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Faculty Services

Full-time, regular faculty and faculty emeritus at Chicago Theological Seminary are granted full use privileges of the Learning Commons and its resources. 

Additional services include the following:

  • Reference consultation.
  • Instructional support for students in research strategies.
  • Placing course texts on reserve at the Circulation Desk for students.
  • All faculty are given reciprocal borrowing privileges at:
  • Off-campus access to databases is provided. To log in, proceed through the Learning Commons' pages to the resource you want. When prompted, use your email login information to connect (do not put cts\ before your username).
  • Full-time, regular faculty and faculty emeritus have 2-year checkout periods. At the end of two years, faculty receive emails and will be prompted to renew the books. They can renew either through the online system or by emailing the director.


Adjunct faculty have borrowing and access privileges for the term they are employed by the seminary as follows:

  • Adjunct faculty are allowed 28-day checkouts. Materials are expected to be returned upon the completion of their contract.
  • After their period of employment, they may continue to have borrowing privileges through the use of a Community Borrower Card.
  • Adjunct faculty are not granted ACTS libraries access, University of Chicago libraries access, or participate in ATLA's Reciprocal Borrowing Program.
  • Additional services include:
    • reference consultation
    • course research instruction
    • placing course texts on reserve at the Circulation Desk for students.

Course Research Instruction

The library provides course research instruction at the request of faculty. This type of instruction will be tailored to the need of the course. The library welcomes the opportunity to co-design instructional materials for in-person and online coursework. Topics that can be covered by the Learning Commons include:

  • Bibliographic Instruction and Information Literacy
  • Plagiarism and Citation
  • Copyright and Fair Use
Course Readings

All required and recommended course books are kept on the reserve shelf behind the circulation desk in the Learning Commons  and will be available for students to check out for up to three hours.

Serious efforts are made to provide course readings in ebook format where available.

It should be noted that there are different usage licenses for ebooks. What this means is that some ebooks can only be viewed by one student at a time, much like physical books. In this case, students will receive a message that the book is currently in use and that they should try to access the ebook later. Other ebooks have licenses for three users to access the book simultaneously. The Learning Commons does try to purchase licenses for unlimited users when offered by our ebook vendors.

Course readings for each semester will be listed in OneSearch.

Linking to Resources in the Learning Commons

Please use the permalink when linking to resources in the Learning Commons. Do not grab links for Learning Commons materials from the browser window as this link is temporary and will not work later. 


Streaming Media

Streaming film collections in the Learning Commons include Kanopy. The films from this platform can be embedded in your Canvas course. Access to streaming films can change from semester to semester, so be sure to verify the content you need is still available. 

Copyright and Fair Use

Please consult our Copyright and Fair Use guide for a review of best practices around copyright and fair use.