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Accessibility Resources


A variety of services, tools, and resources are available to CTS students, faculty, and community members to ensure that everyone has access to our collections and material. Throughout this subject guide you will find the different tools you can utilize.

Please contact  if you would like assistance accessing or using a database or any other library tool or resource.

Key Terms

The ability to utilise the following terms can help students and professors have important conversations about their needs

Accommodation- An accommodation is an adaptation to the delivery of material so that a student with a disability can master the same activities and learning objectives as the other students. This is a change to how a student learns the material

Modification- A modification is a change to curriculum or learning objectives so that students with disabilities can learn similar content. There are different expectations for learning outcomes. This is a change to what a student is expected to learn. 

For Example:

Accommodation  Modification
Listening to an audiobook of the text, being provided notes for the reading Easier level, fewer, or shorter reading assignments
Extended time, alternate seating, or different format on a test Different test questions/alternate assessment, different grading scale
Different format for a project Reduced number of assignments

Modifications do not include easier-level or shorter reading assignments.

Requesting Accommodations

You can petition CTS for disability accommodations by reviewing the CTS Academic Accommodations Policy, and using the  CTS Accommodations Application Form. This accommodation form does list possible options that you may request. Once you submit the CTS Accommodations Application Form you will receive an institutionally-approved accommodation document from CTS. It may be helpful if students and professors then communicate and collaborate on how to develop the best access to course content and material according to student need. 

Students usually know the most about how to manage their disabilities as they have had to learn to manage them in their lives. While a diagnosis might help students/professors identify and strategize about academic success, each individual learns differently and can provide more insight about what is helpful for them.