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Scripture Search

Atla's Scripture Search

CTS subscribes to a number of different products from Atla, a membership association of librarians and information professionals, and a producer of research tools, committed to advancing the study of religion and theology.

The ATLASerials is one of the key databases at CTS for finding full-text journal and book articles as well as book reviews on religion or theology subjects.

ATLA Super Search will allow you to search across all of these products, including EBSCO's Jewish Studies Source.

Atla Scripture Search is a feature of the Atla databases. The tutorial below covers three different ways to search for scripture citations in the Bible, using Atla’s Scripture Search function, Bible Citation Index, and the Scripture Citation search field.

Scripture Searching

To search for ATLA articles or citations that include your Bible verse selection:

  1. Go to ATLA Super Search.
  2. Under More at the top, Select ScripturesATLA Hierarchical Scripture Authority ⇒Select Book you wish to find articles for.
  3. Locate the biblical book and click on the Expand button.
  4. Find your chapter and click on Expand.
  5. Click on the verse.
  6. This will find articles covering that verse or a range of verses including that verse.

Note that this search method will allow you to search one verse at a time. If you wish to search a range of verses, please consult the Scripture Citation/Reference Indices tab.

  1. Go to ATLA Super Search.
  2. Under More at the top, Select Indexes ⇒ Select one of the Indexes
  3. From the drop-down menu beside Browse an Index, select Scripture Citation (ATLA database) 
  4. In the Browse For search box, enter your biblical reference term (i.e. Romans 8:1-4)
  5. Use the Previous/Next buttons to move through the list to check the boxes by any relevant verses or ranges of verses. (Important note: A quirk of the Atla database is that the verses are not viewed as numbers but as alpha-numerical characters. This means that the verses will not be listed in exact numerical order but as follows:

Verse1, then verses 10-19

Verse 2, then verses 20-29

Verse 3, then verses 30-39,

Verses 4, then verses 40-49, and so on.

  1. Select the verses you wish to search, and click on the Add button below the Browse For search bar.
  2. Click Search.
  3. This will find articles on the specific verses or ranges of verses you selected
Use this approach to search for all scholarly articles assigned one of the authorized biblical books subject headings in the ATLA Religion Database.
  1. Under More at the top, Select Indexes ⇒ ATLA Religion Database with ATLA Serials
  2. From the drop-down menu beside Browse an Index, select Subjects All
  3. In Browse For search box, enter Bible. Name of Biblical Book (i.e Bible. Romans) You must include the period after Bible.
  4. Scroll through the list and select the topics that are relevant to your search.
  5. Click on the Add button below the Browse For search box.
  6. You can narrow results by date, source type, subject etc. in the left column or by adding a second search term in the search box (i.e (Bible.Romans) and Spirit)
  1. Login to ATLAS for Alumni
  2. At the top of the screen Select Scriptures
  3. Locate the biblical book and click on the Expand button.
  4. Find your chapter and click on Expand.
  5. Click on the verse.
  6. This will find articles covering that verse or a range of verses including that verse.