mark M. A youth ministry mission work trip as ritual process (1993)
  • Polk, George Pullman. Clinical pastoral education : a teaching model for the urban church (1993)
  • Potts, Kenneth. Matin Buber’s “healing dialogue” in marital therapy : a case study (1993)
  • Rourke, Marguerite Anastasia Freese. Deliver us from evil : healing lessons acquired in recovering form the sexual assault of my child as pastor to the accused (1993)
  • Stewart, Michael M. The MELS model for continuing education : preachers taking responsibility for learning (1993)
  • Sullivan, Robert Andrew. The hidden made clearer : relections on a Bible study group (1993)
  • Thomas, Almetha. Equipping lay leaders for caregiving (1993)
  • Vorpagel, Earl Edward. Sermons from the pew ; a small group story-sharing, Bible study approach to the sermon (1993)
  • Williams, Theron. Enhancing self-esteem through the worship : an experiment (1993)
  • Wolf, Richard G. Implementing a community-based model for youth (1993)
  • Zimmermann, Robert G. When the tradition becomes toxic : the effect of a rigid belief system on the development of a cohesive self (1993)
  • Bradford, Mark L. One pastor’s attempt to balance family life in a small (1994)
  • Gardner, John Pugh. “I don’t know how to pray” : the formational role of prayer in confirmation, a Protestant approach (1994)
  • Grace, Marjorie L. Encouraging and healing : a pastoral psychotherapy of a survivor of torture and war (1993)
  • Hyun, In-Ho. The prayer group as a way to relate faith to daily life in a Korean American church (1994)
  • Koo, Kyo Hwan. Developing leadership in two KoreanAmerican churches : a study of contrast (1994)
  • Lee, Keeseung. Ritual practice in KoreanAmerican congregation : the using of mask dance to overcome Han for healing and forgiveness (1994)
  • Linke, Bettylou. Miss me, but let me go! : an exploratory workshop for pastors providing pastoral care to the terminally ill (1994)
  • Mattson, Terry A. A marriage enrichment retreat as ritual process : a pilot project (1994)
  • Mpofu, Menson E. Addressing brokenness : one hospital chaplain’s crisis intervention with African-American male survivors of violence (1994)
  • Thompson, Carolyn. Enhancing self-esteem in violence victims in an Appalachia resident shelter : a volunteer’s reflection of the person-centered approach (1994)
  • Weeks, Gwendolyn G. From house church to mega church : a case study of the Apostolic Church of God (1994)
  • Wilson, Geneal L. Discovering and communicating pastoral identity through preaching (1994)
  • Bland, Michael. Being a newly ordained priest : a process of inclusion and belonging (1995)
  • Bocher, Luke E. A pastor’s journey toward self-definition : sharing expectations, goals and hopes with the congregation through preaching (1995)
  • Branch, Mary Abrams. Health care with a divine message : equipping Christian nurses for spiritutal care (1995)
  • Chambers, Gloria R. The lesser half? : moving from brokenness to wholeness (1995)
  • Clarke, Robert B. Soul food : an examination of pastoral care givers’ spirituality (1995)
  • Drake, Ronnie C. Redeeming love : pastoral care of the delusional parishoner (1995)
  • Elsenheimer, Nancy Nelson. Shall the women keep silence?: finding our voices in the experience of a feminist hermeneutics and Biblical interpretation preaching group (1995)
  • Elsenheimer, Theodore E. Conference ministry as transformative leadership (1995)
  • Glick, Del. “Saved by the PCRC!”: a congregational structural model of blessing and empowering the pastoral-congregational relationship (1995)
  • Goosby, Carolyn Ann. Weeping willows with the strength of oaks : assessing the psychosocial impact of four African American clergy women (1995)
  • Martz, Stephen. Only connect : a case study of liturgy as pastoral care for people affected by AIDS (1995)
  • Miller, Earl D. Inviting preachers to the loom : discovering how preachers can enfabric the wideness of a church that proclaims “that they may all be one” (1995)
  • Mitman, F. Russell. Putting it all together for Sunday : an integrated approach to worship and preaching (1995)
  • Nehring, Arlene. Hearts open slowly : helpful approaches to preaching for UCC pastors whose churches seek to become “Open and Affirming” (1995)
  • Padrnos, David J. Contemplative dream work (1995)
  • Reese, Leo H. From church to village : from boys to men (1995)
  • Sorensen, Barbara Jo. The promise and peril of self-disclosure in pastoral care (1995)
  • Toback, Phyllis Brooks. “Lech lecha ” — “Go forth” : transformative supervision in clinical pastoral education (1995)
  • Barth, Thomas E. A pastoral response to adult male victims of childhood sexual abuse (1996)
  • Booz, Donald R. Embracing the shadow : a hidden resource for sermon formation (1996)
  • Choi, Young Eun. Cross-culturalcross-racial ministry : the case of the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church (1996)
  • Delony, Lawson Len. Hearing and telling the stories of healing : from restitution and chaos to testimony of a quest (1996)
  • Dove, Timothy. Youth ministry across cultures and religious traditions : a Catholic approach (1996)
  • Kim, Ok Youn. Ministry with Korean and Korean American victims of domestic family violence in the family, community and in the church : ministry of healing (1996)
  • Kondziolka, Ronald L. Chaplain assistants : the new pastoral care volunteer (1996)
  • Lueck, Karen. –And she was very good : new awareness in healing women’s shame (1996)
  • Miller, Sherry L. Working through congregational conflicts : ministry of the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (1996)
  • Murphy, Michael C. An African American new church start in modern times : the St. Stephen’s Community Church story (1996)
  • Stewart, Vercena Dungy. “It works if we work it!” : a model of Christian community development, the story of Bethany Brethren Community Center (1996)
  • Weaver, David E. Reclaiming the pastoral in pastoral care : the process of divorce and reconciliation (1996)
  • Angel, Stephan E. The Master Narratives Series : re-vitalizing the local church by engaging the Biblical stories (1997)
  • Dawkins, James H. Trinity U.C.C. HIVAIDS Support Ministry : response to silence (1997)
  • Eisenbach, Pinchas. The application of Halacha to end of life ethical decisions in interfaith settings (1997)
  • Jackson, Rogers W. A pedagogy of partnership : a church based rite of passage program for African American adolescent males (1997)
  • Lopez, Sunny. The Order of Good Shepherds : recognizing, affirming and nuturing ministry in the health care community (1997)
  • Astudillo, Gustavo. The praxis movement : from declining to ecclesiogenesis (1998)
  • Bentley, Michelle W. The white face of theological education : a case study of movement to anti-racist, multicultural theological education (1998)
  • Davis, Janet E. From downsizing to depth : one chaplain’s “call” to becoming ‘more’ (1998)
  • Doh, Esther Y. An ever-present hope : pastoral care to hospitalized children with life-threatening illnesses (1998)
  • Green, Irvin W. Empowering congregational lay leaders for vital ministry : overcoming the obstacles (1998)
  • Herzog, Gladys. Spiritual care of elders in nursing homes : vital lessons for pastors and congregations (1998)
  • Kothari, Eric Vipin. Imagining resources in pediatric bereavement counseling : creating rituals & effective institutional change (1998)
  • Luckey, Peter A. The university church : a crucible for integrating faith and work (1998)
  • Manching, Romulo S. Bringing an Asian-American perspective on CPE supervision into a multicultural CPE center (1998)
  • Mascia, Al. Healing low-church esteem : emancipating worship (1998)
  • McIntosh-Smith, Katherine. On the “Godly play” program and its ministry with children (1998)
  • Neff, David M. A creative writing program and self-liberation : one pastor’s search for an integrated and authentic spirituality (1998)
  • Oh, Sung-Kown. Healing “han” : a Korean-American pastor’s experience with small groups (1998)
  • Olsen, Donald P. Networking community : a look at the Internet and its potential for ministry (1998)
  • Petite, Robert. From the periphery to the center : claiming a sense of place for institutional chaplaincy (1998)
  • Schorin, Michael J. A passion for prescription : the use of “ezah” in Hasidic counseling and hospice (1998)
  • Zaki, Zaki Labib. “How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a new land?” : a survey of the needs and challenges facing the educational ministry of the Middle Eastern American church (1998)
  • Kim, Joong Ho. Spiritual discernment for Christian mystical experience : contribution of Ken Wilber (1999)
  • Muroko, Peter K. The gift of anger in grieving : a cross cultural journey towards freedom (1999)
  • O’Donovan, Pat. Contemplative practice in Clinical Pastoral Education : deepening and enhancing pastoral reflection (1999)
  • Taylor, Michelle. Advance directives : empowering congregations to hear and speak plainly aboutend-of-life issues (1999)
  • Tiak, Mang. Revisioning fruitlessness : a cross cultural ministry for infertile women (1999)
  • Archer, William David. The spiritual ministry of the aging homosexual man (2000)
  • Bolson, Ann E. Searching for the God of grace : psychotherapy and spiritual accompaniment with wounded Christians (2000)
  • Bundick, Barbara A. Caring for the congregation : self psychology, interim ministry, and the non-anxious presence Chicago, (2000)
  • Burbank, Beth. Meeting for worship for healing : a contemplative healing service after the manner of the Religious Society of Friends (2000)
  • Gueu, Denis M. Recovering prayer as a healing aspect in contemporary ministry (2000)
  • Jones, Gregory Agustus. The development of an intentional multicultural Christian community in northwest Indiana (2000)
  • Roberts, Patricia A. Dark night, the other side of trauma : the chaplain as mother of the patient (2000)
  • Wadkins, Douglas E. Creating spiritual growth groups in Unitarian Universalist congregations (2000)
  • Yang, Sang Jin. The impact of the Korean cultural schools on second-generation Korean-American youth in three Korean-American churches (2000)
  • Asabea, Margaret Victoria.Cross-cultural healing : utilizing Ghanaian symbols and images in a medical setting (2001)
  • Barcham, Sharon S. And the Lord heard my cry : revealing chemical dependency in the treatment of domestic violence (2001)
  • Egli, Mark S. An infertile pastor looks at infertility (2001)
  • Grainger, David L. Cross-cultural service-learning : a public theology approach (2001)
  • Odle, Wayne L. R Responses of leaders toward health principles advocated by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church (2001)
  • Phillips, Ronald E. Nurturing men to wholeness : a forum for a local parish (2001)
  • Thomas, Darius E. A Wesleyan intervention : from prejudice to hospitality toward chemically addicted persons (2001)
  • Bae, Hyun Seok. Establishing new bonds : a new vision for the first and second generation Korean-American church (2002)
  • Bombard, Patricia M. Spiritual leadership : guiding an organization through transformation (2002)
  • Burris-Schnur, Catherine Empathic presence : Kohutian mirroring of the feminie experience, one woman’s process of coming to voice. (2002)
  • Coughlin, Patricia M. Dreamsharing and communal conversation (2002)
  • De Roche, Leonard. Interim minister as lightning rod of congregational energy (2002)
  • Dolák Samojský, Petr. Words are not enough : ministry through creativity (2002)
  • Hawkins, Konstance Bell.Speaker for the dead : the funeral service (2002)
  • Holmes, Roy A. Beyond “kitchen theologyeconomics” : a new paradigm of Christian stewardship (2002)
  • Hubbard, Lynn. The healing circle : creating ritual process for juvenile sex offenders (2002)
  • Rennick, Cathey. Reflection, compassion and an invitation to growth : spiritual companioning as a model of relationship for pastors and parish relations committees (2002)
  • Schaefer, Susan. Taking philanthropy out of the box : a call narrative (2002)
  • Brown, Lorolie A. Free us to pray : what happens when a congregation explores different ways of reaching to God (2003)
  • Brown, Norval I. Implementing a twenty-four hour spiritual formation retreat for United Metholdist pastors (2003)
  • Cochran, Leona J. A Christian supplement for spirituality in the 12 step program : journeying in accompaniment with persons in substance abuse (2003)
  • Dietert, Irma G. Kids need worship, too : include them (2003)
  • Fields, Diana M. The revising of an adult Sunday School program : the changing of a people (2003)
  • Johnson, Delores Victoria. Women empowered, a non-profit outreach organizational ministry : building a safe and strong bridge for successful transitional living, homeless women and children living in and out of shelters (2003)
  • Kaiser, Frank J. Revelation in the face of death : near-death experiences and eschatological hope and expectation in Christian ministry (2003)
  • Lee, Bum Hoon. Spiritual transformation of the congregation in a local church through lectio divina (2003)
  • Murphy, Anne On sacred ground : chaplains at the World Trade Center, November 11-22, 2001 (2003)
  • Ngatia, Jemimah. Empowering clergy and laity : introducing the Stephen Ministry Program in the Kenyan context (2003)
  • Novick, Patricia Katherine. Energizing transformative leaders : self-care for justice activists (2003)
  • Park, Chang-Bum. Opening dialogue about adoption for infertile couples : in Korean Christian context (2003)
  • Rasmussen, David L. Organ and tissue donation : a presentation made to Seventh-Day Adventist pastors from the Illinois Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists (2003)
  • Walker, Homer. A model of teaching using the quantum learning method (2003)
  • Armstrong, Rebecca D. Pilgrimage to the soul of the city : a humanist litugy in the mythopoetic mode (2004)
  • Demzien, Elaine. The labyrinth : a ritual process in symbol, liminality and sacred space for patients, families and staff in a medical center (2004)
  • Greenlee, Edith E. Johnson. Pre & post partum depression : lighting a candle for ministry and mission in a dark place (2004)
  • Rasoarivonjy, Emma Claire. International students in seminaries: initiayion through adversity. (2004)
  • Snyder, Ruth E. Growing Spirituality: empowering courageous and enduring ministry in anxious times (2004)
  • Wigston, Leslie Samuel. The power of song : using a hymn in a sermon (2004)
  • Wunsch, Ronald William. Esprit de corps : building Christian community in an Army chapel through celebrative preaching of the Holy Spirit (2004)
  • Yoo, Yeon Yeong. Body prayer: a healing ministry through divine touch with senior women inpatients (2004)
  • Byrne, Brian Campbell. Clean beds, warm meals, converted lives: the transformative power of hospitatilty for privileged religious communities. (2005)
  • Matthews, Abraham V. Keep us in the community of faith: how the Chicago MGOCSM annual retreats transfer faith and tradition to the coming generations of the Indian Orthodox Church. (2005)
  • Negeri, Wakseyoum Idossa. Developing pastoral care ministry with persons living with HIV-AIDS and families in the Ethiopian context (2005)
  • Varma, Omega. Hospice: a challenging ministry to Hindu immigrants (2005)
  • Wendorf, Mark W. Transformational education: can we get there from here? (2005)
  • Cobb, Lauretha Darcel. Weaving tangled threads: women’s abuse and sacred stories in the ministry of pastoral care (2006)
  • De Bardelaben, Bentley. Con-fused faith communities : the resurrection of St. Luke’s through merger with Living Faith (2006)
  • Dubose, Theriot Defran. The least of these : manual of ministry with the formerly incarcerated and their family (2006)
  • Hill, Katherine Ann. Stir into flame the gift 2 Tim 1:6 : Companions in Mercy, an experiment in new forms of religious life (2006)
  • Kim, Un Young. Miss-ing voices : reclaiming the stories of young Korean women (2006)
  • Sabbithi, Elsie Rose. From patriarchy to freedom : challenging of Indian women-practicing ministry (2006)
  • Shelton, Laura L. Suffer the women to come unto me : redeeming the image of God through inner child work (2006)
  • Anantharaj, Inbarasu. Nishkamakarma in pastoral care and education: an Asian-Indian perspective (2007)
  • Cho, Eun-Sang. Revitalization of caring ministry of the Korean-American Church: caring for marginalized people of the church in the context of globalization (2007)
  • McAllister Jr., Julius. Encouraging churches in the development of a comprehensive stewardship ministry (2007)
  • Moss, Charles. Spirituality and addiction (2007)
  • O’Brien, Stephen Patrick. “When a picture is worth a thousand words”: the use of visual expression as a reflective tool in clinical pastoral education (2007)
  • Butterfield, Clare. The anthill and the church : a project in integration of new science and new theology into the ecological life of the church (2008)
  • Paff, Anthony D. P. A proposal to institute a ministry of collegial companionship to provide ongoing support and renewal for clergy serving in local congregations: “breathing new life into drying bones (2008)
  • Peachey, Kirsten J. Health is beloved community: faith, vision and spirit in the work for health justice (2008)
  • Richert, Curran R. Listening through the storm: a retrospective narrative of a new, open and affirming church born out of a church spirit (2008)
  • Root, Rita M. Out of the mire, back on the road : serviving conflict, re-imagining ministry in a parish today (2008)
  • Williams, Danielle D. Utilizing the holy act of listening as a pastoral care approach to gang violence (2008)
  • Wise, Mary M. Embracing Reiki healing within the local church : a pastor’s journey (2008)
  • Jung Kyu-Cheol. Bridges made of love: becoming a spiritual friend to second generation Korean-Americans (2009)
  • Jung Won Jin. Beyond ‘believing in Jesus’ to ‘living Jesus’: a first step for transforming Christianity in post-imperial South Korea (2009)
  • Mastandrea, John J. Even the rocks will cry out: church architecture as soul saving art (2009)
  • In Seok Jin. Transformative Bible study through understanding symbol: a Korean immigrant church’s spiritual Bible study (2010)
  • Shin Sang Won. Deepening the experience of Bible study in Korean immigrant churches: integrating narrative Bible study and spiritual discipline (2010)
  • Stewart, David A. Spirituality, healing, and wellness: a curriculum for congregations (2010)
  • Atiba, Afri Alelani. Bridging the gap: Biblical interpretation from the academy to the African American Church (2011)
  • Barnes, Diana. A transformational recovery strategy to reform local church orthopathy (2011)
  • Brooks, Zenobia. The journey: a group spiritual direction model for multicultural, racially-diverse congregations (2011)
  • Chae Paul Byeongkwon. Educating the Korean American community about hospice care (2011)
  • Hewitt, Emily C. Liberty of conscience and the mission of hospitality (2011)
  • Lim Seungtaek. Building the foundation for a healthy marriage with Korean American couples (2011)
  • Williams, Jamie Hannah. Open heart & Brave Heart: the spirituality of intercultural bridge builders (2011)
  • Holmes, Valerie Y. Finding the life-giving impulse: liberating Black church women through a Womanist Bible study (2012)
  • Koehler, Renae V. A red arch: making confirmation meaningful (2012)
  • Moss, Otis, III. No church in the wild: post-soul incarnational worship (2012)
  • Taylor, Dawson B. Four Golden Girls and a preacher walk into a bar…: taking the Gospel to the dispossessed (2012)
  • Baek Yong Seok. The study of communication in preaching for the first generation Korean American (2013)
  • Gallagher, Terrence G. Sacred conversations on eco-justice (2013)
  • Givens, Lindsey Halpern. Deepen your knowledge, delight your life: SoulCollage, ritual, hospitality, and community (2013)
  • Redden, Shawn R. Cultivating souls companions: an experience of group spiritual guidance with ministry students in the United Church of Canada (2013)
  • Simmons, Derrick T., Sr. The alienated family within the family: ministry practices for non-traditional families (2013)
  • Choi, Young Suk. Conflict managment for Christian marriage in the Korean-American culture (2014)
  • Dennis, Thomas J. The grief river project: a resource for parish-based bereavement ministry (2014)
  • Hronek, Richard J. Assessing the impact of a short-term mission trip on white privilege and spirituality (2014)
  • Tyler-Lloyd, Naomi. Can we talk? engaging the issues that prevent church ministry to survivors of sexual abuse/trauma (2014)
  • Salter, Franshonn C. Hip-Hop worship: bridging the gap between youth culture and the church (2014)
  • Ahrens, Timothy Carl. Young and growing stronger: creating a model of 21st century prophetic witness leaders with a new generation (2015)
  • Currie, Charles Stepheh, Jr. Addressing emerging issues with a prophetic voice through social media (2015)
  • Harrell, Joan R. A Womanist critique: the intersection of racism, Protestant Christianity, and media in the pulpit and public square of the United States of America (2015)
  • Harris, Deloris Liner. The real story of African American pastors’ wives: not for prime time TV(2015)
  • Umunnakwe, Eze Venantius. The Igbo Catholic family and marriage and the problem of polygamy pastorally revisited (2015)
  • Downer, Kevin L. Transforming community: dialogue and inquiry as a just and loving way for leading increasingly diverse people beyond fear, loss and uncertainty (2016)
  • Jin, Youngil. Developing short term mission trips that work: A workshop for Korean church leaders on how to Do culturally effective missions by connecting authentically with receiving churches (2016)
  • Love, Velda Raye. Cultural immersion as a pedagogical tool to end racism (2016)
  • Mitchell, G. Pirie. When two become new (2016)
  • Pagan-Banks, Marilyn. Love overcomes chaos: accompanying young adults seeking life outside of gangs, guns and drugs (2016)
  • Seo, Pyungwon. Developing the congregational leadership in Korean immigrant church through the officer training program (2016)
  • Brumfield, Dawnn M. Pirani. We Are the branches: an integrative study of pastoral leadership as a family systems theory (2016)
  • Burke, Kelly A. Welcome to the improv: effective funerals in the postmodern context (2017)
  • Candido, Elizabeth Hakken. Outside religion: The spiritual lives of Kalamazoo college nones(2017)
  • Carter, Erica J. The Holy Spirit breaking through: a mental health approach to pastoral care in a pentecostal context (2017)
  • Duval, Dawn Riley. Fighting the good fight: a womanist-based model of ally-ship for multi-racial/muti-ethnic clergywomen activists (2017)
  • Fowler, Leah. Order out of chaos: using narrative as spiritual practice with adopted youth(2017)
  • Jung, Young Chun. Building effective team-based ministry through reconstructing gift-shaped leadership in Korean American church (2017)
  • Pak, Shimon. The global eco-crisis as an issue of faith (2017)
  • Robersmith, Adam. Shaping the spirit for ministry: a pedagogical model of spiritual formation for unitarian universalist seminarians (2017)
  • Scheidt, Michelle A. Out of the closet and out of the church: the spiritual lives of queer people who Are spiritual but not religious (2017)
  • Yang, Tom Hyoung Chel. Ties that bind: the gift of emotion coaching for Korean immigrant families in America (2017)
  • Croom, Erma Y. Embracing wholeness : womanist ways, the power of story and the process of healing and transformation (2016)
  • Mitchell, G. Pirie, When two become new  (2016)
  • Pirani Brumfield, Dawnn M. We are the branches : an integrative study of pastoral leadership as a family unit using Family Systems Theory (2016)
  • Seo, Pyungwon. Developing the congregational leadership in Korean immigrant church through the officer training program (2016)
  • Burke, Kelly A. Welcome to the improv : effective funerals in the postmodern context (2017)
  • Duval, Dawn Riley. Fighting the good fight : a womanist-based model for ally-ship for multi-racial/multi-ethnic clergywomen activists (2017)
  • Pak, Shimon. The global eco-crisis as an issue of faith (2017)
  • Robersmith, Adam. Shaping the spirit for ministry : a pedagogical model of spiritual formation for Unitarian Universalist seminarians (2017)
  • Yang, Tom Hyoung Chel. Ties that bind : the gift of emotion coaching for Korean immigrant families in America (2017)
  • Lee, Sun Ok. Finding safety for Korean American women : pastoral counseling for victims and survivors of domestic violence (2018)

Master of Sacred Theology: 2003-Current

Chicago Theological Seminary STM Theses
  • Kornegay, E. L. Queering Black homophobia: Black theology as a sexual discourse of transformation(2003)
  • Klein, Darren J. Homophobia on trial: a theological critique of the “Sacramento 68” (2005)
  • Gajere, Ishaya. Toward an understanding of Nigeria ethnoreligious crises: the contribution of postcolonial theory (2006)
  • Sisson, Jim. Paul Tillich and Paul Ricoeur on symbols of evil: implications for a hermeneutic of literary representations of evil (2006)
  • Langjahr, Robert. Dual discourses: bisexuality and “the lifestyle” (2008)
  • Jung Young Ghun. Inculturation as transformation of Christianity in Korean American context (2008)
  • Williams, Matthew. Engagement: evangelicals, progressives, Rick Warren and the promise of relationship (2008)
  • Cannon, Lauren C. An ecofeminist reading of Genesis 1.26, 1.28 and 2.5, 2.15: called to partnership, not stewardship (2009)
  • Choi Young Suk. Active dependent personality disorder: the case study and healing (2009)
  • Han Su-Hyun. Rereading Romans 4: the strategic writing of Paul for the solidarity within Jewish and Gentile particularities (2009)
  • Oh Seung Yong. Understanding men whose father was absent and helping them become a mature father (2009)
  • Yates, Renee. Post traumatic slave syndrome in the African American collective unconscious: a Jungian archetypal perspective (2009)
  • Croom, Erma. Conjuring vision and voice: empowering black women to declare freedom and reclaim wholeness for their lives, the church and the community (2010)
  • Grigg, Jenei. Person centered care beyond the rainbow: assisted living and longterm care training initiative towards inclusiveness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBTQ) senior adults (2010)
  • Higashi, Aaron. Life and sex with the women of Proverbs: an examination of the descriptive language surrounding the wife of youth and the adulteress woman in Proverbs 5 & 7 (2011)
  • Piang Zam Sian. Working on social justice among the Burmese community based on the dialogic-praxis methodology of Paulo Freire (2011)
  • Webb, David. Moving from the theory to practice: using “mission-in-reverse” to form a contemporary rite of passage into adulthood (2011)
  • Kitonga, Frederick A. Ethnic conflicts in Kenya: toward a redemptive and restorative response (2012)
  • Kolkmeier, James. Science and process theology: a study on the effects by the understanding of quantum mechanics in the postmodern era (2012)
  • Rockett, Edward D., Jr. Hip-hop & the Black church: a revolutionary approach for ministry amongst African-American urban youth (2012)
  • Seiwert, Lisa N. A wolf in lamb’s clothing: exposing Christian privilege in an Islamophobic America (2012)
  • Blackmore, Brian. Queer horizons of the inner light: a theological history of lesbian and gay Friends (2013)
  • Huh Sukhun. A study of the spirit Christology as an alternative Christology of Korean Christianity: a critical examination on the orthodox Christology of St. Augustine and the feminist Christology of Rosemary Radford Ruether and Mary Daly (2013)
  • Jun Sunhee. John the Baptist and Jesus: expectation and disappointment (2013)
  • Rinehart, Quincy James. Mitigating Black homophobia: theologies of masculinity in the Black Charismatic church tradition (2013)
  • Cataldo, Christina A. Sermons that matter: Judith Butler, Fred Craddock, and preaching from the gaps (2014)
  • Cheng, Shih Chang Wesley. The case study of same-sex movement in Taiwan: on theology and politics (2014)
  • Hutchison, Benjamin David. Your theology is killing out children: a psychological perspective of how the religious terrorism of antigay theology contributes to the suicide epidemic among queer youth (2014)
  • Notorangelo, Carolyn R. Narrating spirit: stories, legends, and parables in religious & spiritual praxis(2014)
  • Shim, Pumsup. A model of amends-making in self-forgiveness: an Imago-Dei and narrative approach (2014)
  • Buenting, Julie Ann. Beyond welcome: integrating sexuality and spirituality in LGBTQ-affirming Christian faith formation in the age of Queer Theory (2015)
  • Langeni, Nokuphiwa S. Gender ambiguity in the Bible (2015)
  • Chen, Charing Wei-Jen. A queer postcolonial critique of LGBT-inclusive churches in Taiwan (2016)
  • Gilbert, Virginia. Love your enemies: how Jesus counters oppositional consciousness in the Gospels(2016)
  • Green, Cheryl L. The journey toward a theology of liberation for Afro-Latinas in Central and South America (2016)
  • Tugwete, Montegomery. Difference: the missing continuum in the analysis of the root of racial oppression (2016)
  • Lapp. Robinson G. Hitting the streets with Jesus: a spiritual journey ordination for secular ministry(2017)
  • Diab, Fadi B. Palestinian liberation theology :challenging supremacy and racism (2018)
  • Robinson, Frederick D. Theosis as the goal of Christian life :drawing on patristic thought to form a renewed vision of social justice in contemporary theology (2018)
  • Jones, Alice Harper. A social justice theology : God's love expressed in action (2018)
  • Evans, Jamarcus. Boyz n the hood : God, film and the Black experience (2020)
  • Cowett, Lindsay. Shared subjugation :interpreting Psalm 137 with a Palestinian-centered hermeneutic (2021)
  • Hardy, Marvis Lisa. Reparative justice : repairing the breach through reconciliation (2021)
  • Morse, K.L. Despair to fulfillment : a comprehensive evaluation of the suffering experience by two 19th century faith communities (2021)

Master of Arts: 1937-Current

Chicago Theological Seminary MA Theses
  • Van Lissel, Carrie Elizabeth. A home-made standard stage for religious drama in the church(1937)
  • Edgar, Robert A. Building a church school curriculum for high school students (1938)
  • Guild, Frances Margaret. Family social work in two Chicago neighborhood houses (1938)
  • Hadley, Grace Bradbury. Proposals for the initial training of vacation church school workers(1938)
  • Manthei, Edward Frederick. A study of Congregational youth groups in the Chicago area(1938)
  • Satterlee, Virginia Evans. A study of social work in thirty-one selected Protestant churches(1939)
  • Wassenich, Ruth Siegfried. Prolegomena to a Christian aesthetic (1939)
  • Watson, Winnifred. The religious values in the dramas of Eugene O’Neill (1939)
  • Bird, Dorothy. Creative dramatics as a means of religious education for children (1940)
  • Bond, Eleanor Margaret. Factors in the shift from the evangelistic approach to the educational and recreational approach in the program of the Bethlehem Community Center(1940)
  • Joy, Adena. The arts among rural youth in some communities in Illinois (1940)
  • Kagin, Julia Elizabeth. A study of the relation of worship experience to the intermediate age group(1940)
  • Maddox, Jessie. Attitudes of the negro of the Lake Street area of Chicago toward the institutional life of the community (1940)
  • Olmstead, Ruth Roberts. A study of personality problems in a rural community (1940)
  • Vigars, Margaret Alice. A comparison of four interpretations of Christian ethics in terms of social problems (1940)
  • Avery, Perry Dickinson. The function of the arts in religion (1941)
  • Blair, Lois Faye. An experimental approach to the concept of God for the primary department (1941)
  • Eastman, Frances. Becoming aware of God: a unit of study for high school people (1941)
  • Huntington, Jeanette. Living with Juniors (1941)
  • Morse, Evangeline. Creative dramatics as means of meeting the religious needs of children(1941)
  • Williams, Jean Starr. A study of religious drama in certain churches of six Protestant denominations in the United States (1941)
  • Jamison, Carnella LeEsther. Missionary education of the disinherited: foundations of missionary education for Negro Disciples (1942)
  • Moore, Viola Lindblade. Three religious insights of Henrik Ibsen (1942)
  • Murdock, Dorothy Marion. A survey of workers’ education in the United States from a Christian viewpoint (1942)
  • Ulrich, Frances. Teaching guide for Junior worship (1942)
  • Williams, Palmer Day. A theory of worship in practice (1942)
  • Broadbent, Evelyn Handy. The use of the dance in religious education (1943)
  • Finke, Madge Axford. Methodist C.P.S. camp members: a study of growth (1943)
  • Smucker, Mary Emily. Theories of curriculum construction as they apply to the church school (1944)
  • Sprague, Ruth Louise. The use of biography in Christian education (1944)
  • Beck, Mary Alice. Training leaders for a summer caravan: the workshop approach for leadership education in the local church (1945)
  • Knight, Barbara. Hymnody for adolescents (1945)
  • Ozaki, Shigeo. Dynamics for Christian education in group-life and leadership (1945)
  • Walker, Everette L. Counseling relations of students and faculty members in five midwestern colleges (1945)
  • Wiencke, Gertrude Pearl. Christian folk celebration as a medium for religious education(1945)
  • Evans, Pauline Faye. Religious radio in the state of Oklahoma (1946)
  • Greaves, Doris Gertrude. Length for adolescents (1946)
  • Yoder, Colleen Sue. Communication incarnate: a Christian publication communicates itself.(1969)
  • Kreml, Anne Lee. Understanding conflict in the normal family actualization (1970)
  • Schwenke, John R. Training social workers in an era of ferment: with particular reference to social work education at the bachelor’s degree level (1970)
  • Henderson, Tolonda. Love ain’t worried: amplifying the lesbian voice of womanist theology through the blues (2003)
  • McCorn, Lester Agyei. A charge to keep: amplifying the lesbian voice of womanist theology through the blues (2003)
  • Jimenez, Elena Maria. Sexual identity as constructed in and through text: slash fanfiction and writing communities (2005)
  • Kotsko, Adam. Literature in secret: an impossible filiation by Jacques Derrida – translation and commentary (2005)
  • Anderson, John E. Young adults and the contemporary protestant church : strategies for youth retention from the Taize community (2008)
  • Chafen, Sandra J. Follow the leader (2008)
  • Davey, Joshua. Postholiness: towards a renewed historical identity for the Church of God (Anderson, IN) (2008)
  • Fernádez, Carlos R. What is it about the flesh? (2008)
  • Roncolato, Carolyn. From power to presence: a theological examination of the doctrine of divine omnipotence in light of domestic and sexual violence (2008)
  • Yoon, Deuk Hyoung. Theological reflection on pastors with compulsive personality disorder: a case study based on environments in Korea (2008)
  • Arthur, Kenneth. The queer Christ: recognizing ourselves in the divine (2009)
  • Bohanan, Adam S. Remarks by the president: religion and rhetoric in George W. Bush’s service academy commencement addresses (2009)
  • Erickson, Jenna N. A coalesced creation: revisiting the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo in order to revive our water depths (2009)
  • Lane, Latanya. Animal connection: Genesis 37-38 (2009)
  • Remaly, Heather C. And they shall have dominion: animal suffering and Christian responsibility (2009)
  • Schroeder, Tasha. Thinness is next to Godliness: evangelical diet literature and eating disorders in women (2009)
  • Credit, Torrance. The last day: an examination of the Holy Qur’an and its connections to the Holy Bible (2010)
  • Damholt, Ronald J. Rightwiseness and justice: a tale of translation (2010)
  • Ewing, Stephanie. Revolutionary mysticism: how Christian mystical traditions can inspire liberation (2010)
  • Kolkmeier, James. Ritual in crisis/crisis in ritual (2010)
  • Lee, Sun Ok. Enhancing pastoral care for intercultural families: emerging challenges for the church (2010)
  • Scurlock, Quinton G. Biblical hermeneutics of the Black church: the shift from liberation to oppression (2010)
  • Blackmore, Brian. Pedagogy for speaking bodies: teaching from the religious studies classroom in public schools (2011)
  • Bohanan, Becky. Calling it “crappy sex”: the influence of Christianity’s heteronormativity in American culture (2011)
  • Byon Hyonju. An unnamed woman who ought to vanish to create a liberationist narrative: a postcolonial reading of John 7:53-8:11 (2011)
  • Calberg, Eric. Meeting the expectations of the Adama: early Israel’s subsistence identity (2011)
  • Powell, Sharon L. The embodiement/(dis)embodiment of canon: maps, bodies, boundaries, and theological knowledge (2011)
  • Self, Jessica Kelly. In the shadow of the cross: consensually transgressing in worship settings (2011)
  • Mowry, Tyler. The Canaanite Bible: Or the curious case of the Palestinian Christian hermeneutics (2012)
  • Moulos, Kimberly. Dis-covering Daly under the cloak of essentialism: A multiplicitous and nonlinear perspectives on Mary Daly (2012)
  • Perry, Brock A. The Futurity of Queer Theology: Toward an effective approach to queerness and divinity (2012)
  • Keller, Katelyn. Zion’s Strength: an analysis of the feminine Zion metaphors (2013)
  • Mitchell, Aram. A political soteriology of survival: apocalyptic maneuvers in the Good Lorde’s plan for salvation (2013)
  • Ruoyu Xu (Echo). Walter Benjamin – “Aura” atmosphere and classic harmony (2013)
  • Bedar, Louie. Contemplating unconscious ethics and violence: a Maatian suggestion (2014)
  • Crum, Timothy Laden. Just say ‘maybe!’ to drugs: understanding the Episcopal Church and drugs through storytelling, history and scripture (2014)
  • Hairston, Sarah M. Reading against rape, reading for healing (2014)
  • Loring-Albright, Heather. Rocking the cradle: a relational analysis of domestic childcare work to inspire community innovation (2014)
  • Minnaar, Rachel. The responsibility of American graduate theological schools and seminaries to provide disability support services for students with Asperger Syndrome and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (2014)
  • Scott, Jacob. Three seemingly disparate elements walk into a bar: the Queer eschatology of humor and stand-up comedy (2014)
  • Avino, Steve. The power of Christ: exploring the theology of Christian Ritual Magic (2015)
  • Alexander, Elizabeth ‘Liz.’ Black women, gun violence, and the Black Church: towards a theology and culture of safety (2015)
  • Garrett, Jamel. Theology on wax: identifying theological, sociopolitical, and cultural intersections between Hip Hop music and theology (2015)
  • Godwin, William Garard. What is “Religion”? religious diversity and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Judeo-Christian definitional framework in Free Exercise Clause Jurisprudence
  • Jo, Jae Seon. The overlap of the feast motifs of Passover and tabernacles in John (2015)
  • McKinney, Richard ‘R’ Marshall. Liminality: trans identity as God’s identity (2015)
  • Birden, Donald L. The patenting and commercialization of Gympen™ (2016)
  • Birden, Marilyn. Establishing community banking within the United Church of Christ Illinois Conference (2016)
  • Burton, Ariel Shahar. Refracting lenses of liberation: women’s access to communal ritual in Jewish and Islamic law (2016)
  • Kim, Jin-Sun. Karl Rahner’s theology of art: on seeing as a religious act (2016)
  • Knight, Faatimah. Finding female personhood in Islamic texts on marriage (2016)
  • Lawrence, Lynda Holiday. Pedagogy of a global theological academy: taking the progressive response to the next level (2016)
  • Rose, Gregory. Wilderness as a pathway to the divine (2016)
  • Nuccio, Anthony. Reading the fife and thought of Dorothy Day today (2017)
  • Rodriquez, Gerardo. Mark 8:22-26 and the ayahu asca ceremony: an interpretation with ecological postcolonial and queer lenses (2017)
  • Stallworth, Dewayne R. Common religious heritage: ingenuity, enslavement and the African ideal of existential togetherness (2017)
  • Tuňon, Alvaro Enrique. Calvinism and common grace: finding tulips in God’s creation (2017)

Master of Arts in Religious Leadership: 2013-Current

Chicago Theological Seminary MARL Theses
  • Hite, Devan Mark. Mormons building bridges: constructing a viable, LGBTQ Mormon theology (2013)
  • Notorangelo, Carolyn R. No time for peace: food and the building of inter-religious community (2013)
  • Thomas, Don M. An abolitionist movement against mass incarceration (2013)
  • Mitchell, Eric. Mombet: Envisioning new models of transformative leadership through non-normative symbols & practice (2016)
  • Flagler, Dean C. Finding grace in a secular space: reflections on ministry at MetroSquash for deacons and pastors (2017)

Doctor of Theology: 1971-1981

Chicago Theological Seminary ThD Dissertations
  • Patte, Daniel. Early Jewish hermeneutic in Palestine (1971)
  • Sales, Richcard W. Love and anxiety: a study of the crisis in Zulu marriage with educational goals(1972)
  • Wagner, Murray L. The life and thought of Petr Chelcicky: a radical separatist in Hussite Bohemia(1973)
  • Sweeter, Thomas P. American Catholic survival: the crisis of American Catholic identity, present situation and future hope (1974)
  • Drayton, Rodney Dean. A Christian view of man within a Whiteheadian perspective (1977)
  • Schlabach, Ervin A. The rule of Christ among the early Swiss Anabaptists (1977)
  • Goba, Bonganjalo Claude. Doing theology in South Africa: a Black Christian perspective(1978)
  • Keitzar, Renthy-Soba. Translating the Hebrew Scriptures: a case study of some basic features(1979)
  • Hartford, Lincoln. A good tune: a dissertation on the phenomenon of Welsh hymn singing as it demonstrates the inherent relationship of worship and the arts (1981)

Master of Arts in Religious Education: 1965-1975

Chicago Theological Seminary MARE in Preaching Theses
  • Ito, Satoko. Atonement in the community of pre-school children. (1965)
  • Goldberg, Patricia Jane. Creative activities and groups: an action approach to community. (1967)
  • Jiboku, Simon Olumuvyiwa. Hegel: a comparison between his philosophy of history and the Israelite notion of salvation history. (1967)
  • Wood, Bob R. Toward a theological understanding of freedom. (1968)
  • Ikenberry, Ann Hunter. Day care: a ministry of the church in a changing society (1971)
  • Bartram, William R. Education for today’s youth and tomorrow’s world: an approach to enabling fully functioning existence through the learning process (1973)
  • Cramton, Harriet Haseltine. A small pilgrim’s progress: a study of the gradual development of religious consciousness in childhood (1973)
  • Bell, Susan M. A study unit on the Eucharist (1975)

Bachelor of Divinity: 1895-1939

Chicago Theological Seminary BD Theses
  • Blish, William Henry. Roman Catholic foreign missions: their present status (1895)
  • Corwin, Carl Henry. How shall divorce be checked? (1895)
  • Cutler, Walter Adams. The Old Testament doctrine of Sheol (1895)
  • Dibble, William Leggett. An ideal sermon: material and construction (1895)
  • Diven, Clarence Leslie. Apologetic problems: or the nature and aims, the methods, and the value of apologetics (1896)
  • Fox, Frank. George Whitefield and his work as an evangelist in America (1895)
  • Hall, Hedley Arsene. The dramatic element in the Bible (1895)
  • Harrison, Norman. The fundamental inevitable antagonism between the Church of Rome in this country and republican institutions (1895)
  • Hopkins, William Henry. New false teachings from an old point of view: the Bible doctrine of false prophets (1895)
  • Kirkpatrick, John Erwin. Charity in the early church: from the apostolic period to the recognition of the church by the Empire (1895)
  • Larkin, Ralph Baxter. The balance existing between egoism and altruism as viewed from the Christian standpoint (1895)
  • Leonard, Arthur Eastman. The three witnesses [John 5:8] (1895)
  • Marcellius, David. Jesu liknelser (1895)
  • Marsh, Wilson Jeptha. The hina and hopos plerothei clauses in Matthew (1895)
  • Millard, William Barrett. The New Testament view of divorce (1895)
  • Nelson, John William. A critical estimate of conditional immortality (1895)
  • Reed, James Lee. Child saving as a preventative of pauperism (1895)
  • Robinson, Oliver Theron. Personality as a factor in evangelism (1895)
  • Seccombe, Charles Horace. John’s doctrine of the preincarnate Logos (1895)
  • Soderquist, Carl John. The promulgation of Christianity in Sweden: from the ninth to the eleventh centuries (1895)
  • Stetson, Reuben Kidder. Old Testament idea of life after death (1895)
  • Wellman, Frederick Creighton. Physical obstacles to evangelization (1895)
  • Winchester, Benjamin S. The effect upon the Hebrew society of the change from a Nomadic to an agricultural life (1895)
  • Brooks, Jonas Gardner. The regenerate church in the first three centuries (1896)
  • Brown, Richard. A study of Robert Browne: his times and teaching (1896)
  • Burleigh, Benjamin Wade, Issues between the early Christian church and the Jews (1896)
  • Cushing, Edwin Bascom. Evolution in its bearing upon fundamental Christian doctrines (1896)
  • Dascomb, Henry Nutting. The Kenosis (1896)
  • Davies, John. A study of the Christiological teaching of Phil. II: 5-11 (1896)
  • Diven, Clarence Leslie. Apologetic problems: or the nature and aims, the methods, and the value of apologetics (1896)
  • Ferguson, John Benjamin. The Atonement (1896)
  • French, Charles Leonard. A historical study of Christian revivals (1896)
  • Frost, Merle Arthur. The meaning of Christ’s death to his own consciousness and in the experience of the apostles (1896)
  • Hubbell, Fred Manning. The bright side of the Indian question: Indian missions (1896)
  • Humphrey, William Brewster. The causes of the persecution under Queen Mary of England (1896)
  • Ingraham, Alexander Miller. The influence of Greek thought upon the New Testament teaching of justification by faith (1896)
  • Kolmos, Jesse Jessen. The portrait of Christ in the Synoptists and in John (1896)
  • Mears, Charles Leon. The Holy Spirit: a study in dogmatics (1896)
  • Pritchard, William Suttle The Christian social order as disclosed in the life and words of Christ (1896)
  • Southgate, Benjamin Marsh. Jesus, the son of the God of Israel (1896)
  • Stevens, Julius Merle. The life and teachings of Jesus in the four epistles of Paul (1896)
  • Stockwell, Cyrus Kellogg. Influence of John Wycliff upon John Hus (1896)
  • Strain, Horace Leslie. Jesus’ view of his death according to the Synoptic Gospels: a study in Biblical theology (1896)
  • Wheeler, Frederick Sharon. An historical study of the Logos: in pagan writings of Greek philosophy of the first three centuries of Christianity and comparison of this Logos with that of the Logos in the prologue of John the Apostle (1896)
  • Whitcomb, William Albert. The relation of the new learning to the reformation in England prior to 1830 (1896)
  • Baumgardner, Burdette C. The new democracy (1897)
  • Benson, Ernest Leon. Salvation from sin :an investigation of the teachings of the gospels, of Paul’s epistles, of First John and of Hebrews (1897)
  • Bussey, Robert Daniel. Study of the Apostolic authority in the early Church (1897)
  • Chase, C. Thurston. A study of Jesus’ consciousness of messiahship (1897)
  • Drew, Edward Payson, The vicarious sufferings of the servant of Jehovah : the culmination of messianic prophecy (1897)
  • Erickson, Andrew. The teaching of Jesus regarding his own death as given in the Synoptic Gospels (1897)
  • Guild, Roy Bergen. A study of the Penitentials in the British Isles (1897)
  • Ream, William Theophilus. Evolution in its relation to the Christian doctrine of sin (1897)
  • Skerik, John.The early Moravian missions among the North American Indians (1897)
  • Staff, Fred. Sin in the Norse mythology (1897)
  • Stapleton, Robert S. A study of the Quran: with special reference to its teaching as an authority for the intolerance of Islam toward other religions (1897)
  • Stutson, Henry Howard. German translations of the Bible: from the earliest times to that of Luther (1897)
  • Torrence, James Smith. Peter, subdeacon, rector of Sicily: a study of the times of Gregory I, Pope 590-604 A.D., from his letters (1897)
  • Wiltberger, Louis Warner. Chrysostum as a preacher for his own times (1897)
  • Barnes, Howard Clark. An argument for the existence of God from design in nature and history (1898)
  • Bennett, William Rainey. A study in personality: from the psychological and sociological view-point (1898)
  • Bowers, Roy Edwin. Divine personality and the Incarnation (1898)
  • Burhans, Frank Dennis. The interpretation of Sheol in the Old Testament (1898)
  • Burton, Charles Emerson. Recent developments in methods of church work (1898)
  • Condit, Henry Joy. The educational function of the Church (1898)
  • Dexter, Daniel Weaver. The argument for the existence of God from design in nature and history (1898)
  • Elwell, Talmadge Robert. The intellectual, moral and religious condition of France in the time of Boniface, A.D. 680-755: with special reference to the work of Boniface in France (1898)
  • Evans, John Charles. The regenerate church of the first five centuries (1898)
  • Fisk, Charles Leon. Luther’s relation to the learning of his age (1898)
  • Fritzmeier, William, Die moderne Bibelkritike nach ihrem Wesen und Recht (1898)
  • Hogen, Bert Miley. In what sense are the scriptures inspired? (1898)
  • Jesus consciousness of his office in the work of reconciliation (1898)
  • Jones, Howard Murray. Jesus on prophecy: an investigation of the Synoptic gospels (1898)
  • Long, Frederick William. The influence of the “Theologica Germanica” and the “Brethren of the common life” upon the Reformation (1898)
  • Mills, Harry Edward. Bible eloquence: a study of characteristic types found in scripture with observations as to their value for present day use, also a few comments on “The eloquent silence of Jesus” (1898)
  • Nelson, Josef Frederik. Exclusivism of the Jews after the exile: its cause and its result (1898)
  • Osgood, Robert Storrs. The social function of the family (1898)
  • Painter, Harry Morton. Educational reforms of Charles the Great (1898)
  • Parr, Walter Robinson. Why the Christian Church of the 16th and 17th centuries showed no missionary spirit (1898)
  • Potter, Rockwell Harmon.The Alexandrian Christology (1898)
  • Ramsay, William George. The development of Froebel’s pedagogical principles and their application to the Sunday School (1898)
  • Ross, Joseph B. The family as the basis of social reconstruction (1898)
  • Simmons, William Benton. The plan of union between the Congregationalists and Presbyterians: its origin, workings and results (1898)
  • Stevens, John Leroy. The teaching of Jesus on marriage and divorce (1898)
  • Sullens, Arthur James. The hermeneutical tendency of the Alexandrian School (1898)
  • Thompson, Carl Dean. The teachings of Jesus concerning wealth (1898)
  • Triplett, Harry Montford. The church and social amusements (1898)
  • Varzhabedian, Benjamin Samuel. Christ, the center of unity (1898)
  • Wood, Charles Winter. The oratory of the modern Anglo-Saxon pulpit (1898)
  • Woodcock, Thomas Jefferson. The Old Testament in the light of modern higher critical thought (1898)
  • Work, Monroe Nathan. The influence of woman in the Christianizing of the Germanic races (1898)
  • Baird, Corry Stanley. Charity in the Christian Church (1899)
  • Barnes, Howard Clark. The psychology of sin (1899)
  • Bigelow, Frank Ellsworth. A treatise on the tithe system in the Old Testament (1899)
  • Breed, Reuben Leonard. The teaching of Jesus: as presented in the Synoptists, regarding the meaning of his death (1899)
  • Dixon, William Reese. The influence of Jesuitism in North America (1899)
  • Etherton, Guy Everett. The Christian consciousness of Paul (1899)
  • Fenenga, Melmon Jacob. Modern industrial missions in foreign fields (1899)
  • Gammon, Robert William. The relation of the deity of Christ to the Atonement (1899)
  • Goshen, Elmer Isaac. The teaching of Jesus concerning prayer (1899)
  • Gray, Samuel Houston. The persecution of the Roman Catholics in England during the sixteenth century (1899)
  • Hannant, Norrison Everett. Jesus’ teaching in regard to the Fatherhood of God in the Synopticts [sic] (1899)
  • Harrison, Hiram Blake. Administrative nurture in the Congregational churches (1899)
  • Hartman, John Edwin. Principles of heredity recognized in the Scriptures (1899)
  • Haynes, Herbert. The educational function in foreign missions (1899)
  • Howie, John Lloyd. The doctrine of reconciliation (1899)
  • Lyman, Elias Fenn. An inquiry as to the grounds for a doctrine of faith-healing in the Gospels (1899)
  • Momiroff, Konstantine Dimeter. Christian doctrine and modern legislation on divorce (1899)
  • Mullenbach, James. The German inner mission (1899)
  • Perrin, David J. The idea of righteousness in the Old Testament writings (1899)
  • Prucha, Vaclav. Jesus’ teaching in regard to his death according to the Synoptic Gospels (1899)
  • Robertson, Albert Alexander. The work of Dr. Thomas Chalmers as prefiguring modern methods in church work (1899)
  • Seccombe, Samuel Howe. Christ’s teaching about sin as disclosed by a study of the Synoptic Gospels (1899)
  • Strawman, David Samuel. Christ’s view of righteousness according to the Synoptic Gospels (1899)
  • Wade, Justin Goodone. Adjustment of Church life to changing conditions (1899)
  • Warner, Alexander Charles. Christ’s teaching concerning His Parousia according to the Synpostists (1899)
  • Adams, Chauncey Corbin. Covenant among the Semites and in Israel (1900)
  • Anderson, Frank Howard. Problems in the time of Luther (1900)
  • Bayley, Dwight Smith. Early New England Congregrationalism and its reconstruction by John Wise (1900)
  • Black, Robert Franklin. Nature and object of Christian faith (1900)
  • Blood, Charles Rowell. A discussion of Micah IV-V (1900)
  • Chapman, William John. The nature and object of faith (1900)
  • Cutler, Alexander Ellis. The nature and object of faith (1900)
  • Dascomb, Arthur Steele. The knowledge of Jesus (1900)
  • Dungan, Thomas Arthur. Christianity the ultimate religion (1900)
  • Evans, Howell Michael. The rise of the Calvinistic Methodist Church (1900)
  • Gillette, John M. Conception of personality in modern philosophy (1900)
  • Gray, Thomas. Evolution of family worship (1900)
  • Henry, Frank Edmonds. Superstitions and scientists in the XIXth. century (1900)
  • Lacey, Albert Theodore. Rights of the child in view of Christianity (1900)
  • Loos, William. Calvin as a preacher (1900)
  • Lyman, Harvey Austin. Luther’s view of pauperism: a historial study (1900)
  • Merrill, George Plumer. God’s self-revelation through the Psalms: is it progressive? (1900)
  • Moore, John Wright. The teaching of Jesus in regard to prayer (1900)
  • Read, Elmer D. Development of the industrial idea in missions (1900)
  • Robinson, Henry Ward. The charity work of the Franciscans (1900)
  • Snow, Walter Austin. The efficacy of prayer (1900)
  • Talmage, Luther Curtis. Jesus’ teaching of wealth and its effect on the early church (1900)
  • Williams, Theodore Charles. The nature and object of Christian faith (1900)
  • Bauer, Philip Edward. The ethics of non-resistance (1901)
  • Booth, Henry Kendall. The eschatology of Jesus (1901)
  • Bowdish, Austin Craig. Israel’s development away from the idols used in Jahweh-worship (1901)
  • Chapman, William John. A study of Dakota religion (1901)
  • Cutler, Alexander Ellis. The ethical value of the doctrine and work of the Holy Spirit (1901)
  • Denison, George Borrodel. Self-sacrifice, its motive, exercise and reward (1901)
  • Hayden, Newell Matson. A symetrical worship: with a study of faith, the intellectual element (1901)
  • Hitchcock, Wallace Chester. The eschatology of the individual in the Old Testament (1901)
  • Jones, Thomas Gwilym. The preaching of the beggar monks (1901)
  • Jordan, John Wesley. A study of the monastic reform of Benedict of Nursia (1901)
  • Pinkerton, Henry Moody. An historical study of John Robinson: his life and his controversies (1901)
  • Weiss, Joseph. Two things revealed by Christ’s healing ministry (1901)
  • Wiley, Horace Stevens. Present day aspects of the Sunday problem in America (1901)
  • Williams, Milton Bryant. The dynamic of evolution (1901)
  • Williams, Theodore Charles. The social bearing of the atonement (1901)
  • Bartholomew, Noyes Otis. The public burning of condemned books (1902)
  • Borton, Carl Darling. Christian socialism as developed by Frederick Denison Maurice and Charles Kingsley (1902)
  • Burdick, Charles Henry. The teaching of Jesus concerning prayer (1902)
  • Bush, Fred Roys. Protestant Christian worship (1902)
  • Cook, Ezra Albert. The basis of the authority of the Bible (1902)
  • Davies, John William. Some social aspects from the words of Jesus according to Luke (1902)
  • Graves, Arthur Guy. Idea of God in the prophets of the 8th century: (Amos, Hosea, First Isaiah, Micah) (1902)
  • Greenwood, Victor Lynch. Sex and religion (1902)
  • Jordan, Albert Hastings. Conditions of Rome from 1-50 A.D.: preparatory to the entrance of Christianity (1902)
  • Moore, Arthur Allen. Religious life of the Israelites: as depicted in the old elements of the book of Judges (1902)
  • Rogers, Robert Wells. The oriental mind: a study of its characteristics as a basis for religious work and Biblical interpretations (1902)
  • Van Valkenburgh, Hugh Clifford. Marriage and divorce according to the Old Testament (1902)
  • Williams, Thistle A. English deism as represented by Matthew Tindal’s book: Christianity as old as the creation (1902)
  • Withington, Henry Jay. The place of Jerusalem in Jehovah-worship before the exile (1902)
  • Wyatt, Francis O. The nature and manifestations of the religious consciousness (1902)
  • Alexander, James Lambert. Robert Browne and the Brownists (1903)
  • Bayne, John Julian. The doctrine of salvation from the standpoint of heredity (1903)
  • Burt, Henry Fairfield. The influence of the tenement on human life (1903)
  • Halbert, Leroy Allen. The Christian spirit in industry (1903)
  • Jevne, Charles Arthur. The physical aspects of Christ’s resurrection (1903)
  • Martin, John James. Modern theories of heredity in relation to Biblical data and theological tenets involved (1903)
  • Martin, John James. The relation of Christ and Christ’s work to ethical certainty (1903)
  • Pinkney, Charles William. Prayer in the light of the example of teaching of Jesus Christ (1903)
  • Prentis, John Harcourt. The verdict of history upon the Calvinistic doctrine of the election (1903)
  • Ridings, Edward Joseph. The Puritans at Frankfort (1903)
  • Stephens, Anson Thaddeus. The half-way covenant: and its effect on the New England churches (1903)
  • Woodcock, Albert Charles. The Pauline doctrine of justification by faith (1903)
  • Callecod, Halleck Matthew. The influence of pagan thought and custom in Christianity (1904)
  • Chapman, Francis Homer. Chrysostom’s influence and power as a preacher (1904)
  • Cleaver, George. The priesthood of Christ in the Epistle to the Hebrews (1904)
  • Dickey, John Gilman. The history of the Lord’s supper: during its first two and one half centuries (1904)
  • Ebersol, Charles Eliphalet. Types of public control of the liquor traffic: in Sweden, in Norway, in South Carolina and in Athens, Georgia (1904)
  • Ellis, Emery Ward. Prosperity and righteousness (1904)
  • Ford, Eugene Clark. The genesis of the deistic movement (1904)
  • Fox, Andrew Noah. The book of wisdom: its philosophico-religious teaching (1904)
  • Grabill, Dell Quince. The social and economic causes of the Reformation in Germany (1904)
  • Hadden, Clarence Wilbur. The care of delinquent and dependent children in (1904)
  • Hamilton, William John. The causes of the Protestant reformation (1904)
  • Locke, Robert James. New Testament elements in Hosea (1904)
  • McLean, Lester. The Passion chronology: a harmonistic study (1904)
  • Morton, Howard Ansel. The two covenants in the Epistle to the Hebrews (1904)
  • Neilan, Joseph Davis. Phillips Brooks, the typical humanist (1904)
  • Pearson, Laren Olaf. Religion of the Norsemen (1904)
  • Proctor, William Martin. An examination into the diminishing attendance upon theological seminaries: and a classification of elements entering into calls to the Christian ministry (1904)
  • Rice, Albert Reuben. President Finney and his times: preacher, educator, and theologian (1904)
  • Warren, Bertram Albert. The state of the Christian Church in Spain at the time of the Council of Elvira: as shown by the canons of that Council (1904)
  • Wescott, William Samuel. The task of Christian ministry and its theological basis (1904)
  • Williams, George. The English Reformation (1904)
  • Worthington, William. The consciousness of Jesus (1904)
  • Barnes, Robert James. Julian the Apostate (1905)
  • Currie, Albert Harlan. The evolution of the monastic ideal (1905)
  • Fritsch, Henry Samuel. Luther, the voice of Christian freedom: or, A study of Luther’s Reformation tract “Von der Freiheit eynisz
  • Christen menschen” in its bearing on Christian Freedom (1905)
  • Gordon, John. The Great Awakening in America (1905)
  • Greenaway, R. Brandon. The Sabbath (1905)
  • Hitchcock, Samuel. John Wyclif and his “poor priests” (1905)
  • Jenks, Orrin Roe. Syriac versions of the New Testament (1905)
  • Monosmith, Albert Wilson. The ethical status of competition (1905)
  • Tolbert, Raymond Bertrand. The objections of Celsus to Christianity (1905)
  • Williams, Horace Blake. An attempt at a restatement of the principle of religious authority (1905)
  • Zachman, Richard Henry. The Lord’s Supper (1905)
  • Bast, Christopher William. The term “world” in the Johannine literature (1906)
  • Butcher, William Theodore. Chrysostom, the preacher (1906)
  • Hart, William Wallace. The effect of the Revolution on the religious life of the nation (1906)
  • Herbert, Sherman Howard. Elements in Buddhism which form points of contact for the Christian teacher (1906)
  • Kellner, Charles Julius. Future life in the Egyptian religion (1906)
  • Sone, Sanji. The philosophy of Buddhism (1906)
  • Van Auken, Carl Henry. The teachings of Christ in the New Testament concerning love (1906)
  • Curtis, Allen Lewis. Some relations of Christian theology and Christian experience (1907)
  • Davies, James W. Frederick. The Bible adaptable to the various periods of child life (1907)
  • Fisher, James Oren. Historical and psychological method applied in theology: with special reference to the doctrine of sin (1907)
  • Hart, Frank Wheeler. Jesus’ view of righteousness (1907)
  • Johansson, Emanuel Aaron. The doctrine of the atonement (1907)
  • Willard, Sherman Albert. The growth of the idea of God (1907)
  • Youtz, Edwin Stanton. The application of history and psychology to theology (1907)
  • Allingham, Robert. A short history of the rise and growth of Congregationalism in Ireland (1908)
  • Buergi, George John. The relation of the Reformation in Germany to the Peasants War (1908)
  • Christianson, Charles John. Paul, the preacher, (1908)
  • Dougherty, Robert Chambers. The inadequcy of the Mohammedan religion (1908)
  • Heyman, Arnold Cyrus. Some aspects of the drink habit: or a study of the record of 850 inebriates (1908)
  • Jones, Augustine. Some moral aspects of present day industry (1908)
  • Knapp, Ezra Charles. The present transition in the Sunday School (1908)
  • MacFadyen, Robertson. The Christian religion as inseparable from Christ (1908)
  • Miller, Malcolm Foote. The resurrection of Jesus Christ and its relation to the teachings of the New Testament (1908)
  • Montgomery, Royal John. The headship of Christ over his church: as illustrated in the history of the Church of Scotland (1908)
  • Robb, William John. Faith: an attempt to explain the nature and object of faith from a practical point of view (1908)
  • Sone, Sanji. Jesus Christ as related to origin of Christianity (1908)
  • Stein, Henry W. Schleiermacher and his influence on modern preaching (1908)
  • Wehrhan, Nelson W. A study of the church in the small town: its problems and methods of work (1908)
  • Galt, Elmer W. An estimate of the religious value of Confucianism (1909)
  • Hofstead, Harry Oliver. Social romances (1909)
  • Hoiriis, Axel Martius. The doctrine of original sin (1909)
  • Wood, George Ernest. A study in the Messianic consciousness of Jesus (1909)
  • Fletcher, Robert. Mysticism, its content and meaning (1910)
  • Gilmour, George Sorley. The Christian family, an ethical study (1910)
  • Le Clere, Frank Walworth. The Kingdom of God in the Old Testament and Apocalyptic literature (1910)
  • Mueller, Karl Friedrich Otto. The social ideal and its relation to sin (1910)
  • Scott, Arthur Pearson. An outline study of the sources of the synoptic gospels (1910)
  • Stuart, Luke. The “big boy” problem as related to the church (1910)
  • Veazie, Carl Hewitt. The interpretation of the book of Jonah (1910)
  • Davis, Frank. Oxyrhynchus papyri of the first century A.D. and their contribution to the study of the New Testament (1911)
  • Dieman, Harry. The religious significance of Kant’s ethics and philosophy of religion (1911)
  • Galt, Truman Fontanelle. The religious value of lengthened infancy in the human race (1911)
  • Graeser, Charles Frederic. Evangelism as affected by the modern view of sin (1911)
  • White, Francis Dale. A country church and community (1911)
  • Babcock, Frank. The popular character of the fourth gospel (1912)
  • Dabney, Vaughn. The Oxyrhynchus papyri (1912)
  • Milne, George. Industry and the church (1912)
  • Parr, Harold Ernest. Fundamentals of religious education applied to the problems of the Sunday School (1912)
  • Sinninger, Norman E. A study of Bernard of Clairvaux as a preacher (1912)
  • Skentelbury, William Henry. A church and its neighbors being the result of an investigation in a South church (1912)
  • Obenhaus, Herman. The worship of Mithra in its relation to Christian doctrine (1912)
  • Willoughby, Bertram Alvin Gamsby. Types of evangelism arising in different periods of the Church’s history (1912)
  • Bucher, Chester Sarbin. Charles Jefferson the preacher (1913)
  • Dale, William Wilbur. A study in hero worship of children and young people (1913)
  • Errington, Frederick. The Messianic hope, its development the relation of Jesus to the Messianic hope (1913)
  • Evans, William Henry. The Welsh revival (1913)
  • Hammond, William E. The Virgin birth of Jesus (1913)
  • Hanna, George Thomas. The appeal of child labor to the church (1913)
  • Johnson, William Henry. The doctrine of immortality in the Old Testament, (1913)
  • Jones, Warren Gilbert. The Bible a maker of languages (1913)
  • Koukol, Charles Joseph. The Jesuits in Bohemia (1913)
  • Krueger, Ernst T. Social relationships and agencies in a city parish (1913)
  • Kvaas, Anders. Reform movements in the Church of Norway (1913)
  • Miller, Dudley J. The development of a conception of future life during Biblical history (1913)
  • Minty, William Arthur. The problem of the open mind (1913)
  • Parmiter, Charles Alfred. Contributions of the papyrus fragments to the study of the New Testament (1913)
  • Safford, George Chester. The Paulicians (1913)
  • Tokas, Christie George. Antagonism of Neoplatonism to Christianity (1913)
  • Denny, Walter Bell. The philosophy of Rudolph Eucken (1914)
  • Hart, Iral Alva. Vocational education (1914)
  • Hill, William Ely. Parsifal’s sanction (the quality of guilelessness) (1914)
  • Horning, Lawrence. The psychological test of Christian experience (1914)
  • Hulburd, Arthur Samuel. The second coming of Christ (1914)
  • Packer, Percival C. The country community (1914)
  • Richards, Arthur Edsell. The origin of Christian art (1914)
  • Smith, Joseph R. The psychological basis of religion (1914)
  • Berghoefer, Frederick Justus. A study of John Calvin’s life, work and later influence (1915)
  • Bethards, Rolland Elmer. Jeremiah, his time, and message (1915)
  • Brann, Wilbur Earl. Ezekiel the man, his message, the exile, and the life of the exiles (1915)
  • Byles, Charles Hinckley. The growth of the canon of scripture (1915)
  • Carnine, Albert G. The fourth gospel the most popular book ever written (1915)
  • Cleave, Eldred. The basis of authority in religious thinking (1915)
  • Cox, Homer William. Preparation of the world for Christ (1915)
  • Dierlamm, Cleveland R. The place of will in conversion (1915)
  • Edvards, Gustav. The sage of China fundamental religious teachings of the oldest empire and the newest republic (1915)
  • Gates, Aaron Avery. The popular character of the fourth gospel (1915)
  • Hass, Nathaniel. The daily vacation Bible school (1915)
  • Kellogg, Theodore. The basis of authority in religious thinking (1915)
  • Leaman, Amos Hershey. A brief history of the Mennonites (1915)
  • Lee, Henry James. Robertson of Brighton (1915)
  • Orton, Richford Deforest. The relation between the church and the official agencies of the community (1915)
  • Rees, William Evan. The basis of authority in religious thinking (1915)
  • Steiner, Carl Frederick. Authentic and legendary sources of our knowledge of the life of Christ (1915)
  • Tipton, Ernest H. Immortality (1915)
  • Waters, George Henry. A history of evangelism, (1915)
  • Bast, Carl Peter. Jesus’ conception of his person and mission (1916)
  • Dawson, Edwin. A history of the Messianic hope (1916)
  • Evans, Rowland Horace. The basis of authority in religious thinking (1916)
  • Fifield, Lawrence Wendell. The basis of authority in religious thinking (1916)
  • Hagopian, Bedros Hagop. Aspects of personality, (1916)
  • Hochstatter, John Aaron. Hebrew sacrifice (1916)
  • Keck, Samuel Walter. The psychology of sacrifice (1916)
  • Perry, Percy Lee. The basis of authority in religion (1916)
  • Robinson, Clarence Eugene. The basis of authority in religious thinking (1916)
  • Snell, Roy Judson. The religion of the Eskimo (1916)
  • Spinka, Matthew. The Bohemian Catholic Reformation (1916)
  • Stock, Harry Thomas. The growth of fellowship in the Congregational Church in the United States (1916)
  • Bergman, Franklin Herman. The Bible, Old and New (1917)
  • Convis, Lewis Albert. The struggle for religious liberty among the Poles in America (1917)
  • Hites, Laird Thomas. The early history of Baptist Sunday schools in American (1917)
  • Jones, Thomas Llewellyn. The person of Christ according to Albrecht Ritschl (1917)
  • Meacham, Frank Townsend. The Messianic consciousness of Jesus (1917)
  • Stickney, George Edwin. The city home and the training of the child (1917)
  • Stock, Harry Thomas. A history of congregational missions among the north American Indians (1917)
  • Trickey, Benjamin John. The historical development of the doctrine of the atonement (1917)
  • Yessayan, Vahan Hodge. The Armenian enlightenment (1917)
  • Benedict, Elmer Wilbur. Educational evangelism (1918)
  • Charters, Thomas. The doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Nicene age (1918)
  • Collins, William Ernest. A survey of a selected district of the second ward of the city of Chicago (1918)
  • Fish, Arthur Edward. Literature as an ally of religion and morals in adolescence (1918)
  • Monai, Tsunegoro. Interpretation of Jesus’ miracles (1918)
  • Morgan, Cardadoc. The consciousness of Jesus (1918)
  • Morgan, John Richmond. The synagogue and its service (1918)
  • Olmsted, Nirum P. The mystery religions and Pauline Christianity (1918)
  • Osborn, William Morman. Authorship of the fourth gospel (1918)
  • Williams, Thomas Eynon. Hymnody of the English Wesleyan revival (1918)
  • Zabel, William LeRoy. Street trades and juvenile delinquency (1918)
  • Ellis, Francis Crispin. Prayer (1919)
  • Flugum, Omar J. Jesus’ miracles of healing (1919)
  • Green, John Frederick Carl. Luther’s conception of authority with special reference to church and state (1919)
  • Miller, Louis Lawrence. The rise and growth of new social interests among the Mennonites of America (1919)
  • Phillips, Edwin Tompkins. Jesus’ conception of himself and his mission (1919)
  • Schuster, Rudolph Samuel. The consciousness of Jesus (1919)
  • Warren, Claude William. The appeal of early Christianity to the poor (1919)
  • Ford, Frederick Perry. Jesus’ estimate of his own personality (1920)
  • Mercer, Philip. The art of church worship (1920)
  • Peggs, Frederick. Parables, Jewish and Christian: an approach to the parables of Jesus together with a study of the background and attempted definition of parables (1920)
  • Schaufusss, Charles. A survey of Monroe Township in Ogle County in the state of Illinois (1920)
  • Ballensky, James J. Training of ministers in the early colonial period (1921)
  • Baltzer, Benjamin. Paul the mystic (1921)
  • Drake, George Bryant. Worship in the church school (1921)
  • Inglis, Ervine Peter. The attitude of American colonial churches toward war (1921)
  • Jones, William Henry. God, in the consciousness of the American Negro (1921)
  • Palmer, Clay Ephraim. Spiritism and some psychological explanations (1921)
  • Thom, Otto Reinhart. The rise and growth of the American Missionary Association during the period of slavery in Kentucky, Iowa and Kansas (1921)
  • Tom, Yuk Sam. A survey of the social settlement work in Chicago (1921)
  • Tominomori, Kyoji. The mythological imagery in the Book of Revelation (1921)
  • Carnes, Elza Augustus. The attitude of the church toward play (1922)
  • Catton, William Robert. The Messianic consciousness of Jesus (1922)
  • Goodwin, Thomas Arthur. The Gospel of John as a collection of sermons (1922)
  • Keithahn, Ralph Richard. The function of miracles in first century Christianity (1922)
  • Lineweaver, Thomas Marlow. Symbolism and forms in worship (1922)
  • Manshardt, Clifford George.The sources of the gospel of Matthew (1922)
  • Noyce, Ralph Brewster. The correlation of the organized agencies for religious education: on the basis of a study of these agencies in the city of Chicago (1922)
  • Stallard, Henry Charles. Important changes in the idea of man in American theology (1922)
  • Tasaki, Kensaku. Moral education in the Japanese family (1922)
  • Urch, Erwin Joshua. The Gentile sources of Paul’s message (1922)
  • Wolsted, Clarence Edman. The personality of Jesus as an ideal for modern living (1922)
  • Caldwell, Raymond Thornton. Farm tenancy and the rural church: with special reference to the Middle West (1923)
  • Maruyama, Yoshinaga. The beginning of Japanese Congregationalism (1923)
  • Peterson, John. The influence of Confucius upon the domestic, the national, and the religious life of China (1923)
  • Fletcher, Albert Lee. Jesus and the family (1924)
  • Snyder, Francis Clark. The reality of the resurrection of Jesus (1924)
  • Wells, George Anderson. The effects of war upon the religious life of soldiers (1924)
  • Willcox, Edward Whittmore. The Christian fundamental (1924)
  • Clark, Paul Haskell. Religious education in a rural community (1925)
  • Dalzell, Robert. The faith of a modern pastor (1925)
  • Evans, Wilford Holmes. A comparative study of sin from the psychological angle (1925)
  • Graf, Stanley Walter. The ethical codes and a new social consciousness (1925)
  • Marriott, Victor Edward. A college curriculum of religious education (1925)
  • Michael, Harold LeRoy. Contributions of Brownist Congregationalism to democracy in England and New England (1925)
  • Niwa, Iwao. Occasion and purpose of the Book of Acts (1925)
  • Nyrop, Julian Christopher. Early years of the First Congregational Church of Grand Island, Nebraska (1925)
  • Pritchett, Lester C. A dying church in a growing city (1925)
  • Rice, Norman Lincoln. The Philippines, home of the Moros (1925)
  • Sayler, Edward. The use of the motion picture in the church as a means for religious education (1925)
  • Walker, Henry Hammersley. Hellenistic influences in New Testament Christianity (1925)
  • Watson, Robert Jones. The personal religion of Jesus and the personal religion of Paul (1925)
  • Andrews, Mary Edith. The Apocalyptic element in Jewish and New Testament literature (1926)
  • Bozarth, Howard Perry. A study of the vocational distribution of membership in Chicago churches: to determine the truth or fallacy of the charge that the Protestant church is in body and sympathy a capitalistic institution so as conditions in Chicago are indicative (1926)
  • Covell, Clarence Lewis. The value of the country newspaper to the community (1926)
  • DeForest, Jennie Mae. A comparison between the baptismal rites of Paulinism and the mystery cults (1926)
  • Foster, Virgil Elwood. Worship, a psychological study (1926)
  • Gray, Vard Vernett. Religious healing in early Christianity and pagan cults (1926)
  • Hoerner, John Robert. The making of the New Testament (1926)
  • Hoygard, Thomas Gustaf. Christ’s ideal and its influence on modern society (1926)
  • McKeith, David. The relationship between the church and the Young Men’s Christian Association (1926)
  • Stillwell, Frederick Everett. The evolution of a Chicago parish (1926)
  • Wilson, Hugh Van Rensselaer. The relation of the ethical movement to modernism (1926)
  • Banks, Walter Thomas. The religions of the cities of Paul’s career (1927)
  • Brink, Frederick. A historical and ethical evaluation of the Jewish Apocalyptic literature (1927)
  • Cook, Lindley Jesse. History of the Spiceland, Indiana, Friends Church: a problem in religion and social adjustment (1927)
  • Corpe, John Franklin. Social relationships between town and country folks (1927)
  • Goodell, Horace Holbrook. The Boy Scout program as an instrument for religious education (1927)
  • Held, Frederick Gustave. Mystery religions and early Christianity (1927)
  • Hester, John Eber. May we still pray to God? (1927)
  • Leach, Harry Phillip. An account of the Jesuit reductions of Paraguay (1927)
  • Oshimo, Raymond Kakuichi. The place of religion in disorganized personality (1927)
  • Riegler, Gordon Arthur. Religious ideas in functional mental disorders (1927)
  • Rowland, Paul. Education for continuous growth: applied to the teaching of English literature in the secondary schools (1927)
  • Towne, Howard Roswell. The use of drama in religious education (1927)
  • Anderson, Howard Stone. The Martin Luther of his correspondence (1928)
  • Bartter, Alfred Harley. The German Lutheran churches in a study of these churches in relation to social and economic conditions (1928)
  • Blakeway, Herbert Norris. Religious education between Sundays (1928)
  • Brehm, William Earl. Worship in the Junior Church School (1928)
  • Brown, Charles Stafford. The historic relation of drama to religion (1928)
  • Buran, John Maurice. Jesus’ conception of the Kingdom in relation to his social teaching (1928)
  • Fernandez, Jose G. The mystery-religions: their points of contact with Christianity and the Apostle Paul (1928)
  • Houser, Charles MacMillan. Contemporary preaching in America: with a brief survey of modern English preaching (1928)
  • Israel, Charles Wesley. Old age: the role of the state and the church in its care (1928)
  • Jenkins, Joseph Henry. The task of the church in a rooming house district (1928)
  • Johnson, Herman Clifford. The psychological background of the doctrine of grace (1928)
  • Kingdon, Robert Wells. The development of John Wesley’s social gospel (1928)
  • Richards, William Arthur. The origins of Paul’s mysticism (1928)
  • Wellman, Carl August. Relation between early Christianity and the mystery religions (1928)
  • Wylie, Theodore Thomas. The problem and practice of worship in a Chicago church parish (1928)
  • Baird, Robert Samuel. Religious education and prospective home-makers (1929)
  • Barber, Raymond Walker. The idea of personality in God (1929)
  • Dreier, Nelson C. The fundamental requirements made of a minister (1929)
  • Janes, Harold Theodore. The resurrection of Jesus in light of the mystery religions (1929)
  • Kemper, Robert Chatfield. Protestant churches and Prohibition (1929)
  • Langenes, John David. The prayer life of Jesus (1929)
  • MacNair, Everett Wilmer. Value in Perry and Dewey and its implication for religion (1929)
  • Nakamura, Saburo. The development of William Adams Brown’s system of theology (1929)
  • Perrin, Jesse Fenn. Preaching in South Dakota Congregational churches (1929)
  • Platt, Ferry Luther. The Christian doctrine of man and the physiological psychologists (1929)
  • Rehn, Alexander. Salvation according to the mystery religions and Christianity (1929)
  • Smith, Ivan Robert. The purpose of Luke-Acts (1929)
  • Stearns, John Frye. Bogomilism: the great Bulgarian heresy (1929)
  • Sterling, Donald Melvin. The place of the Hebrew prophets in the modern pulpit (1929)
  • Stowell, Allen Russell. The social and political ideas of Hugh Latimer (1929)
  • Stylianou, Demetrios. Byzantine writers on the Bogomils (1929)
  • Trickey, Rueben Robert. Religious institutions in Watertown, South Dakota (1929)
  • Vlastos, Gregory. Human values and the physical universe (1929)
  • Walker, Albert Clarke. A practical evaluation of the larger parish (1929)
  • Winn, Edgar Homer. Activities of Stephen Peet in Wisconsin from 1837-1845 (1929)
  • Wright, Byron Bentley. Early Congregationalism and Lenten observance in Congregational Churches in Illinois, (1929)
  • Brewster, Charles Tredick. The theology of Dr. George A. Gordon (1930)
  • Cowling, Ira Ellis. The church of a changing community (1930)
  • Gedcke, Lawrence Addison. Factors conditioning the Evangelical Churches in the inner city of Chicago. (1930)
  • Giersbach, Walter Charles. The attitude of the church toward labor (1930)
  • Hatcher, Harold Overton. Religion in the Loop (1930)
  • Howard, Edwin Rollo. The miracles in the Gospel of John (1930)
  • Huntington, Seth Rowan. The Eucharist in early Christianity (1930)
  • Jones, Guy Chester. The use of drama in the church (1930)
  • Kawachi, Kensuke. Recent psychological study of prayer, conversion and mysticism (1930)
  • Matthews, Harold Shepard. Dr. Sun Yat Sen and his three principles for the people (1930)
  • May, Herbert Gordon. The commentary of Dionysius Bar Salibi on the book of Amos (1930)
  • Nelson, Raymond Edward. The church and juvenile delinquency (1930)
  • Pletch, Earl Emerson. Rural-urban factors affecting the life of the Evangelical Church in Ontario (1930)
  • Richards, Waldo Sumner. The nature and place of faith in the religion of John Calvin (1930)
  • Roth, Rudolph W. A study of contemporary preaching (1930)
  • Scheibe, Durbin Clyde. A year’s program of drama for the church (1930)
  • Tate, William Alexander. The main trends in French Catholic modernism (1930)
  • Tenhopen, Lawrence Edward. Stoicism in the gospel of John (1930)
  • Trumbo, Eunice. The relation of the gospel of John and the mystery religions (1930)
  • Vance, George Clifford. A village church in a changing community. (1930)
  • Veit, Ralph. Religious drama in England before Shakespeare (1930)
  • Wagner, Oscar Walter. A study of the Evangelical confirmation: suggesting a new method (1930)
  • Young, Ezra Porter. A comparison of the religious and educational values of the play and the pageant (1930)
  • Vlastos, Gregory. Human values and the physical universe (1925)
  • Bierbaum, Milton Andrew. Ethical standards and incentives in humanism (1931)
  • Butts, Nannie. The eschatology of Judaism and the fourth gospel (1931)
  • Caskey, James Stillman. Jonathan Edwards’ “Catalogue” (1931)
  • Gardner, John Ashworth. Neo-Platonic elements in Cudworth and Edwards (1931)
  • Harris, Emerson Wesley. Christianity and morale (1931)
  • Hyslop, Frederick William. The religion of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1931)
  • King, Joseph Ferguson. Liberalizing tendencies in New England theology: a study of religious thought from Edwards to Channing (1931)
  • Marshall, Millard Harley. Pope Leo XIII (1931)
  • Mizoguchi, Yasuo. Toyohiko Kagawa’s religion (1931)
  • Otto, Violet Lucille. Standards of judgment for the selection of hymn tunes: together with a critical study of the tunes in the Methodist hymnal (1931)
  • Rasche, Robert LaFollette. An aid to worship for non-liturgical churches (1931)
  • Ringe, Frederick William. A study of fifteen churches in relation to the problem of worship (1931)
  • Schulz, Ormy Albertus. Suggested recreation materials for the leaders of young people in the city church (1931)
  • Caskey, James Stillman. Jonathan Edwards’ “Catalogue”. (1931)
  • Baxter, Nelson Irving. Matthew Arnold and modern preaching (1932)
  • Bissey, Charles Joseph. Promoting the social gospel through worship (1932)
  • Curry, Gilbert Houston. From Paul to John in the church at Ephesus (1932)
  • Dewey, Kirk Martin. A proposed program for the First Congregational Church of Oak Lawn, Illinois (1932)
  • Drew, George Elbert. Developing and preaching higher levels of religion (1932)
  • Grobel, William Kendrick. The ethics of Paul and its tributaries (1932)
  • Kato, Kenji. Sovereignty of God versus sovereignty of man: a historical study of American religious thought (1932)
  • Lawrence, Glenford W. Training immigrant workers for participation in the control of social forces which effect their well-being (1932)
  • Malaiperuman, Swartz David. Christian syncretism in the religion of Mahatma Gandhi (1932)
  • Maxwell, Henry Faville. The underlying causes for the rise of the school of Antioch (1932)
  • Mayne, Joseph Quentin. Paul and the mystery religions (1932)
  • Mead, James Clair. Creative dramatics for the junior department of the church school (1932)
  • Parker, Charles Franklin. A study of the process of constituency depletion: as illustrated in the First Congregational Church Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois (1932)
  • Parr, Clarence Elmer. Six dramatic services of worship (1932)
  • Rice, Vernon Waldo. Homiletic material from the life of Gandhi (1932)
  • Samuel, Vairanapillai Mathuramuthu. The religion of Mahatma Gandhi (1932)
  • Stoltzfus, Benjamin Franklin. The American farmer’s effort to help himself (1932)
  • Thomas, George Monroe. New methods of pastoral work (1932)
  • Upton, Walter Horace. History of the Edwards Congregational Church of Davenport, Iowa (1932)
  • Bentley, Robert Athey. The Indian Nationalist movement as a case of rural-urban conflict (1933)
  • Dalrymple, Homer Ellett. The second coming of Jesus (1933)
  • Egbert, Miles Curtis. The transformation of human suffering (1933)
  • Hall, Fred Howard. The relation of supernaturalism to the gospel miracles (1933)
  • Kroehler, Henry George. A preliminary study for evaluating junior lesson materials (1933)
  • Lenters, Sam Theodore. The place of religious drama in modern Protestant worship (1933)
  • Lyon, Ellsworth. The effect of urban forces upon the religious life of Homer Township: a socio-religious survey of a rural area, Homer Township, Will County, Illinois (1933)
  • Mallory, Paul William. A prophetic ministry for today (1933)
  • Reimer, Clarence Charles. Retreats (1933)
  • Schuldt, Victor Vincent. American social organization seen through the writings of Lincoln Steffens (1933)
  • Sides, Joseph Calvin. A rural-urban community during a period of depression (1933)
  • Steiner, Richard Morrow. The ethical outlook of our times as revealed by the characters in the dramas of Eugene O’Neill (1933)
  • Stowe, Clayton Harold. The function of the aesthetic in religion (1933)
  • Van Luven, Philip Edward. Beginnings of Congregationalism in Nebraska (1933)
  • Wagner, Jacob Richard. Jewish and Hellenistic ethics in the fourth gospel (1933)
  • Walters, Verdette. A study of power in the life of Albert Schweitzer (1933)
  • Ward, Joseph. England’s attitude toward Roman Catholicism: a discussion of toleration (1933)
  • Warkentin, Jacob M. The analysis of the supporting and non-supporting elements of a religious community center (1933)
  • Weafer, Eugene Clyde. The function of reason in religion (1933)
  • Wilcox, Clyde H. The influence of the Bible upon Longfellow and Whittier (1933)
  • Avery, Perry Dickinson. Onward meets the neighborhood men (1934)
  • Gray, Arthur Douglass. The characteristics of the gospel of Luke (1934)
  • Hazelton, Roger. The conception of the authority of the church in Roman Catholic moderninsm (1934)
  • Helliwell, George Plummer. The church as a factor in assimilation (1934)
  • Hulbert, Richard Rollins. The church and the small-town newspaper (1934)
  • Maggart, Gerald Edwin. The Humanist-Theist controversy (1934)
  • Riedel, Wesley Ubo. The mysticism of Friedrich von Hügel (1934)
  • Stoerker, Theodor Frederick. Possible contributions of the church to adolescent development (1934)
  • Williams, Daniel Day. The function of theology in the church (1934)
  • Williams, Stephen James. Social ideals of Francis Greenwood Peabody (1934)
  • Anderson, James John. Congregationalism moves to Illinois, 1817-1844 (1935)
  • Bartlett, Charles Frederick. The leadership problem in Protestant churches (1935)
  • Berry, John Walter. An analysis of religious regionalism in the United States: with special reference to Chicago (1935)
  • Booch, Harold Leo. Mysticism and the problem of authority (1935)
  • Brown, James Wiley. The preaching values in pacifism: as expressed in the views of Leo Tolstoy, Bertrand Russell, Mohandas K. Gandhi, John Haynes Holmes (1935)
  • Cram, Harold Franklin. The Ritschlian Christology: its background and influence (1935)
  • Crockett, Barney Clyde. An unadapted church (1935)
  • Davidson, Floyd Quentin. Prayer as reverent objective thinking (1935)
  • Davis, Wilfrid Grenfell. Christianity and nationalism (1935)
  • Houge, S. Marcus. Preaching and freedom (1935)
  • Hughes, Clarence Fosberg. The idea of revelation in the theologies of Schleiermacher and Ritschl (1935)
  • Jacobs, Henry Lee. The Calvinistic-Puritan pattern in American ecclesiastical and political thought, 1620-1833 (1935)
  • Jacobs, William Arthur. A study of social changes in Walworth, Wisconsin from 1890-(1935) : its implication for a program in the Congregational Church (1935)
  • Lewis, Ralph. Negro delinquency and amateur dramatics (1935)
  • McConnell, Russell Hicks. Elements of Stoicism in the letters of Paul and the fourth gospel (1935)
  • Mixon, John Lewis. The institutional church (1935)
  • Penn, George William. The minister’s use of drama (1935)
  • Pratt, William David. Some aspects of New England theology as revealed in the New Englander magazine from 1843 to 1862 (1935)
  • Render, Frank Wyatt. Problems of social adjustment among migrant Negro youths (1935)
  • Spence, Willard. The eschatology of St. Paul (1935)
  • Steakley, Ray Selvidge. Paul Elmer More: the Platonic tradition in Christianity (1935)
  • Stoyanoff, Kroum. The difference between Eastern and Western theology (1935)
  • Titus, Palakunnathu Matthew. The idea of God in theistic naturalism (1935)
  • Anderson, Stuart Longfellow. John Wesley and early American Methodism (1936)
  • Bloomquist, Paul William. Ralph Waldo Emerson and his contributions to preaching (1936)
  • Churchill, Gerald Clark. Aids to worship from modern literature (1936)
  • Eisenach, George. The theological schools of German Congregationalism (1936)
  • Frazier, Cecil Earl. Hellenistic symbolism as portrayed in the fourth gospel (1936)
  • Graham, Walter Henry. A study of the case histories of twenty young people in a disintegrated area (1936)
  • Greene, Shirley Edward. Liberal theology and human need: an essay in the survival of liberalism (1936)
  • Gregory, William Edgar. Remaking religious rituals (1936)
  • Groetsma, Frederic. Conscience: a re-statement of its origin (1936)
  • Halfaker, William Leroy. The modern preacher’s use of the fourth gospel (1936)
  • Jackman, Lora Marguerite. Ritual-drama of the ancient east, the old testament Hebrews and the early Christian church (1936)
  • Kwock, Charles M. C. A comparative study of Confucianism and American humanism (1936)
  • Masselink, Bruce Herschel. The parallel elements in the Mystery religions and Christianity (1936)
  • Moore, William Hoyt. Christian ways to salvation (1936)
  • Nordstrom, Nels Francis. Social interpretations of modern democracy: a study of Dr. Graham Taylor’s Daily News editorials (1936)
  • Ouellette, Edward Fifield. The Church and the co-operative movement (1936)
  • Putney, Harold William. The dramatic elements in the gospel of Mark (1936)
  • Sheldon, Keenan. Significant teaching in passages peculiar to Luke (1936)
  • Smith, Walter A. A study of a rural parish in a prairie community (1936)
  • Vos, Peter. The development and modification of a religious sect-the Mennonites (1936)
  • Weage, Avery Dudley. The churches and Populism: a study of the attitude of American Protestant churches toward Populism (1936)
  • Widenhouse, Philip Monroe. An evaluation of the contributions of H. Paul Douglass in the understanding of the Protestant urban church (1936)
  • Beers, Samuel Gould. Religion and reform as illustrated in the lives and work of Theodore Dwight Weld and William Lloyd Garrison (1937)
  • Blair, Margaret S. The growth and influence of purpose in the life of Henry George (1937)
  • Blossom, Chauncey Edward. Christian perfection in America from 1830 to 1860 (1937)
  • Bourne, Donald Stitzel. Nicholas Berdyaev : his concept of freedom of the spirit (1937)
  • Brown, Charles Mackinnon. The church and the cooperative movement (1937)
  • Cannon, Ross R. The American Revival, 1800-1840 (1937)
  • Dickey, Paul Gilman. A study of the church life of Des Plaines, Illinois, 1935-1936 (1937)
  • Fairman, Henry Butler. The Mandean literature: its relation to the study of the New Testament (1937)
  • French, Herbert Porter. A study of week-day religious education in a local community (1937)
  • Gressley, Minor McKinley. A study of the first Congregational Church of Denmark, Iowa (1937)
  • Humber, W. J. An exposition and criticism of the writings of Nicholas Berdyaev (1937)
  • Lee, Carleton Lafayette. An aspect of religious life in the culture of Liberty County, Georgia (1937)
  • Marsh, Thomas H. Religious beliefs of college students (1937)
  • Marshfield, George Washington. The church and the youth of today (1937)
  • Milford, Homer Carter. The religion of Robert Louis Stevenson: as seen through his life and his works (1937)
  • Nicholson, Harry. Finding God through worship (1937)
  • Parsons, Horace Wells. The development of Congregationalism in South Dakota, 1868-1928 (1937)
  • Pearce, John Winston. The concept of God in Browning (1937)
  • Peterson, James Alfred. The religious values in the plays of Maxwell Anderson (1937)
  • Rasmussen, Albert Terrill. An experimental basis for religious ethics (1937)
  • Sarles, Phillip William. Frank Wakely Gunsaulus, preacher and citizen (1937)
  • Shold, C. Henry. The ethics of Clement of Alexandria (1937)
  • Troyer, William Lewis. Methods of studying change in the message of the churches (1937)
  • Vidoloff, Zaprian Dimitroff. The theology of the Bulgarian Bogomils (1937)
  • Watson, William Thomas. The healing power of Jesus (1937)
  • Wellbaum, Dale Robert. Figures of speech and symbolism in the fourth gospel (1937)
  • Wigfield, G. Dewey. A study of four contemporary preachers: Conrad, Fosdick, Holmes, and Newton (1937)
  • Wilson, R. Norris. An exposition and criticism of the philosophy of Rudolph Eucken (1937)
  • Arendt, Eric Harthan. The Quakers: a study of Quakerism as a part of the Protestant movement (1938)
  • Beale, Merrill. Paul’s idea of a church as revealed by the situation in Corinth (1938)
  • Bennett, James Gordon. The validity and value of concepts of the Kingdom of God (1938)
  • Carlson, Leland Henry. Presbyterian policies and tactics from the Westminster Assembly to the Protectorate (1938)
  • Freeman, Elmer Stone. The Lord’s Supper in Protestantism (1938)
  • French, David G. The theological presuppositions underlying the social attitudes of contemporary Protestant churches (1938)
  • Gill, Clayton Harold. The field worker and social observation (1938)
  • Harvey, William James. The growth of the Lord’s Supper in the first century A.D. (1938)
  • Hyslop, Ralph Douglas. Reform and reunion: a study in oecumenical theology (1938)
  • McCall, Clarence Field. Hellenistic features in Paul’s religion (1938)
  • Rekstad, Harold Paul. Religion on the radio (1938)
  • Spindell, Verne Alva. The religious world in which Jesus lived (1938)
  • Stem, Charles Herbert. Human nature: problems considered and solutions suggested by contemporary American theologians (1938)
  • Tate, Marian Keefer. Problems in planning and presenting worship programs for the junior child in the church school (1938)
  • Wolfe, Elmo Donald. A contribution to the history of the National Council on Religion in Higher Education (1938)
  • Yinger, Homer Vincent. Was Luther’s doctrine of justification by faith a repristination of Paulinism? (1938)
  • Baillie, Arlan Andrew. The contribution of John Cotton to early American Congregationalism (1939)
  • Bousman, Gary Alfred. A study of religious life in Brookfield, Illinois (1939)
  • Dalrymple, Merrill John Allen. Jesus and the Pharisees (1939)
  • Duffendack, Geil Harriet. A comparative study of the interpretation of human nature: according to contemporary theologians and religious educators (1939)
  • Edgar, Robert A. Miracles of the New Testament paralleled in classical literature (1939)
  • Evans, Donald Robert. Congregationalism in Kansas, 1854-1900 (1939)
  • Folino, Paul Joseph. Religious knowledge and the transcendence of God in contemporary theology (1939)
  • Galloway, Lloyd. The growth of Paul’s ethics (1939)
  • Gordon, Harry B. The life of Dr. William E. Barton (1939)
  • Harshfield, Monroe Clark. Salvation in 1939 (1939)
  • Jordan, Thatcher Moore. Creative worship in the modern church (1939)
  • Kranz, Francis Emil. Jewish and Greek ideas in the gospel of John (1939)
  • Linden, Earl Enoch Gustaf. Preaching of the early New England Congregationalists (1939)
  • Mickle, John Charles. Gambling and the church (1939)
  • Seim, Kenneth Edward. Antecedents of Christian baptism (1939)
  • Sorensen, Everett Leighton. 192 Cross currents in American preaching: a study of the theology in the sermons of four American preachers (1939)
  • Stiefel, Carl Frederick. Despair: its antecedents, schematization and dissolution (1939)
  • Workentine, Frank Harry. A year and a half in my first pastorate, Forks, Washington (1939)

Bachelor of Divinity: 1940-1970

Chicago Theological Seminary BD Theses
  • Breen, F. William. The dramatic elements in the gospel of John (1940)
  • Clark, Henry Hagberg. Graham Taylor: a personality (1940)
  • Fretz, J. Winfield. A study of Mennonite religious institutions in Chicago (1940)
  • Gia Russo, Paul. Religious liberty in American law (1940)
  • Johnson, Edwin Clarence. A study of Pilgrim Church (1940)
  • Manes, Everett Earnest. The administrative problems in the adaptation of the local church problems (1940)
  • McEwen, Homer Clyde. The function of religious education in the Negro community (1940)
  • McKinley, Orland Allspaugh. The development of the Parousia concept in the New Testament (1940)
  • Myers, Russell Elmer. The Christian minister and modern marriage (1940)
  • Neal, Fred William. The reformation and democracy (1940)
  • Scaff, Alvin Hewitt. The history and interpretation of the doctrine of Christian vocation (1940)
  • Shideler, Emerson Wayne. From depression to war: the decade of the 1930’s in the Christian Century (1940)
  • Woomer, George Quentin. The part of Jesus in Christian redemption according to Paul (1940)
  • Barry, David W. The relationship of the social gospel to the “settltement idea (1941)
  • Benson, Vernon E. F. Swedish theology as represented by Torsten Bohlin (1941)
  • Brodt, Robert D. A curriculum guide for the pastor’s communicants’ class (1941)
  • Ferguson, Alexander Brown. The parables of Jesus and their Rabbinic parallels (1941)
  • Frank, Melvin Lynn. The minister’s use of formgeschichte (1941)
  • Keiser, Julian J. The implications of educational trends for curricula (1941)
  • Lawton, Walter Terrell. John as the successor of Paul at Ephesus (1941)
  • Meyer, Eugene Waldemar. The background of the thought content of the Johannine gospel (1941)
  • Ogawa, Seido. Plato, Philo, and the fourth (1941)
  • Old, Thomas C. The methodology and christology of William Temple and C.J. Cadoux (1941)
  • Palmer, Philip Wentworth. Development of Greek and Roman tales and legends paralleled in the gospel of John (1941)
  • Pennington, Phil. The vacation church school in the rural (1941)
  • Ronander, Albert Carl. The structure sources and significance of the conversion experience (1941)
  • Sanderson, J. Kent. A curriculum guide to the growth of church school leaders (1941)
  • Still, Edwin Willis. An effort toward the creation of Christian public-mindedness (1941)
  • Utterback, Glenn L. Early Christian worship and its use of symbols (1941)
  • Von Rohr, John Robert. New England Puritan ecclesiology, 1638-1648 (1941)
  • Baehr, Karl H. Secularization among the Mennonites (1942)
  • De Coursey, Don L. The Pharisees defend the Torah (1942)
  • Dickson, Ronald Warren. Dallas F. Billington: a fundamentalist, his work, method and results (1942)
  • Dorey, Frank D. Community turnover on the south side of Chicago: a study of the expansion of the Negro communities and their effects upon the white Protestant churches (1942)
  • Halstead, George William. John Wesley’s doctrine of the church (1942)
  • Halverson, Marvin Pierce. The meaning of Luther’s teaching on the unfree will (1942)
  • Heckman, Harold W. Basic factors in the relationship of churches and cooperatives (1942)
  • Jefferson, Oswald William. Patterns of religious thinking in the first century in relation to Paul’s religion (1942)
  • Larson, Ernest S. The life and work of Carl Olof Rosenius (1942)
  • Loring, Herbert Rickard. Two one-act plays: “Small change” and “His light” (1942)
  • Moore, Robert Sutton. Christian eschatology and Whitehead’s metaphysics (1942)
  • Munger, Bernard Vernon. Tractarian ecclesiology, 1833-1845 (1942)
  • Paff, Elmo Ray. Contemporary problems in the Christian view of history (1942)
  • Pendleton, Charles Lee. The development of individual responsibility in the Old Testament (1942)
  • Schug, Philip Charles. The Winnetka school system contributes to religious education Chicago, (1942)
  • Stoeve, Olaf. The relation of the novel to social reform as exemplified by Dickens and Steinbeck (1942)
  • Storms, Grace Elizabeth. Civilian Public Service camp life: a study of the democratic group (1942)
  • Akaka, Abraham. The aims and attainment of early New England Congregational worship (1943)
  • Allan, James Barr. Gospel criticism and the contribution of Dibelius (1943)
  • Aoki, Mitsuo. Natural law as a concept in Christian ethics (1943)
  • Baker, Gordon J. The communion service and the laity (1943)
  • Berger, William Ellsworth. The church and the military chaplaincy (1943)
  • Broadbent, Charles Duthie. The evangelistic message in the New Testament (1943)
  • Cole, Jordan David. Friends’ relation with the Indians: with emphasis on Cattaraugus reservation (1943)
  • Dick, Thomas Chalmers. Man’s confrontation of death (1943)
  • Kesselring, Ralph Adolph. Christian missions in Malaya (1943)
  • Parker, Everett C. The values, principles and methods of choral reading in the church (1943)
  • Smith, Jesse G. A strategy for the rural (1943)
  • Williams, Palmer Day. The kingdom of God and community (1943)
  • Bartholomew, Donald Irving. The demons and witches of medieval western Europe as cultural religious survivals (1944)
  • Boardman, Howard F. An organismic view of community: an educational approach (1944)
  • Bollinger, CArl J. A biography of Lewis Emerson (1944)
  • Danberg, Neil B. An analysis of a church situation: with special references to finances as an operative factor in its productivity and program (1944)
  • Dibden, Arthur James. The tragic sense of life and contemporary Christian theology (1944)
  • Elliott, Franklin Ruge. Art experience and Christian education: a study of the role of art experiences in the growth of Christian persons, with special application in the arts and crafts (1944)
  • Finley, Harold Marshall. The religious counseling of delinquent adolescent boys (1944)
  • Foltz, Carfon Eugene. Bringing unchurched parents into the Christian community (1944)
  • Garriott, Chris Troy. The role of public worship in a Disciples of Christ church (1944)
  • Hutslar, C. Frederick. Benjamin W. Robinson: interpreter of the New Testament (1944)
  • Riddle, Charles Wainwright. A study of the Kenwood (interdenominational)
  • church as a community-type church (1944)
  • Smith, Curtis Warren. A concept of church membership (1944)
  • Stanton, Lawrence L. A study of Protestant work among Mexicans in southern California (1944)
  • Adams, Roy Lee. The Protestant religious work in the five major penal and correctional institutions in Chicago (1945)
  • Berreth, Edwin Oscar. Settlement ideas for the church (1945)
  • Boxwell, Daniel W. The gospel of wealth in the American Protestant churches, 1890-1915 (1945)
  • Brown, Harold Glenn. Factors in the growth of the Disciples of Christ from 1832-1892 (1945)
  • De Mar Shimun, Sadook Yokhanan. A brief history of the Nestorian, or the church of the East (1945)
  • Fenner, Melvin Reid. How is God revealed in Christ? (1945)
  • Fitzpatrick, Mallary. Reinhold Niebuhr’s use of the Bible (1945)
  • Gant, Charlotte Sistler. The religious values in the works of Thornton Wilder (1945)
  • Gant, Walter Hamilton. The language of religion (1945)
  • Grant, Ernest Clarence. The idealized self and its social setting (1945)
  • Grant, Robert Day. A study of Anglo-Catholic social doctrine (1945)
  • Hummon, Serge Floyd. A guide to the understanding and use of the projected still picture in religious education: with special emphasis upon the miniature slide and slidefilm (1945)
  • Klink, Thomas Wilbur. A religious orientation for pastoral theology (1945)
  • Koenig, Robert Emil. A comparison of the ideas of God of Brunner and Wieman viewed as reactions against nineteenth century liberalism (1945)
  • Marker, George Clifford. The First Congregational Church of Geneva, Illinois (1945)
  • Messersmith, Lauren Harry. The minister’s relation to the funeral (1945)
  • Olson, Emerald L. How to get attendance for the new evangelism (1945)
  • Sampson, Thompson Sawyer. Rural religion in Half Day and Mundelein Chicago, (1945)
  • Schoonmaker, Theodore. The use of audio-visual aids in the development of appreciations in the field of religion (1945)
  • Spyker, Fred Bowers. The history and outlook of the Congregational Church of Sandwich, Illinois (1945)
  • Thomson, Leon. An introduction to the dynamics of purpose (1945)
  • Ubbelohde, Kenneth Harold. The “Kingdom of God” concepts in the synoptic gospels (1945)
  • Uratani, Michizo. Eschatology in the teaching of Paul (1945)
  • Wenstrom, Donald A. The Sunday morning service in the Congregational churches (1945)
  • Wichlei, Richard John. A doctrine of perfection from the viewpoint of contemporary Christian pacifism (1945)
  • Wiebe, Orlando Roy. Some problems in the relationship between theology and philosophy (1945)
  • Alley, George Douglas. A critical study of the liberal church (1946)
  • Anderson, A. Raymond. Some principles for the initial organizing of Christian communities (1946)
  • Anderson, Philip Algot. Factors of conflict in the experience of students during their first year at Chicago Theological Seminary (1946)
  • Cope, Everett S. A Protestant strategy for settlement house (1946)
  • Daily, Sherwood Simon. A present day interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount (1946)
  • Elkins, Brodace Howard. The conception of the demonic (1946)
  • Felible, John Edward. A study of the attitudes and activities of four major Protestant denominations toward war and peace as found in the official pronouncements, 1923-1945 (1946)
  • Held, David M. Basic elements in the religion of Jesus (1946)
  • Hulburt, Dayton David. Religion on the air in Chicago (1946)
  • Hutchins, Merrill Laverne. Sadhu Sundar Singh: product of Christian missions (1946)
  • Lindahl, Curtis Harold. The nature of the downtown old line Protestant churches in Chicago (1946)
  • Long, David Owen. The faith of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1946)
  • Matthews, Alden Ewart. Christian education for one-world living (1946)
  • Miller, George Frederick. The religious convictions and doubts of Dostoevsky (1946)
  • Riley, Lyman Walter. The devotional life in Roman Catholic modernism (1946)
  • Smucker, James Russell. Relating the layman to the world church (1946)
  • Tolson, George Russel. The Christian personalism of John Wright Buckham (1946)
  • Waring, Edward Graham. Modern metaphysics and the doctrine of forgiveness (1946)
  • Yoder, Harry Walter. Group structure in the local (1946)
  • Lefevre, Perry Deyo. History and Christology in the theology of Tillich, Morrison, and Reinhold Niebuhr (1946)
  • Baker, Elmer Eugene. William Ernest Hocking’s philosophy of human nature (1947)
  • Berthold, Fred. The relation of theology to value theory (1947)
  • Bevilacqua, Joseph J. Luther’s concept of the law and the gospel (1947)
  • Boyack, James D. A naturalistic interpretation of ethical living (1947)
  • Boyer, Ralph R. Preaching with the resources of group psychotherapy in the Christian community (1947)
  • Brady, De Witt Joseph. The preaching of Washington Gladden in relation to the life of his time (1947)
  • Clark, Robert Tredway. Psychotherapy and theology: a study of their relationships (1947)
  • Decker, John G. The moral responsibility of the scientist in the atomic age (1947)
  • Demler, Henry. The role of the liberal minister today (1947)
  • Dorsett, H. Merle. The summer camp in the church’s educational program (1947)
  • Gemmer, H. Robert. The contribution of the Prohibition party (1947)
  • Hepler, Orville Meltin. The evaluation of sermons by the use of insights derived from Gestalt psychology (1947)
  • Isbell, Earl Woodrow. Religious experience and empirical method in relation to knowledge of God (1947)
  • Johnson, Lawrence Oscar. Secularism and Protestantism (1947)
  • Light, Shelby Jason. Emissaries of Divine Light (1947)
  • Lovell, William N. The religious socialism of Paul Tillich (1947)
  • Lusk, Alpheus M. The problem of motiviation in adolescence (1947)
  • Meckel, Myron E. A community church in an industrial area adjacent to a great city (1947)
  • Meyners, Jo Bob. Integration of Japanese Americans into Protestant churches of Chicago with special reference to six churches (1947)
  • Morrison, Truman A. Theology and social action in the thought of Reinhold Niebuhr (1947)
  • Niehaus, Robert Simon. The problem of authority in the Prophets and Proverbs (1947)
  • Palmer, Sherwood. The possible use of psychodramatic techniques as an aid in the teaching of pastoral skills (1947)
  • Philo, Harry Ellwood. The conception of the Holy Spirit in the writings of the Apostle Paul (1947)
  • Queen, John S. Christian love: an ethical principle and a religious reality (1947)
  • Reitan, Harald A. A study of the “I Am” movement (1947)
  • Robbins, Samuel Dowse. The use of nature in preaching (1947)
  • Spragg, Howard E. The ideological and Utopian elements in the Marxist views of the state and the proletariat (1947)
  • Steece, Arvel Meryl. Grace and free will in the City of God and selected sermons of Augustine (1947)
  • Voth, Theodore Henry. Significant changes in ethical and religious concepts in representative American dramas of 1919-1920 and 1939-1940 (1947)
  • Wenger, Samuel B. A prison ministry (1947)
  • Bross, John R. The role of myth in contemporary theology (1948)
  • Gaulke, Maxwell R. The development and adaptation of the First Church of God, Chicago (1948)
  • Gaulke, Maxwell R. The development and adaptation of the First Church of God, Chicago (1948)
  • Kesler, N. Robert. Calvin’s conception of the nature of the church (1948)
  • Kinnear, Kenneth. Christianity in our sensate culture: an analysis and critique based on Pitrim S. Sorokin’s theories of social change and cultural (1948)
  • Morrill, James W. Trends in the theory of Christian social action: reflected in Social Action, the official organ of the Council for Social Action (1948)
  • Myers, Anthony Wayne. The significance of myth for the communication of religious truth in the light of Thomas Mann’p. (1948)
  • Olson, Karl Edward. A survey of contemporary Protestant industrial relations activities (1948)
  • Presnall, Lewis F. Reconstructive fellowship in respect to the Protestant ministry (1948)
  • Sampson, Orval Wayne. Agricultural mechanization and the rural church (1948)
  • Schneider, Eugene Alvin. The use of the Bible with the ten year old child (1948)
  • Schwenke, John R. An analysis of the contributions of Christian Science to the basic human needs of people living in modern urban society: with special emphasis on evidence collected in the Chicago Metropolitan area (1948)
  • Shishido, Miles M. The place of scientific method in the theologies of Macintosh and Wieman (1948)
  • Smith, Lester E. An apologia for missions today (1948)
  • Sperberg, Lester William. Determinative and contributory factors in the resurrection experience of the Early church (1948)
  • Thomas, Grafton McCready. Participation and responsibility of the congregation in public worship (1948)
  • Umbeck, Paul F. The contemplated union between the Congregation Christian and the Evangelical and Reformed church (1948)
  • Bennett, Dennis J. The authority of the Congregational minister (1949)
  • Hawley, Edward A. The church as a fellowship of families: a study of selected British and American curriculum material and of practices in selected American churches (1949)
  • Heininger, Edward Kline. The Old Testament view of man (1949)
  • Hollerorth, Hugo J. A theological interpretation of conflict (1949)
  • Laib, Milton Otto. A strategy for adult religious education (1949)
  • Marshall, James Wendell. The role of the Bible in the theology of Emil Brunner (1949)
  • Noffke, Walter William. An interpretation of Christian commitment (1949)
  • Reed, Lincoln Y. Man’s experience of God’s grace in the Old Testament (1949)
  • Stanford, Le Roy. A doctrine of Christian vocation (1949)
  • Van Kranenburgh, Gene. The function of the minister as the leader of a small religious group (1949)
  • Allard, Robert E. The problem of knowledge in its philosophical and religious aspects in the thought of William James (1950)
  • Berry, Donald Leroy. A Congregational theory of worship for contemporary church life (1950)
  • Burton, D. Conrad. Emil Brunner and religious education (1950)
  • Dalbeck, Gordon E. Some current experiments in social organization: a study of the stated aims and programs of seven selected experiemnts in social reconstruction and rehabilitation in contemporary American society (1950)
  • Ford, Richard Lawrence. A study of the constituency in a town church: based upon an analysis of the First Congregational Church of Allegan, Michigan (1950)
  • Fukuyama, Yoshio. The American Board in Turkey (1950)
  • Leslie, Roberta M. The relation of the rural church to community organizations and agencies (1950)
  • Regier, Marie Joanna. Mennonite teaching and practice in a Chinese community (1950)
  • Sievers, Robert W. Thomas Chalmers: Scotch churchman and reformer (1950)
  • Soberg, Lester L. The relation of the Christology of Luke one and two to that of the Gospel as a whole (1950)
  • Stephenson, Ward Lewis. Vocation in the light of modern demands and Christian concern (1950)
  • Trindle, Edward L. The problem of freedom in the works of André Gide (1950)
  • Burns, Charles Lee. The youth culture and teen-age tensions (1951 Burton, George E. Some recent critical studies of the doctrine of the church in the New Testament (1951)
  • Erickson, Charles Oron. Whitehead’s notions of permanence as a contribution to the theological understanding of death (1951)
  • Gustafson, James M. Max Weber’s methodology (1951)
  • Williams, William David. The place of pastoral counseling in the total church family life program (1951)
  • Hollerorth, Barbara Elizabeth. The meaning of community in human existence (1952)
  • Boardman, Robert Speer. The authority of the Bible (1952)
  • Dale, Alfred Stuart. A Christian critique of the North Dakota farmers union as an instrument in the building of Christian community (1952 Davis, Paul Robert. This nation under God: a study of Abraham Lincoln as man and public figure in American history (1952)
  • Gettinger, Paul Arthur. Meron rural life institute (1952)
  • Herreman, Keith E. Congregationalism, establishment, and three synods, 1648-1708 (1952)
  • Hill, Rodger Freeman. The church and the self-concept of the adolescent (1952)
  • Sheely, Madison Lewis. The radio script as church school curriculum material (1952)
  • Whitman, Allen. Death in the theology of Nicolas Berdyaev and John Baillie (1952)
  • Alward, Robert Sumner. Christian love as mutuality (1953)
  • Bender, Louis B. The meaning of transcendence in liberal theology (1953)
  • Bloesch, Donald G. Emil Brunner’s approach to non-Christian religions (1953)
  • Davis, Royal Gile. Non-Catholic Thomism (1953)
  • Dodder, Grover Clyde. Memories and meanings of the United Church of Chebanse (1953)
  • Frederick, Robert Edward. The Scopes trial: a study of changing currents in American thought (1953)
  • Maxwell, H. Allen. The eschatology of the pre-exilic prophets: Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and Micah (1953)
  • Trump, Richard Hayward. Lyman Beecher: reformer and churchman (1953)
  • Tuck, William C. A study of a fringe area and its church (1953)
  • Yamane, Susumu. The nature of hope in the synoptic gospels (1953)
  • Banks, Lois Ann. Developments in liberal theology: an essay on Robert Lowry Calhoun (1954)
  • Cox, Donald G. Personality theory in Otto Rank and its implication for a Christian doctrine of man (1954)
  • Jacobs, Robert Glenn. An explication of an original novel The long walk and the beautiful river from the standpoint of theology and literary criticism (1954)
  • Kautz, William F. A strategy for teaching adults our Christian heritage (1954)
  • Schaefer, James Wesley. Young adults and the covenanted community (1954)
  • Slosson, Flora May. The idea of God as person as interpreted from a Christian perspective (1954)
  • Steckel, Clyde James. Faith and its symbols in pastoral relationships (1954)
  • White, Willie. Faith and existence: a study in the theologies of St. Thomas Aquinas and Søren Kierkegaard (1954)
  • Brown, Bernard. The role of symbols in religious epistemology: a study in the religious philosophies of Josiah Royce and Paul Tillich (1955)
  • Ewing, James Walter. Graham Taylor: educator in “life rather than literature” (1955)
  • Fry, Arthur J. D.L. Moody: the formative years, 1856-1873 (1955)
  • Green, Thomas George. The nature and function of church architecture (1955)
  • Jamieson, David. Contemporary repossessions of the Christian doctrine of forgiveness (1955)
  • Kling, Dorothy Anna. The role of encounter in effecting Christian commitment (1955)
  • Mook, Henry Telfer. The meaning of the Bible for our Christian faith in the world today (1955)
  • Nelson, Carl Julius. The religion of democracy and its ethic: a democratic manifesto (1955)
  • Reitz, Robert Meek. Pastoral understanding of submerged creativity in the aged (1955)
  • Schroeder, William Widick. Maizeville: a sociological study of participation in voluntary associations in a corn belt community with special reference to churches (1955)
  • Scott, Walter Reed. The role of the junior camp in the religious growth of children (1955)
  • Shelton, Paul. Immanence and transcendence in the concept of God in the theologies of F.W.J. Schelling and Paul Tillich (1955)
  • Sherrell, Richard Eugene. A critical study of crisis theology as an effort to revitalize the liberal pulplit (1955)
  • Stone, Robert L. Growing faith through group membership (1955)
  • Swift, James William. The role of religion, magic, and myth in the life of the Trobriand child Taylor, Louis R. The establishment of a community church (1955)
  • Treese, Donald H. Theology in the preaching of John Wesley: the Wesleyan doctrines of man, sin, salvation and Christian perfection (1955)
  • Tully, Robert William. The “heresy” of George Holley Gilbert (1955)
  • Allen, Leslie C. The transition of hospital pastoral care from a clinical setting to a parish hospital setting (1956)
  • Bell, Donald Curtis. Patterns of mind: development of a research method for exploring the religious perspective of a minister and his congregation (1956)
  • Broeksmit, John Shaw. Christ and Clio: a study of Oswald (1956)
  • Clark, Robert James. Some defining aspects of the philosophy of Charles Hartshorne and their implications for constructive theology (1956)
  • Colson, Z. William. Louis Henri Sullivan: a theological approach to architecture (1956)
  • Dalrymple, Dean Edward. The Yorkville Federated Church and its community (1956)
  • Galitz, Robert F. A Protestant program of agricultural land tenure (1956)
  • Letson, Joseph William. The book of Tobit: an introduction and theological analysis (1956)
  • McClernon, Robert Ernest. The formation of the Northern Baptist convention (1956)
  • Wakeland, Lewis Lee. The ministry as priesthood in ecumenical theology (1956)
  • Williams, Jean John. Some Christian ethical implications of a “dialectic of personal growth” as evolved from James Mark Baldwin, Sigmund Freud and Arnold Gesell (1956)
  • Campbell, Jackson Collins. The family as a Christian fellowship (1957)
  • Cotton, Warren Eugene. The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ (1957)
  • Cowan, John Louis. Wieman’s concept of creativity as a resource for the theological interpretation of Rogerian psychotherapy (1957)
  • Crockett, Larrimore Clyde. The Spirit in the eighth chapter of Romans. (1957)
  • Debbink, David H. Christian love for the laymen (1957)
  • Elmquist, Russell Ellis. The relevance of empiricism in contemporary theology (1957)
  • England, Charles Donald. A comparative sociological study of church participation in two Illinois communities (1957)
  • Henzlik, William Charles. Pictures of the “good life” in a working class suburban community (1957)
  • Hobbs, William Franklin. Growth in the Christian life and a doctine of the church in the thought of Horace Bushnell (1957)
  • Huck, Wilbur. Romantic hope, rebellion, and irony: a study of Melville, Hawthorne, and Dostoievsky (1957)
  • Kreml, Warren J. Achieving depth in interpersonal relations (1957)
  • Lapp, Robinson Gardner. A study of structures of value as reflected in the relationships and important experiences of eight junior high young people (1957)
  • Muth, Phillip Arthur. The doctrine of rewards in the Jewish wisdom literature (1957)
  • Olson, Frederick Oscar. The problem of evil in Moby Dick (1957)
  • Pearce, Loyal Loyd. The church as the Body of Christ in the Evanston reports (1957)
  • Reeder, Rudolph Rex. Langmead Casserley: the theological foundations of his social theory (1957)
  • Rowe, William Leonard. The nature and significance of empiricism in the thought of Henry Nelson Wieman (1957)
  • Sevetson, Donald. The location of authority within the Congregational churches: a study of American Puritanism in the colonial period (1957)
  • Wolfgarth, Arthur Erwin. The problem of Christology in the works of Berdyaev and Kierkegaard (1957)
  • Birdwell, Rawson Paige. The relationship of the self and God in the thought of Reinhold Niebuhr (1958)
  • Casebolt, Ralph Lowell. The adolescent’s image of the (1958)
  • Chaney, David Eugene. The adolescent’s image of adult life in the dimensions of freedom, relatedness, and vocation (1958)
  • Erkman, James Frederick. John Knox: church, ministry, and sacraments (1958)
  • Evans, David Beecher. Athanasius’ De Decretis Nicaenae Synodi: an introduction and translation (1958)
  • Glessner, Richard Harter. The pastoral director as educator (1958)
  • Jewett, Robert Lee. The conception of worship in the epistle to the Hebrews (1958)
  • Jewett, Robert Lee. The conception of worship in the epistle to the Hebrews (1958)
  • Kalas, John W. Spirit and objectification in the thought of Nicolas Berdyaev (1958)
  • Leidberg, Richard E. The fool as hero in the existentialist comedy of Samuel (1958)
  • Lewis, Clifford Dean. The influence upon the ecumenical movement of the theology of P.T. Forsyth (1958)
  • Miller, Clyde Horace. The background, character and implications of David’s kingship (1958)
  • Preston, Howard J. The role of a religious orientation in the post-prison lives of women ex-convicts (1958)
  • Rautio, Richard Gardner. Personal reality: the theology of John Macmurray (1958)
  • Sandford, Jack Loren. A method of testing young people’s grasp of Christianity (1958)
  • Starbuck, Kenneth Clinton. The nature of the church in the theology of Paul Tillich (1958)
  • Tucker, Robert Henry. Amos: a religious prophet (1958)
  • Ulseth, Harold Allyn. The figure of the Son of Man and the atonement (1958)
  • Wilcoxen, Jay Alton. The judgement of the Lord in the Isaiah I (1958)
  • Wild, John Arden. Paul Tillich’s understanding of myth (1958)
  • Armstrong, Robert M. An analysis of the philosophy of some representative social workers: the study of an executive committee of a chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (1959)
  • Carroll, Joseph W. John Williamson Nevin’s protest against revivalism: the occasion and substance of his protest (1959)
  • Dalrymple, Lee Allen. Karl Barth’s doctrine of election and its problems of apokatastasis (1959)
  • Hakes, James D. A study of the word “life” in Paul. (1959)
  • Isaacs, Frank C. The development, use and exegesis of the hymns of Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley and John Mason Neale (1959)
  • Kittlaus, Paul. The ministry of the great conversation with adolescents (1959)
  • Lasswell, Tom J. Training the church school teacher to teach the Biblical paradigm of bondage and freedom (1959)
  • Petter, John Harrison. The concept of evil in the works of Nicolas Berdyaev (1959)
  • Ward, Donald B. Douglas Horton, Congregationalism, and the church (1959 Wright, George Thomas. The drug addict and the Christian fellowship (1959)


  • Abele, Ralph Reinhold. A study of ministerial leadership as relationships manifesting the event of God in Christ (1960)
  • Anderson, Robert Charles. The meaning and religious significance of the concept of creativity in the thought of Nicholas Berdyaev (1960)
  • Griffis, Richard B. The renewal of man: a study of John Calvin’s theology (1960)
  • Lord, Raymond Wesley. The doctrine of man’s freedom in Paul Tillich’s theology. (1960)
  • Price, Jack. Threats to the modern American family as they are indicated and answered from a sociological and a theological perspective (1960)
  • Talbert, Arthur Everett. The background and causes of the northern Israelite revolt Biblically and archaeologically evaluated (1960)
  • Weichbrodt, Louis Frank. The concept of the self in the thought of William Ernest Hocking (1960)
  • Winegarner, Robert S. Community as conceived by Arthur E. Morgan and Emil Brunner. (1960)
  • Zilliac, George H. The concept of indwelling in the farewell discourses of the Gospel of John (1960)
  • Zinn, J. Robert. Results of the oracles of the major literary prophets from the time of their delivery to the construction of the second temple (1960)
  • Boyer, Mary Rice. The young parent and the church (1961)
  • Cernohlavek, James W. The American-Japanese church: a study of an ethnic church in Chicago (1962)
  • Gillett, Carl R. Behind the fourth gospel: the Old Testament roots of the Johannine ideals of “Word,” “Light,” and “Life” and their role in the interpretation of the gospel of John (1962)
  • Jones, Robert Eugene. Christian hope and contemporary nihilism (1962)
  • Kemp, John Howard. No-popery and nativism in Congregationalist New England from 1825-1856 (1962)
  • Russell, Howard H. Resources of three mothers for meeting the problems of daily living with special reference to the role of religion (1962)
  • Stickney, Robert Washburn. Metaphor completions: a means of evoking and communicating awareness (1962)
  • Torney, E. Keith. The house church: a Protestant answer to the inner city (1962)
  • Cameron, William E. Religious leadership and the Woodlawn Organization (1963)
  • Cetina, Robert E. Life and religious consciousness: a consideration of Tillich’s doctrine of man (1963)
  • Close, Marilyn Wilbur. The revival of 1857-1858: turning point in the style of American mass evangelism (1963)
  • Findlay, Robert D. A meaningful and redeeming ministry to youth (1963)
  • Goebel, G. Dean. The theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and its implications for a theology of Christian education (1963)
  • Goodell, Roberta Mary. A life worth living for young adults: the task of the church (1963)
  • Heckner, Dorothy Mae. Faith, forgiveness and the family in the theology of Emil Brunner (1963)
  • Hendrickson, Robert M. Fear and anxiety in the New Testament and in the contemporary situation (1963)
  • Kinsey, Robert A. The authority of the Bible as revealed by the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament (1963)
  • Lintner, James E. Analytic philosophy and Christian truth (1963)
  • Lovely, Denzel Ray. A comparison of the concept of existence in the thought of Rollo May and Paul Tillich with implications for the pastoral ministry (1963)
  • Mardis, Herbert H. Alcoholism and human freedom: a psychological and theological anaysis of the meaning [of] alcoholism as a problem of human freedom and what it suggests for the life of the church (1963)
  • Mendonca, John Roper. Christ and the world come of age in the christology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1963)
  • Mitchell, Douglas E. Psychological thought implicit in systematic theology (1963)
  • Schulz, Larold Kuhrt. The Kerygma of the early Church as understood through the sermons of Peter in Acts. (1963)
  • Smith, Andrew Ward. Religious beliefs in a community church: the stated religious beliefs of forty members of Avalon Park Community Church (1963)
  • Sundeen, Lois Naomi. The religious condition of church school teachers (1963)
  • Whitwer, Clarence. The youth ministry and youth culture (1963)
  • Williams, Charles J. A Christian approach to community organization: the Greater Woodlawn Pastors’ Alliance (1963)
  • Williams, Sandra Margaret. The signicance of the Mediterranean culture as reflected in the Pauline epistles for the church in modern urban culture (1963)
  • Yoak, Charles S. The Jewish background of Paul’s speech on the Aeropagus; an exegetical study of the creation motif, Acts 17:24-26. (1963)
  • Brownell, Paul Granger. An inquiry–religious experience and symbolization (1964)
  • Buck, Zane Arthur. Prophetic and ceremonial church architecture for the twentieth century: a synthesis (1964)
  • Cavanaugh, James Henry. Imagination–the shape of Christian education (1964)
  • Conover, Patrick W. Emergence and crisis: a Christian approach to personality (1964)
  • De Gruchy, John Wesley. The local church and the race problem in South Africa. (1964)
  • Dralle, Robert F. The meaning of freedom for a small group (1964)
  • Fargo, George Gerald. Towards a theology for educational ministry in the church (1964)
  • Gillies, Chester Raymond. Gabriel Marcel–coming into being (1964)
  • Hall, David L. An exposition and analysis of Ortegan thought (1964)
  • Heiss, Richard L. Maximizing encounter with a group of senior highs (1964)
  • Howe, Helen Irene. The Student Christian Association movement and the role of the laity in the mission of the church (1964)
  • Jamerson, Willie J. A study of Buber and Kierkegaard: the contrasting understanding of the implications of the relationship between man and man for the relationship between man and God (1964)
  • Jones, John N. Meaningful child education (1964)
  • Kokuma, Francis Kwami. The problem of indigenization in the West African (British)
  • churches (1964)
  • Maxwell, Farley. Becoming in an age of relativity (1964)
  • Okamoto, Chiaki. A problem of Christian education in Japan: self-identity (1964)
  • Oyakawa, E. Michio. The cross in the life of the local congregation (1964)
  • Roberts, David Wayne. A study of death in the theology of Paul Tillich (1964)
  • Schultz, James M. Religious faith and occupational plans of junior college men (1964)
  • Sissons, Peter L. The Church and the suburb in England (1964)
  • Smith, Philip Alan. An experiment in lay education and church renewal (1964)
  • Van Kirk, John Randall. Re-thinking John Wesley’s contribution: the early phase of his churchmanship (1964)
  • Wentworth, Jay Alan. Some aesthetic implications of Whitehead’s philosophy (1964)
  • West, Paul F. Adult businessmen and the ministry of connection: toward a framework for ministry with men (1964)
  • Adams, George Tomlinson. Harlan Paul Douglass and the church, 1906-1950: an examination of his writings in terms of the church and the community it serves (1965)
  • Aull, James Andrew. Hi-Y: a small group model for the YMCA leadership. (1965)
  • Bailey, Jack Simpson. Some considerations for the mission of the church in urban culture. (1965)
  • Bill, Jean-Francois. The responsible selfhood of the church: a study of the Tsonga Presbyterian Church. (1965)
  • Briggs, William Major. The contemporary form of the inner-city parish. (1965)
  • Coffey, Walter Charles. America’s religious future as seen by Philip Schaff. (1965)
  • Cowger, Charles David. The church in response to poverty. (1965)
  • Filonowitz, Joseph C. Humor and theology. (1965)
  • Fletcher, John Arden. Christian nurture as the personal unification of feeling, thought, and action. (1965)
  • Guigle, F. Charles. The development of religious meaning: a theory and examination. (1965)
  • LaDu, Joseph Wilson. The urbanization of rural life and the role of the church. (1965)
  • Loeschen, John Richard. Proximate and penultimate: Luther’s doctrine of the created order. (1965)
  • McLain, Gary Bishop. The therapeutic potentiality of Paul’s church-understanding. (1965)
  • Moller, Thomas Loren. Attack from the right: the Radical Right against the ecumenical movement. (1965)
  • Patterson, Jack Theodore. The quest for “True Humanity” in the thought of Kierkegaard and Buber. (1965)
  • Schwartz, Robert Gerald. The church and “The American Funeral”: crisis in faith and mission. (1965)
  • Smith, Harold W. Form and dynamics in contemporary Christology: a study of the discourse on Jesus Christ in the writings of Teilhard de Chardin and William Temple. (1965)
  • Sugawara, Alan Iwao. Liturgical history: the Reformed Church. (1965)
  • Bell, John Boyd. Religion and urbanization in the ancient Near East. (1966)
  • Day, Norbert Raymond. Ministry in the context of the new freedom. (1966)
  • Froese, Menno. An exposition and analysis of Kurt Lewin’s field study. (1966)
  • Griffith, Lloyd Dale. Function of myth in modern conscience. (1966)
  • Kubik, Wayne Frank. A ministry to the dying. (1966)
  • Lindstrom, P. Richard, The Risberg school (1966)
  • Nickelsen, John Hellier. A critique of Erich Fromm’s interpretation of Jesus and the early Christiologies. (1966)
  • Olski, Donald Walter. A contemporary theology of the Holy Spirit. (1966)
  • Ross, Karl Eugene. The function of music in worship. (1966)
  • Ross, Patricia Sylvester. Clues for an educational ministry with older persons. (1966)
  • Rydberg, Wayne Douglas. The role of religious belief in the suicidal crisis. (1966)
  • Sanders, Frank Wootton. An analysis of the rehabilitation program of the Community Center Foundation. (1966)
  • Speer, Robert Pollock. A reflection on the meaning of death for the living. (1966)
  • Strah, Michael Sherman. Christian faith and identity: the implications of the thought of Merleau-Ponty, heidegger, Erikson, and Bultman for a Christian concept of identity. (1966)
  • Theselius, James Embree. Knowledge as affirmation: an exposition of Michael Polanyi’s thought. (1966)
  • Vincent, Donald George. Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s understanding of the church. (1966)
  • Wright, Frank Wolfford. Curriculum guides for adult theological education. (1966)
  • Yalouris, Joachim George. The causes provoking the iconoclastic controversy. (1966)
  • Yons, George Edward. Jesus and integrity therapy. (1966)
  • Anderson, R. Larry. Teilhard and the meaning of ministry. (1967)
  • Blount, Roswell Clifton. A study of conflicting attitudes in the United Church of Christ in Illinois: an analysis of the relationship of selected social attitudes to theological, Biblical, and personal data. (1967)
  • Christie, Bruce David. Whole man in a whole world: toward an understanding of a ministry of reconciliation. (1967)
  • Dresser, Fred. Integrity therapy and some classical conversion experiences. (1967)
  • Dwenger, Alfred Earl. Romantic love: its implications for a minister’s program of premarital counseling. (1967)
  • Gillies, Juanita D. An experiment in the resolution of social conflict. (1967)
  • Hermanson, George Henry. A basis for a theology of the future (1967)
  • Hurd, Albert Edward. Jonathan Edwards’ concept of the millenium. (1967)
  • Ingersoll, James Walter. Inner speech and the teenager. (1967)
  • Ivy, Dorsie Eugene. Struggle/confront–construct–offer–reflect: notes on a methodology for “constructive” living. (1967)
  • Johnson, Bruce Eaton. Martin Luther–law and gospel, and two kingdoms, Reinhold Niebuhr–justification in the realm of justice. (1967)
  • Kirsch, Norman Maynard. Trends in the town and country church movement from 1935-1965: as reflected in town and country church and Christian rural fellowship publications. (1967)
  • Leonard, David Verne. Religious consciousness and the nature of God. (1967)
  • McCall, Merritt C. Responsible love: an exploration of the concept in the writing of William Glasser and H. Richard Niebuhr. (1967)
  • Oliver, Samuel MacBain. Emerging identity in Pentecostalism. (1967)
  • Paton, James Warren. Whitehead on education: a study in education and cosmology. (1967)
  • Ramsey, Virginia Robinette. The hope of man: two perspectives. (1967)
  • Stout, David Alvin. A Biblical view of redemption. (1967)
  • Trask, David B. A ministry of ideas. (1967)
  • Williams, David E. Dag Hammarskjöld : Christian existentialist. (1967)
  • Wood, Bob R. Basic concepts and factors concerning a “theology for youth”. (1967)
  • Board, Chester Stephen. Revelation and reason in the seventeenth-century. (1968)
  • Boler, James E. Theology and sociology in a constructive ecclesiology. (1968)
  • Burford, James W. Biblical meal-sharing. (1968)
  • Christoferson, Arthur W. The contribution of early congregational doctrine of the Church to a distinctive style of church life. (1968)
  • Evans, Thomas H. Institution and spirit : a study in church images. (1968)
  • Fujiyoshi, Ronald S. A comparison of action theory : Saul Alinsky and Reinhold Niebuhr. (1968)
  • Green, Thomas C. The tragic vision and the man of hope. (1968)
  • Shewmaker, Harry Paul. Calling a people. (1968)
  • Thomas, Mary J. The role of inner speech: speaking words and significant symbol in existing a congregation. (1968)
  • Urie, Arthur Conrad. The free man in Christian perspective: critical comparison and evaluation of Norman Brown and Hannah Arendt. (1968)
  • Alexander, Robert Pattison. From Genesis to noogenesis: toward a theology of nature; a comparison of the Biblical tradition with Teilhard de Chardin (1969)
  • Brauninger, Dallas Anderson. Process, God, and man: a vision of hope (1969)
  • Brauninger, Robert Randall. Cultural racism in theological perspective. (1969)
  • Fink, Karen L. A perspective on healing in pastoral counseling: the experiencing process and the work of the Holy Spirit (1969)
  • Gamble, Robert Lowell. Problem and person: the homosexual (1969)
  • Graper, Cleora Mae. Wandering Aramean and flying Greek: the search for an incarnational aesthetic (1969)
  • Greenwood, Richard. Managing conflict within the church: a style of ministry (1969)
  • Griffin, Peggy Ann. Communication with fifth and sixth grade justice builders (1969)
  • Hamm, Kathleen M. The Black P Stone Nation and the book of Revelation: conflict, ministry, and eschatology (1969)
  • Henry, Thomas R. Telecommunication in celebrative style (1969)
  • Herman, Shirley. Experiential encounter as a model for pastoral care (1969)
  • Hurd, Russell C. Realistic prospects for Christian unity (1969)
  • Juengling, Ruth. Humor: the celebration of the wholeness of man (1969)
  • Lusk, Ruth Ann. Conscience of human-person task of the three to five year aged child. (1969)
  • Lusk, Stephen M. The sojourn: youth in quest of identity (1969)
  • Marsh, Stephen Lafayette. The Western move toward a non-rational, subjective Eastern position (1969)
  • Morris, Barry Kent. The radicalization process: the push toward qualitative social change via events, ideas, and actors (1969)
  • Peirce, Stephen W. Premarital sex an the implication for ministry (1969)
  • Rockwell, Nancy. Prophet and Rebel: a comparison of a theological and an existential approach to man (1969)
  • Rohde, John Kenneth. Nonviolent revolution (1969)
  • Schierling, Don. Social consciousness of the General Conference Mennonite Church. (1969)
  • Schneider, Kent E. Sound and celebration: there’s more to sound than meets the ear (1969)
  • Scott, Donald D. The significance of L.S. Vygotsky for a ministry of education (1969)
  • Smith, Robert Lee. The church as healthful community (1969)
  • Timm, Tommy L. Identification of experiences which bring a person to take responsibilityy for social action (1969)
  • Toshalis, Gerald L. The crisis of commitment: notes on the counseling-ministry to “post-modern” youth (1969)
  • Wineke, Bill. Proclaiming the news (1969)
  • Woods, Robert Elsworth. Ministry to younger married couples with special reference tosexual crises (1969)
  • Zimmerman, Carl A. The theology and social ethics of John C. Bennett (1969)
  • Albrecht, Janet Russell. Spontaneity: the relationship of creativity and conscience (1970)
  • Albrecht, William Vincent. Hope as a factor in growth (1970)
  • Bartlett, N. Warren. Tolstoyean philosophy of nonviolence (1970)
  • Beck, Robert D. The church as conscience of the state (1970)
  • Bodwell, John W. Creativity: a basic theological category (1970)
  • Burkett, Gary L. The counter culture and the Christian community (1970)
  • Cedar, Robert L. The almost chosen (1970)
  • Chapin, Mark. Perspectives on the nature and functions of the state: a critical comparison of Hans Morgenthau, Reinhold Niebuhr and Max Weber (1970)
  • Christensen, Donald. A theology of education for human liberation (1970)
  • Durrant, Paula. A style of ministry and the process of change (1970)
  • Enslin, Arnold. Man: body in relation (1970)
  • Gentry, Bryan Massey. The nation (1970)
  • Hauman, David Joseph. On revolutionary (1970)
  • Holley, Charles James. A study of the Lord’s Servant in Isaiah: an attempt to explain the use of the term and to define the character and mission of the Servant (1970)
  • Lewis, William. Double consciousness: an aspect of the Black cultural experience (1970)
  • Lindskoog, James Arthur. The police as a power factor in American society: a political and theological inquiry (1970)
  • Loehr, Henry T. The diversity of Protestant ministry (1970)
  • Marburger, Gary. The minister as an agent for radical change (1970)
  • McMahill, David R. Enabling decision-making in suburban youth culture (1970)
  • McMahill, Jane A. The whole person: a mutual challenge for medical and religious professionals (1970)
  • Munger, Marilee. The power of life as love: a theology of the ultimacy of love as discerned in human experience (1970)
  • O’Brien, Ronald A. The meaning of remembrance in the Old Testament (1970)
  • Rennebohm, Craig. The prophetic ministry (1970)
  • Schlesinger, William D. On the renewal of the seminary: an educational experiment (1970)
  • Stover, F. Nelson. New directions for religious communities (1970)
  • Wells, Robert W. Imagining man (1970)
  • White, David R. Israel and the land (1970)

Master of Divinity: 1971-1977

Chicago Theological Seminary MDiv Theses

*Only between 1971-1977 was there an option to produce a thesis as part of the Master of Divinity program.

  • Alexander, Jean Marie. The Women’s Liberation Movement: its implications for the church’s ministry of women and to women (1971)
  • Bickel, Arthur O. Ministry to coronary patients (1971)
  • Cook, James Randall. Social consciousness in the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana), 1960-1970(1971)
  • Day, K. Wayne. Freud: contemporary interpretation and the decline of the super-ego (1971)
  • Elliott, David D. The soul of man and the radical religious: St. Francis and the twentieth century(1971)
  • Hagstrom, Alan J. Towards a dynamic Christian ministry in rural Vermont (1971)
  • Ikenberry, Ann Hunter. Day Care: A ministry of the Church in a Changing Society (1971)
  • Kaufman, Peter I. Commitment and crisis: notes on transalpine humanism in the sixteenth century(1971)
  • Kitchen, William B. The techno-culture and drugs: is there a role for the church? (1971)
  • Lowery, James R. Prophecy, priestcraft, or apocalypse?: the posture for Southern urban ministry(1971)
  • Massoni, Gary. Perspectives on Operation Breadbasket (1971)
  • Matthews, Leah. The unique role of the church in the agropolitan community (1971)
  • McCall, John Brierly. Media in theology: phenomenological photography as a mode of communicating religious values (1971)
  • Murphey, Joseph M. The meaning of the body in gestalt therapy (1971)
  • Ogden, Glenn B. Being authentic in encounter and relation (1971)
  • Russell, David R. The effectiveness of gestalt group therapy with adolescents (1971)
  • Scheib, Sally Anne. Reinhold Niebuhr’s critique of social change and three novels of the Mexican Revolution (1971)
  • Schifeling, Daniel J. American mythology: an analysis of sources and historical development(1971)
  • Syster, John E. The junior high: changes in consciousness through the use of Super 8 film(1971)
  • Wolfe, Charles A. Toward a theory of the non-speculative layman (1971)
  • Bildner, William John. The American Social Gospel and the contemporary church (1972)
  • Blossom, Thomas Ira. A pastoral response to individuals facing a rapidly changing society(1972)
  • Brown, John Milton. The well-made thing: a metaphysic on theatre and theology (1972)
  • Case, Harold Robert. Nazism: a study in modern idolatry (1972)
  • Cook, Gary R. Speaking of God: religious language and religious experience in the church(1972)
  • Culver, John Blaine. A workbook and study guide for the teaching ministry of the church, in a Peruvian setting (1972)
  • Erickson, Richard R. Self-disclosure: a construct for developing church sex education programs with adolescents (1972)
  • Halbe, Glen A. Education of Jesus (1972)
  • Hallberg, Victor. John Brown, prophecy and radical witness (1972)
  • Heath, William T. Auschwitz, a gauntlet thrown before the God of history (1972)
  • Katt, Bruce Neal. The social-historical factors effecting ecuminism in the American Protestant churches (1972)
  • Mellberg, Friedrich. Prayer and awareness of God (1972)
  • Moore, Michael Allen. Minister-workers: Protestant worker-priests (1972)
  • Murphy, Dwight W. Guilt: cause, nature, and resolution (1972)
  • Rice, William B. An approach to a theology of culture: a study of the Batak encounter with Christianity (1972)
  • Thompsett, Bruce A. Theoretical implications for clinet-selected groups: towards a model for group development with relation to educational goals (1972)
  • Bartram, William R. Education of today’s youth and tomorrow’s world: an approach to enabling fully functioning existence through the learning process (1973)
  • Bauman, Nicholas. Erik Erikson and Roberto Assagioli: towards a theory of the whole man(1973)
  • Cramton, Harriet Haseltine. A small pilgrim’s progress: a study of the gradual development of religious consciousness in childhood. (1973)
  • Daylong, William Blyth. Battered children in our midst: implications for the church and its ministry(1973)
  • Demirkol, Bekir. The development of personality in Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (1973)
  • Dirks, Christopher. The celestial origins and seasonal rhythms of the sacred festivals in the Judeo-Christian tradition (1973)
  • Duck, Ruth Carolyn. Story: experience and theology (1973)
  • Finn, Newton E. Teilhard, Kierkegaard, and a quandry (1973)
  • Kehl, Timothy H. The Protestant church and the Labor movement, 1877-1920 (1973)
  • Kelsey, Judith A. The emergence of a clergy woman (1973)
  • Knight, Dennis R. Freedom: a liberationist perspective on the suburban church (1973)
  • Lachance, Paul. The Franciscans, the hutterites, and taize: life together according to the gospel.(1973)
  • Lacy, K. Eric. The implications of family intervention therapies for pastoral care (1973)
  • McGaughey, Douglas R. Language and the new hermeneutic: a shift from Rudolf Bultmann perceived from the philosophy of Martin Heidegger (1973)
  • Newcomer, David E. The effects of the Old Mennonite Great Awakening on the Old Mennonite Church (1973)
  • Page, Nicholas A. Ecology and estrangement (1973)
  • Riddoch, Richard K. The friends of a reflective biographer: explorations in theological autobiography(1973)
  • Rimbey, Mary-Lynn. Self-integration: a reflection of Tillich’s doctrine of the spirit on some humanistic psychologists (1973)
  • Schultz, Robert S. Mask, violence, presence: art as personalist communication (1973)
  • Strait, Michael Jay. Concerning peace: an existential report (1973)
  • VanderWyden, Peter William. What you always wanted to know about God, but were too bored to ask (1973)
  • Watkins, Willie. The role of the Black Church in the struggle for liberation (1973)
  • Wiggins, Bruce G. Religious development in Columbia, Maryland, 1964-67: an example of social planning in a new town (1973)
  • Peterson, William Manfred. Life story and the aging years (1974)
  • Skinner, Charles. Communes: a yardstick for examining Christian community (1974)
  • Stewart-Wagoner, Henry Allen. Gould Farm: reflections on psychology, religion and therapeutic community (1974)
  • West, Frederick S. Sacred space in Christian traditions: a comparison of three Chicago churches(1974)
  • Wheeler, David Edward. Moving toward vitality in the institutional church: developing Christian individuals and groups (1974)
  • Beattie, Joseph G. The meaning of the mystical experience (1975)
  • Bell, Susan M. A study unit on the Eucharist (1975)
  • Cost, Carol Jane. Road maps for three form critics’ historical Jesus research (1975)
  • Davis, Donald R. Ministry and social concern: a project for helping evangelical students integrate the social implications of Christianity into their ministry of evangelism and teaching(1975)
  • Mittlefehldt, William D. Learning through relationship (1975)
  • Ruttan, Karl. The evolution of the kingship archetype in the Old Testament (1975)
  • Skiba, Gregory S. Eschatology and faith: two views (1975)
  • Jensen, James Phillip. Alfred North Whitehead and Nikolai Berdyaev: a dialogue concerning the nature of man and of God (1976)
  • Pennell, George Michael. The cosmos stabled in Jesus Christ (1976)
  • Spence, Roger Earl. Meditation, counseling and the theology of Thomas Merton (1976)
  • Boggs, William Barry. Death and the end of death: a study in adult growth and differentiation(1977)