Welcome to the Learning Commons new website and search interface.
The design goals for the new website and search interface were drawn from the survey and series of focus group discussions with CTS faculty and students held in Fall 2023 to discern their needs and future goals of the Learning Commons . The new design retains many of the functionality that were identified as valuable and includes new features requested in the survey and focus groups. The existing link to the Learning Commons will remain the same.
Features of the new website include:
24/7 Live Chat services
We know students need access to library help outside of our working hours. The Learning Commons is now part of a national library cooperative, and students can access a librarian 24/7 to assist them.
Virtual Study Hall
Starting in Fall 2024, students can join the virtual study hall to study quietly with fellow students, or use the breakout rooms for collaborative work.
Mobile responsive design and Accessible Web Content
Optimization of the Learning Commons search interface and website for use on mobile devices and web accessibility.
Report a Problem
Links don't always lead you to the information you want. Use the easy reporting form to let us know when you encounter a problem.
Additional features of the new OneSearch interface include:
Expanded access to materials and subject areas
Search for materials held by the Learning Commons or expand your search to include materials across all I-Share Libraries (ie. academic libraries in Illinois that are part of the I-Share network). Book requests can be sent for pick-up at the Learning Commons or any I-Share library closer to you.
Borrow books by mail
Books in the circulating collection can be mailed to you from within an item record in OneSearch.
Easy digitization requests
Place digitization requests directly from the item record.
Customized search experience
Use your CTS login credentials to sign into your account and request books from any I-Share Library, place digitization or book mailing requests, save search queries or pin books or articles, and export records to citation management systems.
Easier Discovery
Explore and learn through virtual title browsing, tracking citation trails, and suggested article recommendations.
Seamless integration with other search platforms
Repeat your search query in Google Scholar, WorldCat or the Internet Archive (forthcoming).
Sign-up for one of the virtual webinars about navigating the new search interface.