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TEC 6550 - Applied Research Methods

IRB Overview

There are three principles undergirding the IRB process


Researchers must obtain explicit written permission from participants who voluntarily agree to take part in the study, ensuring they fully understand what their participation involves and their right to withdraw at any time.


Researchers have a duty to design and conduct studies that provide the greatest possible advantage to participants while taking all reasonable precautions to protect them from potential physical, psychological, or social harm.


The selection of research participants must be fair and unbiased, with both the advantages and potential risks of the research being distributed equally across different populations and groups. No single group should bear an undue burden or be unfairly excluded from potential benefits.

IRB Process at CTS

All students intending to use human subjects in CTS PhD dissertations, STM, MDiv, and MA theses, or DMin projects must follow the guideline and submit a research proposal which will be reviewed by CTS’s Institutional Review Board. The purpose is to ensure an adequate review of the research regarding two central ethical concerns:

• Human subjects are treated in a manner consistent with their dignity and autonomy – specifically that they consent freely and in an informed manner to participation in the research;

• Human subjects are protected from any risks or harms posed by the research.

There are two major documents to be completed: 1) Research Overview, and 2) Consent Form (See IRB Documents section)

The research review is NOT intended to assess either the value of the thesis/dissertation topic or of the research design. All participant recruitment and data collection activities must wait until the IRB Committee at CTS has either approved the research protocol or granted an official exemption.

Human Subject Protocols should include the following information:

1. Nature and Purpose

  • Research goals and significance
  • Plans for result dissemination (publications, presentations, academic credit)

2. Methods and Procedures

  • Detailed research methodology and rationale
  • Questionnaires and debriefing protocols (with copies in appendix)
  • Timeline of participant activities and duration

3. Participant Information

  • Total number of participants
  • Recruitment strategies and materials
  • Demographic details (age, gender, ethnicity)
  • Group assignment procedures

4. Risk Assessment and Benefits

  • Analysis of potential risks beyond minimal risk
  • Risk mitigation strategies
  • Expected benefits to participants or broader community
  • Compensation details and payment conditions

6. Consent Process

  • Methods for obtaining informed consent
  • Documentation procedures
  • Multi-phase consent requirements if applicable
  • IRB approval statement and contact information

7. Data Protection 

  • Anonymity and confidentiality measures
  • Describe how data will be stored and for how long. 
  • Access restrictions
  • Contingency plans in the event you cannot implement your data protection procedures.

Please include with your protocol the following documents

  • Informed consent document
  • Parental permission forms (for minors)
  • Data collection instruments e.g. survey questions, focus group questions, etc.
  • Recruitment materials

Informed Consent Process

Informed consent is a comprehensive communication process, not merely a document signing. It ensures participants understand the research and can make a voluntary, knowledgeable decision about participation.

Essential Components

  • Clear explanation of research purpose
  • Description of potential risks and benefits
  • Statement of voluntary participation
  • Written in simple, accessible language with technical terms defined
  • Documentation that communication process occurred

Special Circumstances

  • Survey research may use implied consent through survey completion
  • Minors (under 18) require parental/guardian consent
  • Vulnerable adults need legal guardian approval (e.g. persons of diminished capacity and capable of giving assent)
  • Institutional permission may be needed for specific research settings (churches, hospitals, schools, organizations)

Documentation Requirements

  • Signed consent forms must follow federal policy guidelines
  • Forms must be retained for three years post-research
  • Documents must be available for IRB review
  • All forms must use IRB-approved templates

IRB Documents

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