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TEC 6550 - Applied Research Methods

Research Tip

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Explore DMin papers for the most current research written by graduates of DMin programs from CTS and other schools.  Reading DMin papers can provide you insight on how to structure your paper. In addition, papers that explore questions similar to your own offer bibliographies you can mine for  further information.

Databases for DMin Projects

Sample DMin Papers

Examples of DMin papers using different research methods


Case Study

Embree, Christina M. "Age Segregation and Spiritual Formation: A Case Study." DMin, Indiana Wesleyan University, 2023.

 Braunersreuther, Jon. "Two Case Studies regarding the Application of Principles of a Church Planting Organization in the Texas District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod." DMin Thesis, Regent University, 2019.



Thomas, Sarah D. "The Wondering Together Project: An Ethnographic Study of Twelve Families that Examines the Impact of Adopting a Daily Examen Practice Utilizing a Godly Play® Inspired Method of Wondering." DMin Thesis, Eden Theological Seminary, 2022.



Conley Cottingham, Sharon Anne. "Self-Compassion for the Sinner Saved by Grace: A Phenomenological Exploration of Engagement in Mindfulness-Based Self-Compassion Practice in Individuals Shaped by Contemporary Evangelicalism. DMin Thesis, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, 2024.


Narrative Inquiry

Austin-Kennedy, Lezlie. "Call Narrative Project: An Examination of Struggle and Spiritual Formation in Female Seminarians of the African Diaspora." DMin Thesis, Nyack College, Alliance Theological Seminary, 2014.


Wetzel, Donald C. "Stories of our Journey: Biblical Narrative and Personal Story-Telling as a Tool for Reconciliation in Multicultural Congregations." DMin Thesis, Lancaster Theological Seminary, 2009.



Davies, Mona. "Breaking the Cycle of Incarceration: Stories of My Work as a Missionary to Children of Incarcerated Parents." DMin Thesis, United Theological Seminary, 2014.


Proctor, Regina B. "Knowing God through Spiritual Practices and Spiritual Direction." DMin Paper, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, 2020.


Qualitative Research

Koch, Cara E. "Fostering Spirituality in a Preschool Sunday School with a Team of Grandfathers using Blessing -Based Spiritual Nurture." DMin Thesis, United Theological Seminary, 2007.


DMin Papers with no applied research

Loevinger, Neal Joseph. "Chaplains, Covid, and the Moral Suffering of Healthcare Workers. DMin Thesis, Hartford International University for Religion and Peace, 2023.