Learning Commons Updates

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profile-icon Yasmine Abou-El-Kheir
No Subjects

Welcome to the Learning Commons new website and search interface.

The design goals for the new website and search interface were drawn from the survey and series of focus group discussions with CTS faculty and students held in Fall 2023 to discern their needs and future goals of the Learning Commons . The new design retains many of the functionality that were identified as valuable and includes new features requested in the survey and focus groups. The existing link to the Learning Commons will remain the same.

New Learning Commons' website
New Learning Commons' homepage



Features of the new website include:


  • 24/7 Live Chat services

We know students need access to library help outside of our working hours. The Learning Commons is now part of a national library cooperative, and students can access a librarian 24/7 to assist them.

  • Virtual Study Hall

Starting in Fall 2024, students can join the virtual study hall to study quietly with fellow students, or use the breakout rooms for collaborative work.

  • Mobile responsive design and Accessible Web Content

Optimization of the Learning Commons search interface and website for use on mobile devices and web accessibility.

  • Report a Problem

Links don't always lead you to the information you want. Use the easy reporting form to let us know when you encounter a problem.


Additional features of the new OneSearch interface include:


  • Expanded access to materials and subject areas

Search for materials held by the Learning Commons or expand your search to include materials across all I-Share Libraries (ie. academic libraries in Illinois that are part of the I-Share network). Book requests can be sent for pick-up at the Learning Commons or any I-Share library closer to you.

  • Borrow books by mail

Books in the circulating collection can be mailed to you from within an item record in OneSearch.

  • Easy digitization requests

Place digitization requests directly from the item record.

  • Customized search experience

Use your CTS login credentials to sign into your account and request books from any I-Share Library, place digitization or book mailing requests, save search queries or pin books or articles, and export records to citation management systems.

  • Easier Discovery

Explore and learn through virtual title browsing, tracking citation trails, and suggested article recommendations.

  • Seamless integration with other search platforms

Repeat your search query in Google Scholar, WorldCat or the Internet Archive (forthcoming).

Sign-up for one of the virtual webinars about navigating the new search interface.



profile-icon Yasmine Abou-El-Kheir
No Subjects

The Learning Commons staff is on hand to answer your research questions.

Simply click on the "24/7 Chat" button on the right-hand side of the Learning Commons website, and submit your question. One of the Learning Commons staff will respond shortly during regular hours. 

Ouside of our working hours, we know students still need access to library help. The Learning Commons is now part of a national library cooperative, and students can access a librarian 24/7 to assist them. 

Access to Live Chat is also available within OneSearch as well.

profile-icon Yasmine Abou-El-Kheir
No Subjects

There are a number of ways you can find help in the Learning Commons. 

Help from Library Staff

  1. LiveChat Reach out to library staff in real-time using the red LiveChat widget on the Learning Commons website. Library staff are available during the following hours: Monday-Friday from 10:00am to 5:00 pm. You can still submit your questions after-hours via the LiveChat widget.
  2. A 1:1 reference consultation can be arranged by appointment via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.Evening hours are available on Tuesday nights. You can schedule a Zoom or Microsoft Teams session with the librarian using the Calendly app. A link to the appointment will be automatically emailed to you.
  3. Virtual drop-in hours will be available every Thursday from 7:00-9:00pm CST starting March 9. Here's the Zoom link: https://ctschicago-edu.zoom.us/j/98182107910
  4. Email: Send your research request via email to library@ctschicago.edu.
  5. Call the Learning Commons during our office hours at 773-896-2450.

Evening Hours

Members of the CTS community can schedule a reference appointment on Monday nights OR make use of the virtual drop-in hours via Zoom on Thursday evenings.

Online Library Workshops

Streamline your research process and register for any of the various online research workshops in the Learning Commons.

Learning Commons FAQ

Check our FAQ for a list of commonly asked questions. If you do not find an answer to your question, you can submit one using this form.

To our new and returning students, please take the time to review the Getting Started Guide for help navigating the Learning Commons.

Any updates or changes to services in the Learning Commons due to COVID-19 will be posted in this guide.


Borrow Materials from I-Share

You can now request materials such as books, DVDs and CDs from any of the I-Share libraries, a network of academic and research libraries in Illinois.

Materials can be sent to the Learning Commons or to any I-Share library. If you wish materials to be mailed to you please select Lapp Learning Commons in the Preferred Local Pickup Location, and then note in the comments section that you wish this book to be mailed to you. 

Please consult this guide on how to place borrowing requests through OneSearch.

You can also go to any I-Share library with your CTS ID card and borrow books directly in person. Here is the listing of participating libraries in the I-Share network.

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